Prof. Tanja Petrović, Ph.D.
Research Adviser, Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Office: ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 2/II, No. 303
Tel.: 01 4706 415
Office hours: Wednesday 10 – 12
B.Sc. Linguistics (University of Belgrade, 1998)
M.Sc. Linguistics (University of Belgrade, 2002)
Ph.D. Sociolinguistics (Ljubljana Postgraduate School of Humanities Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis, 2005)
Research interests:
- Anthropology of Post-Yugoslav Societies;
- Anthropology of Humour and Laughter;
- Anthropology of Labour;
- Memory, legacies, heritage;
- Discourses and language ideologies;
- Photography and visual culture.
- CEEPUS scholarship, Department of Southeastern European History, University of Graz, Austria (2000);
- Visiting researcher, Polish Academy of Sciences and Arts, Warsaw (2003);
- Fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies Sofia (2005–2006);
- Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vienna (2006)
- Fellowship of the French Embassy in Slovenia, L’École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (2008);
- Visiting Researcher, Osaka University, Centre for World Languages, Osaka, Japan (2008);
- Fellow, Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, Germany (2010–2011);
- Visiting fellow, The Institute for East and Southeast Europe, University of Regensburg, Germany (2013);
- Fellow, The Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, Wassenaar (2013–2014).
- Head of the Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts;
- Member of the Advisory Board of the International Association for Southeast European Antropology (InASEA);
- Editor in chief of the book series Cultural Memory, ZRC SAZU Publishing house
- Petrović, T. 2015. Srbija i njen jug: “Junjažki dijalekti” između jezika, kulture i politike. Belgrade: Fabrika knjiga.
- Petrović, T. 2015. Serbia in the Mirror: Parodying Political and Media Discourses. Slavic Review 74(2), 288-310.
- Petrović, T. 2015. Portraits of Yugoslav Army soldiers: between partisan and pop-culture imagery. In M. Jakiša, N. Gilić (eds.), Partisans in Yugoslavia: Literature, film and visual culture. Bielefeld: Transcript, 137–156.
- Petrović, T. (ed.). 2014. Mirroring Europe: Ideas of Europe and Europeanization in Balkan Societies. Leiden – Boston: Brill.
- Petrović, T. 2014. Multicultural dynamics and heritage (re)appropriation in Bela krajina: negotiating the heritage of the Serbian Orthodox community. Dve domovini 39, 89-102.
- Petrović, T. 2013. Museums and workers: negotiating industrial heritage in the former Yugoslavia. Narodna umjetnost, 50(1), 96-119.
- Petrović, T. 2013. Jugoslovenski socializam u muzeju: socijalističko nasleđe kao kulturna baština. In M. Kolanović (ed.), Komparativni postsocijalizam: slavenska iskustva. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta, Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 31-46.
- Petrović, T. 2013. The past that binds us: Yugonostalgia as the politics of future. In: S. Pavlović, M. Živković (eds.), Transcending fratricide: political mythologies, reconciliations, and the uncertain future in the former Yugoslavia. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 129–147.
- Petrović, T. 2012. Yuropa: Jugoslovensko nasleđe i politike budućnosti u postjugoslovenskim društvima. Beograd: Fabrika knjiga (German translation: Yuropa: das jugoslawische Vermächtnis und Zukunftsstrategien in postjugoslawischen Gesellschaften. Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, 2015).
- Petrović, T. 2012. Contested normality: negotiating masculinity in narratives of Service in the Yugoslav People’s Army. In: D. Koleva (ur.), Negotiating normality: everyday lives in socialist institutions. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 83-102.
- Petrović, T. 2011. The political dimension of post-social memory practices : self-organized choirs in the former Yugoslavia. Defragmenting Yugoslavia, (Südosteuropa, Jg. 59, H. 3). Regensburg: Südost-Institut, 315-329.
- Petrović, T. (ed.). 2011. Politike reprezentacije v Jugovzhodni Evropi na prelomu stoletij Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Petrović, T. 2010. “When we were Europe”: Socialist workers in Serbia and their nostalgic narratives. In: M. Todorova (ed.), Remembering Communism: genres of representation. New York: Social Science Research Council, 127–153.
- Petrović, T. 2010. Officers without an army: Memories of socialism and everyday strategies in post-socialist Slovenia. In: B. Luthar, M. Pušnik (eds.), Remembering utopia: The culture of everyday life in socialist Yugoslavia. Washington: New Academia, 93–118.
- Petrović, T. 2010. Nostalgia for the JNA?: Remembering the army in the former Yugoslavia. In: M. Todorova, Z. Gille (eds.). Post-communist nostalgia. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 61–81.
- Petrović, T. 2009. The idea of Europe or Europe without ideas?: Discourses on the “Western Balkans” as a mirror of modern European identity. In: H. Fassmann (ed.), Kulturen der Differenz: Transformationsprozesse in Zentraleuropa nach 1989: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven. [Göttingen]: V&R Unipress, 137–147.
- Petrović, T. 2009. Dolga pot domov: Reprezentacije Zahodnega Balkana v političnem in medijskem diskurzu. Ljubljana: Mirovni inštitut.
- Petrović, T. 2008. Serbs, Albanians, and those in between : the gradation of otherness and identity management in the nation-building process. Dve domovini / Two homelands (27), 67–81.
- Petrović, T. 2007. The territory of the former Yugoslavia in “the mental maps” of former Yugoslavs : nostalgia for space. Spr. Narodowościowe 2007, z. 31, 263–273.
- Petrović, T. 2006. Such were the times: Serbian peasant women born in the 1920s and 1930s and the stories of their lives. Balcanica 37, 47–59.
- Petrović, T. 2006. Ne tu, ne tam : Srbi v Beli krajini in njihova jezikovna ideologija v procesu zamenjave jezika. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC (Serbian translation: Srbi u Beloj Krajni: jezička ideologija i proces zamene jezika. Belgrade: The Institute for Balkan Studies, 2009).
- Petrović, T. 2006. Zdravica kod balkanskih Slovena: etnolingvistički pogled. Beograd: Balkanološki institut SANU.

Anthropology of consciousness and practices of awareness
Asst. Prof. Maja Petrović Šteger, Ph. D.,
Epistemological pluralism and “decolonizing” methods in ethnographic research
Assoc. Prof. Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen, Ph.D.,
Research Methodology in Anthropological Linguistics
Prof. Borut Telban, Ph.D.,
Karmen Kenda-Jež, Ph.D.,
Space and movement: towards anthropology of locations and migrations
Asst. Prof. Nataša Gregorič Bon, Ph.D.,