Asst. Prof. Mateja Šmid Hribar, Ph. D.

Assistant professor at doctoral study (3rd cycle) Environmental and Regional Studies at Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.
Course principal:
- Environmental and Regional Studies (doctoral study 3rd cycle)
- Common elective courses:
- Sustainable governance of landscapes,
- Introduction to ecosystem services (together with the Assist. Prof. Nataša Šmid Hribar).
- Common elective courses:
- Sc. in Sociology of culture and Philosphy (University of Ljubljana, 2000)
- M.Sc. in Protection of natural heritage (University of Ljubljana, 2008)
- Ph.D. in Geography (University of Primorska, 2015)
Fieldwork and research interests:
The focus of my research are cultural landscapes and human-nature interactions. I am interested in the governing of common-pool resources and commons, and their multiple roles in the provision of various ecosystem services and increasing community resilience to environmental changes. These areas are further developed in my basic and applied research. I constantly seek to strengthen this knowledge through active participation in national and international networks and with study visits abroad.
Main visiting appointments:
- Visting Scholar, Center for Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, at the Arizona State University (2015);
- Visiting Scholar, University of Florida (2017, 2019);
- Visiting Scholar, Institute for Advanced Studies in Sustainability at the United Nations University (2018)
- member of the editorial board of the international journal Acta Geographica Slovenica;
- board member of the international network EUCALAND – European Cultural and Agricultural Landscapes;
- member of the Partnership for Ecosystem Services and a team leader of the Slovenia ESP national network;
- member of the IASC – International Association for the Study of the Commons;
- member of the Partnership for the Preservation and Popularization of Karst Dry Stone Walls;
- member of the editorial board of the book series Geography of Slovenia and Georitem;
- constituting member of the SOES – Group for Ecosystem services in Slovenia;
- constituting member of the INTERECOS – Interdisciplinary Group for Ecosystem services at the ZRC SAZU.
Selected publications:
- Urbanc M., Šmid Hribar M. 2021. Livek: A Mountainous Border Area’s Transformation from a Ski Paradise to a Resilient Community. In: Culture and climate resilience: perspectives from Europe.
- Rodela R., Tucker C.M., Šmid Hribar M., Sigura M., Bogataj N., Urbanc M., Gunya A. 2019. Intersections of ecosystem services and common-pool resources literature: An interdisciplinary encounter. Environmental Science and Policy 94, 72–81. DOI:
- Ribeiro D., Šmid Hribar M. 2019. Assessment of land-use changes and their impacts on ecosystem services in two Slovenian rural landscapes. Acta Geographica Slovenica 59-2. DOI:
- Gabrovec M., Kumer P., Ribeiro, D., Šmid Hribar M. 2020. Land use in Slovenia. In: Perko D., Ciglič R., Zorn M. (eds) The Geography of Slovenia. World Regional Geography Book Series. Springer, Cham
- Urbanc M., Šmid Hribar M., Kumer P. 2020. Culture in Slovenia. In: Perko D., Ciglič R., Zorn M. (eds) The Geography of Slovenia. World Regional Geography Book Series. Springer, Cham
- Šmid Hribar M., Kozina J., Bole D., Urbanc M. 2018. Public goods, common-pool resources, and the commons: The influence of historical legacy on modern perceptions in Slovenia as a transitional society. Urbani izziv, 29(1). DOI:
- Šmid Hribar M., Bole D., Urbanc M. 2015. Public And Common Goods in the Cultural Landscape. Geografski vestnik 87-2. DOI:
- Šmid Hribar M., Geršič M., Pipan P., Repolusk P., Tiran J., Topole M., Ciglič R. 2017. Cultivated terraces in Slovenian landscapes. Acta geographica Slovenica, 57-2.
- Šmid Hribar M. 2016. Varovanje in trajnostni razvoj kulturne pokrajine na primeru Ljubljanskega barja. Georitem 27. Ljubljana.
- Šmid Hribar M., Bole D., Pipan P. 2015. Sustainable heritage management: Social, economic and other potentials of culture in local development. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences DOI:

Selected studies on natural disasters
Asst. Prof. Mateja Ferk, Ph. D. ,
Asst. Prof. Blaž Komac, Ph. D. ,
Selected topics in rural development
Assist. Prof. Nika Private: Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,
Erik Logar, Ph. D. ,