Assoc. Prof. Petra Svoljšak, Ph.D.

Principal Research Associate and Head of Milko Kos Historical Institute at ZRC SAZU, associate professor at Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.
Adress: Novi trg 2. SI – 1000 Ljubljana
+386 (0)1 4706 202
Education and habilitations:
- 1991, BA in History and English language with literature, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
- 1998, Ph.D. in Historical Sciences University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts
- 2009, Research Counsellor, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts in Ljubljana
- 1999, Assistant Professor, Contemporary History, University of Ljubljana
- 2004, Assistant Professor, Cultural History, University of Nova Gorica
- 2012, Associate Professor, Cultural History, University of Nova Gorica
- 2018, Associate Professor, Cultural History, Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU
- 2018, Associate Professor, Cultural History, Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU
Occupation and management
- From 1991 (full time), Milko Kos Historical Institute, ZRC SAZU
- From 2006 Programme Director of Bachelor’s programme in Cultural history, University of Nova Gorica
- From 2010 Head of Milko Kos Historical Institute, ZRC SAZU
Project Management and collaboration
- 1999–2001, Postdoc project, Slovenes and the Austrian censorship during World War I;
- 2004–2007, collaboration and formation of the project, Transformation of the memory – propaganda and commemoration as the constituent part of the First Wordl ;
- 2009–2012, project leader, Cultural demography of the First Wordl War;
- 2004–2006, project leader, Slovenian army. Short history – long tradition;
- 2006–2008, project leader, For the freedom of the homeland: the front in the Julian Alps 1915-1917;
- 2013-2015, programme leader, Basic research of the Slovenian cultural past
- 2017 – 2020, project leader, Refugees – a never ending story
Fields of research:
Her research is focused on the history of the first world war and its cultural history context. In a broader sense she engages in social and political history of the 19th and 20th century.
- World War I, civil experience, refugees, occupations, censorship,
- war regime, everyday life, victims of war,
- memory of the War,
- World War I heritage for UNESCO World Heritage List
Vice-president of the Slovenian National Committee for the Commemorations of the First World war centenaries (2014 – 2018)
- Soča, sveta reka : italijanska zasedba slovenskega ozemlja (1915-1917), (Soča, the Sacred River: the Italian occupation of the Slovenian territory (1915 – 1917). Ljubljana: Nova revija, 2003.
- Vojna – vzrok in spodbujevalka migracij : primer 1. svetovne vojne in slovenskega prostora. IN: ŠTIH, Peter (ur.), BALKOVEC, Bojan (ur.). Migracije in slovenski prostor od antike do danes,). Ljubljana: Zveza zgodovinskih društev Slovenije, 2010, 226-244.
- Gorizia (Gorica), a damned and sacred city between two fires. Studia Historica Slovenica, 2011, letn. 11, N. 1, 79-109.
- SVOLJŠAK, Petra, GODEŠA, Bojan. Italian interwar administration of Slovenian ethnic territory : Italian ethnic policy. IN: DORNIK, Wolfram (ed.), et al. Frontwechsel : Österreich-Ungarns “Großer Krieg” im Vergleich. Wien; Köln; Weimar: Böhlau, 2014, 303-323.
- The language policy of the Italian army in the occupied Slovenian territories, 1915-17. IN: FOOTITT, Hilary (ur.), KELLY, Michael (ur.). Languages and the military : alliances, occupation and peace building, (Palgrave studies in languages at war). Basingstoke; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 70-85.
- French rule. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 253-261.
- In the shackles of political parties. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 330-361.
- The other side of history. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 362-366.
- The pre-March era, the time of non-freedom. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 262-276.
- The Slovenes in the constitutional era. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 293-324.
- Unity and national existence. IN: LUTHAR, Oto (ur.), et al. The land between : a history of Slovenia. 2nd., revised ed. Frankurt am Main [etc.]: P. Lang, 2013, 325-329.
- Slovenian Historiography and Collective Memory of World War I in the First Yugoslavia (1918 – 1941). In: Jozef Niznik (ed). Twentieth Century wars and European Memory. (Studie in social sciences, philosophy and history of ideas, volume 1). Peter Lang Edition, 2013, 205 – 216.
- Between losing and winning : the war balance – the Slovenian case. IN: MARKÓ, György (ur.), SCHMIDT, Mária (ur.). Europe’s fraternal war 1914-1918. Budapest: Kozep- és Kelet-európai Történelem és Társadalom Kutatásáért Közalapítvány, 2014, 249-261.
- Prva svetovna vojna in Slovenci : 1994-2014. Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino, 2015/55, N. 2, 143-171.
- Ženske v gospodarstvu prve svetovne vojne. IN: ŠORN, Mojca (ur.), VODOPIVEC, Nina (ur.), LAZAREVIĆ, Žarko (ur.). Žensko delo : delo žensk v zgodovinski perspektivi, (Zbirka Vpogledi, ISSN 2350-5656, 12). Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, 2015, 179-194.
- The sacrificed Slovenian memory of the Great War In: Sacrifice and rebirth / edited by Mark Cornwall and John Paul Newman. – New York ; Oxford : Berghahn Books, cop. 2016. – (Austrian and Habsburg studies ; vol. 18). Pp. 216-232.
- War, memory, and geography : the geographical perception of Slovenians in the First World War. IN: DANIELSSON, Sarah Kristina (ur.), JACOB, Frank (ur.). War and Geography : the spatiality of organized mass violence, (War (Hi)stories, Bd. 1). Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 2017 , 133-145.

Remembering Socialism in Central and Southeastern Europe
Prof. Tanja Petrović, Ph.D.,
Iva Kosmos, Ph. D. ,