Karmen Kenda-Jež, Ph.D.

Research Fellow, Fran Ramovš Institute of the Slovenian Language, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Office: Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 4/IV, No. 408
Tel.: 01 4706 222
Email: carmen@zrc-sazu.si
Office hours: Wednesday from 12.00 noon to 2.00 p.m.
- BA in Slovenian language and literature (University of Ljubljana, 1988),
- Ph.D. in Slovenian linguistics (University of Ljubljana, 2003).
Dialectological fieldwork:
- north-east Poland (Polish dialects at the (present-day) border with Lithuania and Ukraine – dialectolological research camp, July 1985);
- Cerkno and its surroundings (the Cerkno dialect, 1986–1994);
- Podbrdo and its surroundings (the Bača subdialect – Alpine Youth Research Camp, August 1995);
- Kanalska dolina (Val Canale) (the Zilja dialect, Slovenian in a linguistically mixed environment – Research Camps of the Slovenian Cultural Centre Planika, since 2003);
- gathering dialect material for the Slovenian Linguistic Atlas (SLA): Marija na Zilji / Maria Gail (AT), Pernice, Ravnice (HR) (the Zilja dialect, the North Pohorje-Remšnik dialect, the Kostel dialect, since 2006).
Research interests:
- dialectology, social dialectology and sociolinguistics: theoretical and methodological problems;
- linguistic geography of the Slovenian and Slavic languages;
- methodology of spoken language research;
- transcribing spoken language;
- languages in contact, language/dialect loss;
- (dialect) lexicography: dictionary as a structured database intended for linguistic, ethnological, sociological and anthropological research;
- phonetics and phonology;
- history of (Slovenian) linguistics;
- linguistic thought of Jan Baudouin de Courtenay.
- visiting researcher within the Slavic Linguistic Atlas project, Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (January, November 2011).
- member of the Slavic Linguistic Atlas Commission (OLA) at the International Committee of Slavists (since 1997), head of the Slovenian National Commission OLA (since 2008);
- member of the editorial board of the journal Jezikoslovni zapiski and the journal Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego (Łódź, Poland);
- lecturer in sociolinguistics at the School of Humanities at the University of Nova Gorica (since 2007).
- Bitenc, M. and K. Kenda-Jež, 2015. Language variation in Slovene: a case study of two geographically mobile speakers. In: Eivind Torgersen et al. (eds.), Language variation – European perspectives In: Selected papers from the Seventh International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 7), Trondheim, June 2013, Amsterdam; Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 31–42.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2012. Slovenska narečja v Slovanskem lingvističnem atlasu (OLA). Slavistica vilnensis, Kalbotyra 57, Issue 2, pp. 57–75.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2007, 22015. Shranli smo jih v bančah: slovarski prispevek k poznavanju oblačilne kulture v Kanalski dolini = contributo lessicale alla conoscenza dell’abbigliamento in Val Canale. Ukve: S.K.S. Planika Kanalska dolina; Slori: ATS Od me-je; Ljubljana: Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU.
- Kenda-Jež, K. Strukturalizem v slovenski dialektologiji = Structuralism in Slovenian dialectology. In: Ada Vidovič-Muha (ed.), Slovensko jezikoslovje danes = Slovenian linguistics today, Slavistična revija 54, Special Issue), pp. 115–124.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2005. Fonološki opis govora Ovčje vasi. In: Nataša Gliha Komac et al. (eds.), Ovčja vas in njena slovenska govorica: raziskovalni tabor Kanalska dolina 2003 = Valbruna e la sua parlata slovena: stage di ricerca Val Canale 2003. Ukve: Slovensko kulturno središče Planika, Kanalska dolina; Ljubljana: Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU; Založba ZRC, 2005, pp. 85–128.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2005. Narečna besedila iz Ovčje vasi. In: Nataša Gliha Komac et al. (eds.), Ovčja vas in njena slovenska govorica: raziskovalni tabor Kanalska dolina 2003 = Valbruna e la sua parlata slovena: stage di ricerca Val Canale 2003. Ukve: Slovensko kulturno središče Planika, Kanalska dolina; Ljubljana: Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU; Založba ZRC, 2005, pp. 129–190.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2004. Narečje kot jezikovnozvrstna kategorija v sodobnem jezikoslovju. In: Erika Kržišnik (ed.), Aktualizacija jezikovnozvrstne teorije na Slovenskem: členitev jezikovne resničnosti, Obdobja 22, Metode in zvrsti. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete, 2004, pp. 263–276.
- Kenda-Jež, K. 2002. Model idealnega govorca v slovenskih dialektoloških raziskavah. In: Marko Jesenšek et al. (eds.). Med dialektologijo in zgodovino slovenskega jezika: ob življenjskem in strokovnem jubileju prof. dr. Martine Orožen, Maribor: Slavistično društvo, 2002, pp. 150–165.

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Karmen Kenda-Jež, Ph.D.,
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