Asst. Prof. Gorazd Žibret, PhD

Senior Research Fellow at the Geological Survey of Slovenia, Head of the Mineral Resources Research Programme, and Assistant Professor in Geology at the master's and doctoral levels at the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.

+386 1 2809 737


  • Bachelor’s Degree: 2002, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
  • PhD: 2007, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering


Fieldwork Experience:

  • South Africa, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Kyrgyzstan, Nigeria, Serbia, Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Finland, Portugal, North Macedonia, Austria, Russia


Research Interests:

  • Mineral resources
  • Geochemistry
  • Data processing in geology

Visiting Scholar at Foreign Universities:

  • University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology (3 months in 2023)

Other Activities:

  • Member of the Raw Materials Supply Group
  • Member of the Raw Materials Expert Group


PhD Supervision:

  • Dr Klemen Teran (2020): Household and road dust as indicators of airborne particulate matter elemental composition


Supervision of Young Researchers:

  • Dr Klemen Teran (2015–2020)
  • Dr Neža Malenšek-Andolšek (2017–2022)
  • Barbara Čeplak (2021–2025)

Selected Publications:

(For a full list, please refer to scientific databases or personal profiles.)

  • Bakker E, Žibret G, Rainbird J (2017) The ¡VAMOS! Sustainable Underwater Mining Solution. European Geologist, 44: 58‐62. Link to the article Cerar S, Mezga K, Žibret G, Urbanc J, Komac M (2018) Comparison of prediction methods for oxygen‐18 isotope composition in shallow groundwater. Sci Total Environ, 631‐ 632:358‐368. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.033
  • Čeplak B, Moser U, Irrgeher J, Šala M, Kralj P, Žibret G (2025) Understanding the geochemical composition of alluvial sediments in a complex environmental system – A case study of the Mura/Mur river. Catena, 249. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108605
  • Cormio C, Alonso M, Cleall P, Heuss-Assbichler S, Guglietta D, Sinnett D, Szabo K, Žibret G, Carvalho T, Kral U, Werner T, Lemiere B (2024) Site-specific dataset of mining and metallurgical residues for resource management. Data in Brief, 110348. DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110348
  • Fidancevski et al (2024) Characterization of Al-Containing Industrial Residues in the ESEE Region Supporting Circular Economy and the EU Green Deal. Materials 17. DOI: 10.3390/ma17246245
  • Gosar M, Žibret G (2011) Mercury contents in the vertical profiles through alluvial sediments as a reflection of mining in Idrija (Slovenia). Journal of geochemical exploration, 110/2, 81‐91.
  • Kriskova L, Ducman V, Loncnar M, Tesovnik A, Žibret G, Skentzou D, Georgopoulos C (2025) Alkali-activated mineral residues in construction : case studies on bauxite residue and steel slag pavement tiles. Materials 18. DOI: 10.3390/ma18020257
  • Lopes L, Bodo B, Rossi C, Henley S, Žibret G, Kot‐Niewiadomska A, Correia V (2020) ROBOMINERS – Developing a bio‐inspired modular robot‐miner for difficult to access mineral deposits. Adv Geosci, 54: 99‐108. DOI 10.5194/adgeo‐54‐99‐2020
  • Lopes L, Zajzon N, Bodo B, Henley S, Žibret G, Dizdarevič T (2017) UNEXMIN. Developing an autonomous underwater explorer for flooded mines. Energy procedia, 125:41‐49. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.051
  • Pinto MT, Žibret G, Lopes L, Bodo B, Zajzon N (2020) UNEXUP: robot‐based exploration technology for underground flooded mines. Adv Geosci, 54: 109‐117. DOI 10.5194/adgeo‐54‐109‐2020
  • Pučko E, Žibret G, Teran K (2024) Comparison of elemental composition of surface and subsurface soils on national level and identification of potential natural and anthropogenic processes influencing its composition. J of geochemical explor 258, 14 p. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107422
  • Šajn R, Žibret G, Alijagić J. Chemical composition of urban dust in Slovenia. In: WOUTERS, Laurent B., PAUWELS, Michel (Eds.). Dust : sources, environmental concerns, and control, Environmental health ‐ physical, chemical and biological factors, Public health in the 21st century. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2012, 1‐56 pp.
  • Teran K, Žibret G, Fanetti M (2020) Impact of urbanization and steel mill emissions on elemental composition of street dust and corresponding particle characterization. J hazard mater, 2020, 384, 1‐11. DOI 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120963
  • Wittenberg A, De Oliveira D, Bide T, Hollis J, Nirgi S, Žibret G, Gautneb H, Sadhegi M, Navarro Domínguez R, Malyuk B (2023) Europe’s raw materials supply chain: front-end considerations. In: Bányai A Eds.: Supply chain – perspectives and applications. London: IntechOpen, 29 p. DOI 10.5772/intechopen.113793
  • Zajzon N, Topa BA, Papp RZ, Aaltonen J, Almeida JM, Almeida C, Martins A, Bodó B, Henley S, Pinto MT, Žibret G (2023) Underwater measurements with UX robots; a new and available tool developed by UNEXUP. Adv Geosci 62, 1-10. DOI 10.5194/adgeo-62-1-2023
  • Zupančič M, Miler M, Žibret G (2024) The relationship between the inhalation bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in road dust from a heavily polluted industrial area and the source of their pollution. Environ pollut, 24 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124810
  • Žibret G (2012) Impact of dust filter installation in ironworks and construction on brownfield area on the toxic metal concentration in street and house dust (Celje, Slovenia). Ambio, 41/3, 292‐301. Žibret G (2013) Organic compounds in the urban dusts in Celje area. Geologija, 56/1, 87‐96.
  • Žibret G (2018) Influences of coal mines, metallurgical plants, urbanisation and lithology on the elemental composition of street dust. Environ Geochem Health, 2018, 41: 1489‐1505. DOI 10.1007/s10653‐018‐0228‐3
  • Žibret G (2023) Slovenia: Mineral Policy. In: Tiess G, Majamuder T, Cameron PD Eds. Encyclopedia of mineral and energy policy. Berlin: Springer, 673-680. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47493-8
  • Žibret G, Gosar M (2006) Calculation of the mercury accumulation in the Idrijca River alluvial plain sediments. Science of the total environment, 2006, 368/1, 291‐297.
  • Žibret G, Gosar M (2017) Multi‐elemental composition of the Sava River sediments (Slovenia, EU). Environmental Earth Sciences, 76:501. DOI 10.1007/s12665‐017‐6835‐y
  • Žibret G, Gosar M, Miler M, Alijagić J (2018) Impacts of mining and smelting activities on environment and landscape degradation – Slovenian case‐studies. Land Degradation and Development, 29: 4457‐4470. DOI 10.1002/ldr.3198.
  • Žibret G, Komac M, Jemec‐Auflič M (2012) PSInSAR displacements related to soil creep and rainfall intensities in the Alpine foreland of western Slovenia. Geomorphology, 175‐176, 107‐114.
  • Žibret G, Kopačkova V (2019) Comparison of two methods for indirect measurement of atmospheric dust deposition: street‐dust composition and vegetation‐health status derived from hyperspectral image data. Ambio, 48: 423‐435. DOI 10.1007/s13280‐ 018‐1093‐0.
  • Žibret G, Lemiere B, Mendez AM, Cormio C, Sinnet D, Cleal P, Szabo K, Carvalho T (2020) National mineral waste databases as an information source for assessing material recovery potential from mine waste, tailings and metallurgical waste. Minerals, 2020, 10, 1‐20. DOI 10.3390/min10050446
  • Žibret G, Teran K, Žibret L, Šter K, Dolenec S (2021) Building of the Al‐Containing Secondary Raw Materials Registry for the Production of Low CO2 Mineral Binders in South‐Eastern European Region. Sustainability, 13: 1535. DOI 10.3390/su13031535
  • Žibret G, Van Tonder D, Žibret L (2013) Metal content in street dust as a reflection of atmospheric dust emissions from coal power plants, metal smelters, and traffic. Environmental science and pollution research, 20/7, 4455‐4468.
  • Žibret G, Žebre M Eds. Use of robotics and automation for mineral prospecting and extraction : conference proceedings. Joint Conference of UNEXMIN, ¡VAMOS! and RTM Projects, 30 January 2018 Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Geological Survey of Slovenia, 2018, 59 pp. DOI 10.5474/9789616498579
  • Žibret G, Žibret L (2017) River gradient anomalies reveal recent tectonic movements when assuming an exponential gradient decrease along a river course. Geomorphology, 281:43‐52. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.017
  • Žibret L, Žibret G (2023) Neogene block rotation inside the dextral fault zone at the Adriatic-European collision zone: Reexamination of existing results. J Asian Earth Sci 254, 105723. DOI 10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105723


Advanced Data Processing Methods in Geosciences

Asst. Prof. Gorazd Žibret, PhD,


Advanced Studies of the Earth’s Subsurface

Asst. Prof. Marjana Zajc, PhD,


Geo-Resource Management Principles

Asst. Prof. Gorazd Žibret, PhD,


Geochemistry of the Anthropocene

Asst. Prof. Miloš Miler, Ph. D. ,


Geomorphology in Geohazard Studies

Asst. Prof. Petra Jamšek Rupnik, PhD,


Interdisciplinary Research in Earthquake Geology

Asst. Prof. Petra Jamšek Rupnik, PhD,


Landslide Management

Asst. Prof. Mateja Jemec Auflič, PhD,