Advanced Studies of the Earth’s Subsurface
Environmental and regional studies (3rd level)
Modul:4D Earth
Course code: DIZ04
Study year: without
Course principal:
Asst. Prof. Marjana Zajc, PhD
Workload: lectures 20 hours, seminar 30 hours, field-work 20 hours, individual work 110 hours
Course type: general elective
Languages: Slovene, English
Other course lecturers: Matevž Novak, Ph. D., Jure Atanackov, Ph. D., David Gerčar, Ph. D.
Second-cycle Bologna degree in the relevant track or a university (level VII) degree.
Content (Syllabus outline):
- geological map, creating a geological map and its interpretation with an emphasis on geological maps and geological profiles of the wider research area of the student’s doctoral dissertation;
- establishment of hydrostratigraphic and tectonic concepts within the specific research area;
- types of input data for geological 3D modeling of the subsurface with options available in the research area of the student’s doctoral dissertation;
- principles of obtaining data on the geological and structural setting of the subsurface using well-logging and geophysical methods;
- the operation and use of various geophysical methods, their advantages and limitations (geographic radar, ERT, reflection and refraction seismic) and their use in the selected area within the doctoral dissertation;
- fieldwork: measurements with a selected methodology, suitable for research within the student’s doctoral dissertation;
- multimethod approach to the use of geophysical methods;
- processing and interpretation of acquired geophysical data and their spatial display.
- Jol, H. M. (2009). Ground Penetrating Radar: Theory and Applications. Amsterdam, Netherlands, Oxford, UK: Elsevier Science, 524 str.
- Kirsch, R. (2009). Groundwater geophysics: a tool for hydrogeology (2nd ed., str. XV, 548). Springer.
- Novak, M. (2023). Iz zgodovine geoloških kart slovenskega ozemlja: Osnovna geološka karta Slovenije. Zbornik za zgodovino naravoslovja in tehnike. Zv. 17, str. 111-126. ISSN 0351-4250. [COBISS.SI-ID 173622275]
- Novak, M., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Atanackov, J., Mali, N. (2014) Izdelava metodologije in pilotnega vnosa hidrogeološke karte M 1: 25.000. Zvezek 2.2, Metodologija izdelave hidrogeološke karte – geološke vsebine. Ljubljana: Geološki zavod Slovenije, 2014. 23 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 2358101]
- Placer, L. (2008). Principles of the tectonic subdivision of Slovenia: Osnove tektonske razčlenitve Slovenije. Geologija 51, 2: 205-217.
- Turner, A.K., Kessler, H., van der Meulen, M. K. 2021. Applied Multidimensional Geological Modeling: Informing sustainable human interactions with the shallow subsurface (str. XXVIII, 644). John Wiley & Sons.
- Utsi, E. C. (2017). Ground penetrating radar: theory and practice (str. XVII, 205). Butterworth-Heinemann, an imprint of Elsevier.
- Wellmann, F., Caumon, G. (2018). 3-D Structural geological models: Concepts, methods, and uncertainties. Cedric Schmelzbach. Advances in Geophysics, 59, Elsevier, str. 1-121. (dostop:
- Zhou, H.-W. (2014). Practical Seismic Data Analysis. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-19910-0.
Objectives and competences:
The purpose of the course is to gain deeper, advanced knowledge of geological mapping, creating and reading geological maps, 3D geological modeling and obtaining data about the Earth’s subsurface using geophysical methods. The content is adapted to the topic of the student’s doctoral dissertation. The PhD student knows how to work with the selected geophysical equipment in the field, process the obtained data, appropriately integrate them with existing data and spatially display the results.
Intended learning outcomes:
- Understanding of geological maps and their meaning;
- Knowledge of the main principles of geological 3D modeling and types of input data;
- knowledge of various geophysical methods;
- application of acquired knowledge in choosing suitable research methods within the doctoral dissertation topic;
- working with geophysical equipment in the field, data processing and data interpretation;
- construction of a 3D model of the research area.
Learning and teaching methods:
- Lectures
- Field work
- Seminar
- Independent work assignments
- Consultations
- e-Learning
- Written seminar paper and defence 100 %