Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU
PS ZRC SAZU aims towards the highest quality of its study programme at the second and third level of Bologna higher education system. The programme is based on research and education process in an intensive and innovative setting. The knowledge is formed through creative dialogue between researchers, teachers and students and is transmitted to a younger generation and a wider cultural, social and economic environment. PS ZRC SAZU strives to strengthen the role of science as one of the key factors for cultural, social and economic development.
PS ZRC SAZU is realizing its mission as a centre of excellence where basic research is intertwined with postgraduate education. By offering a sophisticated and well-defined spectrum of knowledge in the fields of humanities and social sciences it opens up new research areas, encourages cooperation with domestic and foreign research institutions, and builds up international links with different postgraduate studies in humanities and social sciences.

PS ZRC SAZU is a high quality institution focused on research and education in the fields of humanities and social sciences. As a competitive higher education institution, it is recognised at home and abroad. We expect from our teachers that their outcomes display broad international reputation. read more»

The lecturers at the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU participate in research programmes and projects funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS). The research teams in research programmes are made of a large number of researchers who have successfully completed Ph.D. and whose research on some common theme and field of study lasts over a longer period (five years, for example). read more »

Postgraduate school (PS) ZRC SAZU was established as a private, research focused and student friendly higher education institution offering postgraduate studies (M.A. and Ph.D. degrees) in the fields of humanities and social sciences. The Management Board of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (ZRC SAZU) founded the Postgraduate school ZRC SAZU on 22 April 2011. read more »