Assoc. Prof. Duška Kneževič Hočevar, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, Družbenomedicinski inštitut ZRC SAZU (Sociomedical Institute ZRC SAZU)
Office: ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2/I, No. 102
Tel.: +386 1 4706 442
Tutorials: Wednesday 10 – 12 a.m.
- B. Sc. in Analytical Sociology: former Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences, and Journalism (now Faculty of Social Sciences), University of Ljubljana, 1990;
- M. Sc. in Theoretical Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, 1994;
- Ph.D. in Historical Anthropology, Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis (ISH) – The Graduate Faculty of Humanities, Ljubljana, 1998.
- Pomurje (NE Slovenia, NUTS 3) – “developed farms” in the following settlements: Bolehnečici, Noršinci, Bokrači, Sodišinci, Bodonci, Černelavci and Bogojina in years, 2012 and 2013.
- Prekmurje (part of Pomurje region) – multigenerational family farms in the following settlements: Zenkovci, Bodonci, Lemerje, Sodišinci and Bokrači in 2009;
- Border region between Slovenia and Croatia – border settlements (Miliči, Paunoviči, Marindol, Bojanci, Adlešiči, Grbajel) in the Lower Kolpa river valley in years: 2001, 2002 and 2003; border settlements in the Western Žumberak (Croatia): Doljani, Dragoševci, Dučići, Radatovići, Pilatovci, Ozalj in years: 2002, 2003 and 2005; border settlements in Bela krajina (Slovenia): Brezovica, Metlika in 2005;
- Border region between Slovenia and Croatia – border settlements (Slovenian and Croatian Kuželj, Grbajel, Osilnica, Sela, Vas-Fara, Delnice, Čabar) in the Upper Kolpa river valley in years: 1993, 1996 and 1999.
Research interest:
- Rurality and domestic violence;
- Family farming (risk and uncertainty, developmental strategies, social suffering, sustainable development, gender and generations relationships on the farms, agricultural national and global politics);
- Demographic anthropology (fertility behaviour, ageing, fertility-migration nexus, demographic models of population dynamics, demographical anthropology as alternative demography);
- International borders (processes of collective identifications, political and nation-building discourses on borders/boundaries, local understandings of boundaries);
- Ethnicity and nationalism.
- 2005: nine-day summer school in the framework of international pedagogic project (The International Higher Education Support Programme of the Open Society Institute-HESP; 2003-2006); Summer School 2: post-colony and post-socialism contexts in social scientific writing and teaching. Ulcinj, Črna Gora (Montenegro), 4-13 August.
- 2006: one-week teaching tour in the framework of international pedagogic project HESP: D. Knežević Hočevar. Fertility as constitutive topic of nationalist discourse: media representing nation’s reproduction in post-socialist Slovenia: [Univ. of Bucharest, Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication Studies, 14 April]. D. Knežević Hočevar. How nationhood is shaped through the discussion of reproduction: some dilemmas in studying the national population [Univ. ‘Ştefan cel Mare’ of Suceava, 17 April].
- 2010: two-week guest visiting at the Univ. of Stavanger – Faculty of Arts and Education, in the framework of the Norwegian mechanism – Teaching Mobility. Lectures: D. Knežević Hočevar. Demographic engineering: talk about the fertility migration nexus [seminar entitled ‘Migration in Europe: New Dimensions, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Plural Perspectives’, Univ. of Stavanger, 26 September-13 October]. Stavanger. Viewpoints on migration, gender and family: [seminar entitled ‘Migration in Europe: New Dimensions, Interdisciplinary Approaches, Plural Perspectives’, University of Stavanger, 26 September-13 October].
- Faculty member in the African-European Erasmus Mundus Master Course in Migration Studies (European Master in Migration and Intercultural Relations – EMMIR; elective course: Situating Fertility in Population Dynamics), University of Nova Gorica;
- founding member (1992) and former secretary (1996-1998) of the Slovenian anthropological society (Društvo antropologov Slovenije – DAS);
- Since 1994 holds membership in the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA);
- From 1997 to 2005 was a founding member and member of the Administrative board of the international Centro studi sulle aree di confine – Centre for Border Area Studies, BAS-SAC (1997) in Tarvisio, Italy;
- From 2001 to 2003 was a member of the American Anthropological Association (AAA);
- Since 2001 holds membership in the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP).
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. »Kdor ne tvega, ni kmet!«: k antropologiji tveganja in negotovosti (“The person who does not take a risk is not a farmer!” Towards anthropology of risk and uncertainty). Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 2015, 55 (3/4): 61‒69.
- Anthropological notebooks. Knežević Hočevar, Duška (guest editor 2014). [Tiskana izd.]. Ljubljana: Društvo antropologov Slovenije: = Slovene Anthropological Society, 1995-.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Černič Istenič, Majda. In pursuit of knowledge-based Slovenia: is knowledge transfer to agriculture stuck in faculties? Anthropological notebooks, ISSN 1408-032X. [Tiskana izd.], 2014, 20 (3): 103‒120.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Community care of older people in rural setting a case study from Slovenia. Anthropological notebooks, ISSN 1408-032X. [Tiskana izd.], 2014, 20 (1): 35‒50.
- Černič Istenič, Majda, Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Intergenerational assistance on family farms in Slovenia: expectations and practices. Eastern European Countryside, 2013, 19: 77‒103, doi: 10.2478/eec-2013-0005.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2013. Etnografija medgeneracijskih odnosov: Dom in delo na kmetijah skozi življenjske pripovedi (Ethnography of Intergenerational Relationships: Home and Work on Farms through Life Stories). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2012. Family farms in Slovenia: who did the measures ‘setting up of yourng farmers’ and ‘early retirement’ actually address? Family farms in Slovenia: who did the measures ‘setting up of young farmers’ and ‘early retirement’ actually address? Anthropological notebooks, 18 (1): 65‒89.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2011. To plan cross-border cooperation through the developmental programme Slovenia-Croatia 2007-2013: an anthropologist’s objections. In: Anita Ziegerhofer-Prettenthaler, Michael Kissener, Jan Kusber, (eds.). Zwischenräume: Grenznahe Beziehungen in Europa seit den 1970er Jahren. Innsbruck; Wien; Bozen: Studien Verlag, pp. 147–159.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Zamišljanje nacionalnega prebivalstva Slovenije v dokumentih o njegovi demografski obnovi (Imagining national population in the documents of its demographic renewal). In: Petrović, Tanja (ed.), Politike reprezentacije v Jugovzhodni Evropi na prelomu stoletij, (Kulturni spomin, ISSN 2232-3872). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2011, pp. 22‒59.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2011. Obrazi migracij v govoru o rodnosti (Faces of Migration in Discussions about Fertility). Dve domovini, 33: 7–22.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška, Černič Istenič, Majda. 2010. Dom in delo na kmetijah: raziskava odnosov med generacijami in spoloma (Home and Work on Farms: The Study of Generations and Gender Relationships). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. The Kolpa River as linguistic and/or political border line between Slovenia and Croatia. In: Promitzer, Christian, Klaus-Jürgen Hermanik, Eduard G. Staudinger (eds.). (Hidden) minorities: language and ethnic identity between Central Europe and the Balkans, (Studies on South East Europe, vol. 5). Wien; Berlin: Lit, cop. 2009, pp. 217–236.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Antropološka demografija: spodletela združitev antropologije in demografije? (Anthropological Demography: A Failed Merger of Anthropology and Demography?). Glasnik Slovenskega etnološkega društva, 2008, 48 (1/2): 5–12.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. 2007. A diploma and children; having both: a case study. Anthropological notebooks, 13 (2): 73–94.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Ideologies of ‘Fortress Europe’ in two Slovenian-Croatian borderlands: case studies from Žumberak and Bela krajina. In: Armstrong, Warwick, James Anderson (eds.). Geopolitics of European Union enlargement: the fortress empire, (Transnationalism, Routledge research in transnationalism, 20). London; New York: Routledge, cop. 2007, pp. [206] –222.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. Ali se Žumberčani večinoma poročajo med seboj?: primer župnije v Radatovićih (Have been people from the Žumberak region in Croatia mostly intermarrying among themselves? The case of the Žumberak parish in Radatovići). Dve domovini, 2007, 25: 109–134.
- Knežević Hočevar, Duška. ‘We were as one’: local and national narratives of a border regime between Slovenia and Croatia. In: Anderson, James, Liam O’Dowd, Thomas M. Wilson (eds.). Culture and cooperation in Europe’s borderlands, (European studies, ISSN 1568-1858, 19). Amsterdam; New York: Rodopi, 2003, pp. 171–194.

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Karmen Kenda-Jež, Ph.D.,
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