Sustainable governance of landscapes
Environmental and Regional Studies (3rd level)
Modul:Biodiversity and ecology (3rd Cycle)
Paleobiology and sedimentary geology (3rd Cycle)
Regional studies (3rd Cycle)
Course code: DI007
Year of study: without
Course principals:
Asst. Prof. Blaž Komac, Ph. D.
Asst. Prof. Mateja Šmid Hribar, Ph. D.
Workload: lectures 40 hours, seminar 20 hours, individual work 120 hours.
Course type: common elective
Languages: Slovene, English
Learning and teaching methods: lectures, seminar, e-learning, individual work.
Course syllabus (download)
Second-cycle Bologna degree in the relevant track or a university (level VII) degree.
Content (Syllabus outline):
- landscape as a spatial system of interaction between man and nature
- landscape elements and their functions in the past and the present
- sustainable development of cultural landscapes as a synergy between security and development
- management of natural and social resources in the case of sustainable management of shared resources and natural disasters
- importance and protection of tangible and intangible heritage in the landscape
- ecosystem services provided by the landscape
- historical development of land management and comparison of management practices in Slovenia and in other (mainly neighboring, for example, Alpine) countries.
- Biggs, R. M. Schlüter, M.L. Schoon (eds) (2015). Principles for Building Resilience – Sustaining Ecosystem Services in Social-Ecological Systems. Cambridge University Press.
- Bogataj, N. (ed) (2013). Znamenja trajnosti. Ljubljana. Internet: (10. 2. 2015).
- Burby, R. I. 1998: Cooperating with nature – confronting natural hazards with land-use planning for sustainable communities. Washington.
- Duraippah, A. K., Asah, S. T., Brondizio, E. S., Kosoy, N., O’Farrell, P. J., Prieur-Richard, A., Subramanian, S. M., Takeuchi, K. (2014). Managing the mismatches to provide ecosystem services for human well-being: a conceptual framework for understanding the New Commons. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 7. Amsterdam.
- Fisher, B., Turner, R. K., Morling, P. (2009). Defining and classifying ecosystem services for decision making. Ecological Economics 68-3. Amsterdam.
- Mikoš, M., Fazarinc, R., Majes, B. 2007: Delineation of risk area in Log pod Mangartom due to debris flows from the Stože landslide. Acta geographica Slovenica 47-2.
- Ostrom, E. (2005). Understanding Institutional Diversity. Princeton University Press.
- Petek, F., Urbanc, M. (2007). Skupna zemljišča v Sloveniji. Geografski vestnik 79-2. Ljubljana.
- Renn, O. 2008: Risk governance – coping with uncertainty in a complex world. London.
- Walker, G., Whittle, R., Medd, W., Watson, N. 2010: Risk governance and natural hazards.
- Wisner, B., Blaikie, P., Cannon, T., Davis, I. 1994: At risk – natural hazards, people’s vulnerability and disasters. Routledge.
- Zhou, H., Wang, J., Wan, J., Jia, H. 2010: Resilience to natural hazards: a geographic perspective. Natural Hazards 53-1.
- Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2015: Naravne nesreče kot razvojni izziv. Globalni izzivi in regionalni razvoj. Ljubljana.
Objectives and competences:
The aim of the course is to present the concept of landscape as a socio-natural system with interactions of man and nature on several levels.
The aim of the course is to demonstrate that by the changing landscapes man also changes its functions and processes. and among other things, on ecosystem services and hydro-geomorphic processes that cause natural disasters.
Proper understanding of landscape elements, their functions and related processes that can be influenced by management is vital in sustainable management. Knowledge on tangible and intangible heritage is helpful in understanding the landscape and process, particularly with regard to their protection, since management is a sustainable activity.
The importance of shared resources management and adaptation to natural disasters will also be presented to students.
Students will be able to understand the landscape and transdisciplinary research with the synthesis of the knowledge and comparative methods.
Intended learning outcomes:
- Knowledge of methods and concepts in the understanding of the landscape
- Knowledge of advanced research in the areas of sustainable management of the landscape
- Knowledge of fundamental methods of landscape governance
- Knowledge of the basic processes in the region and their interdependence
Exam (90 %), written paper (10 %).