Interdisciplinary Research in Earthquake Geology
Environmental and Regional Studies (3rd level)
Modul:4D Earth
Course code: DIZ07
Study year: without
Course principal:
Asst. Prof. Petra Jamšek Rupnik, PhD
Workload: lectures 15 hours, seminar 5 hours, tutorial 10 hours, individual work 150 hours
Course type: general elective
Languages: Slovene, English
Other course lecturers: Jure Atanackov, Ph. D.
Pogoji za vključitev v delo oz. za opravljanje študijskih obveznosti:
Končana druga bolonjska stopnja ustrezne smeri ali univerzitetni študij VII stopnje
Potresna geologija zajema vrsto metod za preučevanje aktivnih prelomov in potresnih virov tako na površju kot tudi pod njim. V okviru predmeta bodo predstavljeni osnovni pojmi in sodobni načini preučevanja aktivne tektonike, potresov in njihovih virov ter potresne nevarnosti s poudarkom na interdisciplinarnosti raziskav.
- Osnovni pojmi:
- • Osnove tektonike plošč
- • Načini deformacije, prelomi in gube
- • Rast prelomov
- • Struktura pri površju
- • Globlja struktura
- • Neotektonika
- • Aktivni prelomi in zmožni prelomi
- • Potresni viri
- • Potresi in potresni cikel
- • Aseizmično lezenje
- • Posledice in učinki potresov v naravnem okolju
- Metode preučevanja v potresni geologiji:
- • Strukturno-geološko kartiranje
- • Tektonska geomorfologija
- • Preučevanje kvartarja
- • Geofizika
- • Paleoseizmologija
- • Arheoseizmologija
- • Tektonska geodezija
- • Seizmologija
- Postopki definiranja aktivnih struktur
- Aktivni prelomi in potresni viri v Sloveniji, Evropi in globalno
- Potresna nevarnost
- Primeri iz prakse
Selected chapters from books and papers:
- Fossen, H. 2020. Structural geology. 2nd ed. – Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 510 str.
- Keller, E.A. in Pinter, N. 2002. Active tectonics: earthquakes, uplift, and landscape. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 362 str.
- Machette, M. N. 2000. Active, Capable, and Potentially Active Faults—A Paleoseismic Perspective, Journal of Geodynamics, 29(3), 387-392.
- Burbank, D. W. & Anderson, R. S. 2011. Tectonic geomorphology. – Malden (MA)[etc.] : Blackwell Science, 274 str.
- Bull, W. B. 2007. Tectonic geomorphology of mountains : a new approach to paleoseismology. – Malden, MA ; Oxford : Blackwell Pub., 316 str.
- Zhou, H.-W. 2014. Practical seismic data analysis. Cambridge Universtiy Press. ISBN 978-0-521-19910.0.
- McCalpin, J. 2009. Paleoseismology. 2nd ed. Burlington, MA: Academic Press; Elsevier, 613 str.
- Atanackov J, Jamšek Rupnik P, Jež J, Celarc B, Novak M, Milanič B, Markelj A, Bavec M, Kastelic V. 2021. Database of Active Faults in Slovenia: Compiling a New Active Fault Database at the Junction Between the Alps, the Dinarides and the Pannonian Basin Tectonic Domains. Front. Earth Sci. 9. 604388. 10.3389/feart.2021.604388
- Šket Motnikar, B., Zupančič, P., Živčić, M., Atanackov, J., Jamšek Rupnik, P., Čarman, M., Danciu, L., Gosar, A. 2022. The 2021 seismic hazard model for Slovenia (SHMS21) : overview and results. Bulletin of earthquake engineering, 20 (10), 4865–4894. DOI: 10.1007/s10518-022-01399-8.
Objectives and competences:
Students will acquire the skills and knowledge necessary for a comprehensive understanding and analysis of active tectonic processes and related deformations and earthquakes. They will gain knowledge of modern methods for identifying and characterizing active faults and seismic sources. They will learn to obtain geological and other data for seismic hazard assessments. Students will understand the importance of interdisciplinarity and integrating results from various fields, which can be applied both in earthquake geology research and in practical applications related to analysis of geological conditions for spatial management. They will become familiar with practical case studies and gain hands-on experience to more effectively transfer the acquired knowledge to their professional environment.
Intended learning outcomes:
- Mastery of professional terminology
- Understanding of various methods and their application in earthquake geology research
- Ability to identify active faults and seismic sources
- Understanding of seismic activity from a geological perspective
- Analysis of a selected area
- Application of one or more selected methods to a case study
- Seminar paper
Learning and teaching methods:
- Lectures
- Lab work/tutorials
- Field work
- Seminar
- Independent work assignments
- Consultations
- e-Learning
- Written seminar paper and defence 100 %