Assist. Prof. Pavel Gantar, Ph. D.

Lecturer at 3rd cycle study programme at Podstgraduate School Z%RC SAZU.


  • Sc. in Sociology (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Journalism, now Faculty of Social Sciences, 1974)
  • M.A. in Political Sciences (University of Ljubljana Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Journalism, now Faculty of Social Sciences, 1983)
  • Ph.D. in Sociology (University in Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy, 1990)


Fieldwork and research interests:

My research interests varied during the academic career, but mainly have been focused on the study of socio spatial processes and structures, on different aspects of urban culture and on the socio-spatial transformations under the impact of new information-communication technologies. Particular attention has been given to study the spatial (regional and urban) planning, and decision-making processes with regard to the use of scarce resources (space, natural resources), to the problems of rationality in planning and to the study of the environmental awareness and green social movements.

Main visiting appointments:

  • Post graduate course, University of Essex, January-March 1984, and October 1985



  • From 1974 to 1994, Assistant and Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sociology, Political Sciences and Journalism (FSPN) – now Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV);
  • from 1974 to 1994 Assistant and Assistant Professor at the FSPN/FDV of Spatial sociology;
  • from 1994 to 2011 engaged in professional politics as Minister for Environment and Spatial Planning (1944-2000), as Minister for Information Society (2001-2004), as a Member of Parliament (2004-2011) between the years 2008 and 2011 also as the President of the National Assembly (Speaker of the House);
  • up to the 2008 retained lecturing position at FDV;
  • Between 1970 and 1980 member of the Editorial board of Architectural Bulletin and Journal of the Critique of Sciences;
  • From 1984 to 1990 president of the cultural organisation ŠKUC-Forum;
  • Member of the board of the Committee for Human Rights (1988-1990);
  • Member of the Slovenian Socioogical Society;
  • Member of the Town and Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia;
  • Member of the Managing Board of the DOPPS-Bird Life Slovenia;
  • Member of the Slovenian Association for Water Protection.

Selected publications:

  • Gantar, P. 1993. Sociološka kritika teorij planiranja. /Sociological Critique of Planning Theories/ Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 1993. 297 str. Znanstvena knjižnica, 4.
  • Gantar, P. 2002. Tranzicija, identitete in urbani razvoj Ljubljane. /Transition, Identities and Urban Development of Ljubljana/ V: KOS, Drago (ur.). Sociološke podobe Ljubljane. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2002. Str. 43-60. Knjižna zbirka Teorija in praksa. ISBN 961-235-112-0.
  • Gantar, P. 2007. Prostorsko planiranje in javni interesi v pluralistični družbi. /Spatial planning and public interests in a pluralist society/. Geodetski vestnik : glasilo Zveze geodetov Slovenije. [Tiskana izd.]. 2007, letn. 51, št. 2, str. 246-254. ISSN 0351-0271.
  • Gantar, P. 2009. V zagovor mesta. Spremna beseda k Jacobs, J. /In Defence of the City. Postscript to the Jane Jacob’s The Death and Life of Great American Cities/.  Ljubljana: Studia humanitatis, 2009. 511 str. Studia humanitatis. ISBN 978-961-6798-03-7. Str. 499-511.
  • Gantar, P. Arhitektura kot oblika družbenega angažmaja /Architecture as a form of social engagement/. Arhitektov bilten : AB. dec. 2012, letn. 41 [i. e. 42], št. 193/194, str. 10-19, ilustr. ISSN 0352-1982.
  • Gantar, P. Mesta v perspektivi sociološkega raziskovanja globalizacije. /Cities in the prospective of sociological globalisation research/ Teorija in praksa : revija za družbena vprašanja. dec. 2014, letn. 51, posebna št., str. 193-220, 420.]
  • Gantar, P. 2016. Urbana (prostorska) sociologija : identiteta in preseganja disciplinarnih okvirov. /Urban (Spatial) Sociology: Identitiy and breaking the disciplinary frameworks/ V: Mlinar, Z. (ur.). Kakšna sociologija? Za kakšno družbo?. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, 2016. Str. 166-172. Prispevki in izzivi sociologije na Slovenskem, 1.
  • Gantar, P. 2016. Prostorsko načrtovanje in izzivi družbenih sprememb. (Spatial Planning and the Challenges of Social Changes/. IB revija : za strokovna in metodološka vprašanja gospodarskega, prostorskega in socialnega razvoja Slovenije. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. 2016, letn. 50, št. 2,str. 53-59. ISSN 1318-2803.
  • Gantar, P. 2016. Environmental Trends and Perspectives in Slovenia. V Adam F. (ed.) Slovenia: Social, Economic and Environmental Issues. Nova Science Publishers, New York. Str. 237-254.
  • Gantar, P. 2017. Vodni svetovi. Novejši pristopi k družbenemu raziskovanju voda in vodnega okolja. /The Waterworlds: The Contemporary Approaches to Socia, Researc of Water and Water Environments/. V: Globevnik L. , Širca, A. (Ured.) Zbornik II. slovenski kongres o vodah. DVS – Društvo vodarjev Slovenije, SLOCOLD – Slovenski nacionalni komite ta velike pregrade. Ljubljana. Str. 54-61.
  • Gantar, P.. 2017. O državi in arhitekturi. /Notices on the State and Architecture/. Arhitektov bilten : AB. nov. 2017, letn. 47, št. 211/212, str. 18-21, ilustr. ISSN 0352-1982.
  • Gantar, P. 2017. Rakova jelša: od barakarskega naselja do predmestne idile. /Rakova jelša – from shanty town to suburban heaven/. Outsider : revija, ki presega meje. [Slovenska tiskana izd.]. poletje 2017, letn. 3, št. 10, str. 52-55, ilustr. ISSN 2386-0030.
  • Gantar, P. 2018. Suburbano kot izbira, ali kot usoda?. /Sub-urban as a Choice or as Destiny/ Arhitektov bilten : AB. okt. 2018, letn. 48, št. 215/216, str. 12-15. ISSN 0352-1982.
  • Gantar, P. 2019. Prihodnost med verjetnim, možnim in zaželenim. /The Future between what is Likely, Possible and Desired/. Pasti vizije Slovenije  V Ignjatović, M. Kanjuo Marčela, A., Kuhar, R. (Ured.) Znanost in družbe prihodnosti. Str. 101-106 .
  • Gantar, P. 2020. Voda ki povezuje, voda ki razdružuje. Sociološki pogled na aktualno stanje voda. /Water that connects, water that separates. Sociological view on actual state of the water/ Vodni dnevi 2020. Rimske Toplice 17-18 september, 2020. Slovensko društvo za zaščito voda. Str. 1-6.
  • Gantar, P. 2020. Demographic Development. V: Bogataj, V. (Ur.): Gorenjevaško in Hotaveljsko skozi čas. Bogastvo preteklosti za izzive prihodnosti. Krajevna skupnost Gorenja vas. ISBN 978-961


Economic geography

Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, Ph.D.,


European regional politics

Assist. Prof. Janez Nared, Ph.D.,


Human-environment relations: selected examples

Asst. Prof. Aleš Smrekar, Ph.D.,


Modern demographic processes

Assist. Prof. Nika Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,

Maruša Goluža, Ph. D. ,


Participatory research and planning

Assist. Prof. David Bole, Ph.D.,


Selected studies on natural disasters

Asst. Prof. Mateja Ferk, Ph. D. ,

Asst. Prof. Blaž Komac, Ph. D. ,


Selected topics in rural development

Assist. Prof. Nika Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,

Erik Logar, Ph. D. ,


Social impact studies

Assist. Prof. Pavel Gantar, Ph. D. ,


Spatial planning

Assist. Prof. Nika Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,


Spatial sociology

Assist. Prof. Pavel Gantar, Ph. D. ,


Strategic transport planning

Asst. Prof. Matej Gabrovec, Ph. D. ,


Urban transformation: theory and practice

Assist. Prof. David Bole, Ph.D.,