Asst. Prof. Martin Pogačar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Cultural History, Research Associate at Institute of Culture and Memory Studies ZRC SAZU
- Ph.D., Comparative studies of ideas and cultures, University of Nova Gorica, 2012
- MA, Central and Southeast European studies, SSEES, University College London, 2005
- BA, Cultural studies, Faculty of social sciences, University of Ljubljana, 2003
Research interests:
His research interests include media memory studies, technology, memory and post-socialism, questions of insecurity, uncertainty, future and anticipation and the problematics of the culture of the past. He is also interested in the future of Yugoslav popular music, archiving in the digital age and Yugoslav automobile heritage.
- “Culture of the Past: Digital Connectivity and Dispotentiated Futures”. In: Hoskins, Andrew (ed.). Digital memory studies: Media pasts in transition. London, New York: Routledge, 2018.
- (in Ana Hofman) “Partisan resistance today?: the music of the national liberation struggle and social engagement”. In: Kozorog, Miha (ed.), Muršič, Rajko (ed.). Sounds of attraction: Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav popular music, Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete, 2017, 21-39.
- “Digital afterlife: ex-Yugoslav pop-cultural icons and social media”. In: Beronja, Vlad (ed.), Vervaet, Stijn (ed.). Post-Yugoslav constellations: archive, memory and trauma in contemporary Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian literature and culture. Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter. 2016, 279-300.
- Fičko po Jugoslaviji: zvezda domačega avtomobilizma med cestami in spomini, Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2016.
- Media archaeologies, micro-archives and storytelling: re-presencing the past, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
- “Medijsko posredovana življenja jugoslovanskega avtomobila”. Dialogi, 2016, 52, 9, 114-127.
- “Music and memory: Yugoslav rock in social media”. Southeastern Europe, 2015, 39, 2, 215-236.
- “Digital heritage: co-historicity and the multicultural heritage of former Yugoslavia”. Dve domovini: razprave o izseljenstvu, 2014, 39, 111-124.
- “Empowering digital memorials: post-Yugoslav dealings with socialist past”. In: Fawns, Tim (ed.). Memory and meaning: digital differences, Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press. 2013, 99-114,
- “‘Game over’: računalniki, socializem in spomin”. In: Duraković, Lada (ed.), Matošević, Andrea (ed.). Socijalizam na klupi: jugoslavensko društvo očima nove postjugoslavenske humanistike. Zagreb: Srednja Europa; Pula: Sveučilište Jurja Dobrile, 2013, 317-349.
- “Traces of Yugoslavia: Yuniverse beyond nostalgia”. V: Hayoz, Nicolas (ed.), Jesien, Leszek (ed.), Koleva, Daniela (ed.). 20 years after the collapse of communism: expectations, achievements and disillusions of 1989. Bern: P. Lang. 2011, 435-459.
- “Predvajaj svojo preteklost: YouTube in vernakularne digitalizacije jugoslovanske preteklosti”. In: Petrović, Tanja (ur.), et al. Politike reprezentacije v Jugovzhodni Evropi na prelomu stoletij. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2011, 279-311.
- “Yu-rock in the 1980s: between urban and rural”. Nationalities papers: the journal of nationalism and ethnicity, 2008, 36, 5, 815-832.

Remembering Socialism in Central and Southeastern Europe
Prof. Tanja Petrović, Ph.D.,
Iva Kosmos, Ph. D. ,