Landslide Management


Environmental and regional studies (3rd level)

4D Earth

Course code: DIZ05

Study year: without

Course principal:
Asst. Prof. Mateja Jemec Auflič, PhD


Workload: lectures 15 hours, seminar 5 hours, tutorial 10 hours, individual work 150 hours

Course type: general elective

Languages: Slovene, English

Other course lecturers: Adrijan Košir, Ph. D., Jernej Jež, Ph. D., Polona Kralj, Ph. D., Mitja Janža, Ph. D., Tina Peternel, Ph. D.


Course syllabus


Second-cycle Bologna degree in the relevant track or a university (level VII) degree.


Content (Syllabus outline):

  • Basic terms: classification, occurrence, causes, preparatory and triggering factors
  • Landslides in Slovenia: historical overview of the most important events
  • Palaeolandslides: stratigraphical and geomorphological record of prehistoric mass movements
  • Mechanical and petrophysical properties of rocks, their sequence and their susceptibility to and influence on landslides
  • Preparation and collection of data in the field and its visualization in a GIS environment
  • Processing, analysis and modelling of spatial landslide data
  • Geological data for hazard assessment: conception, input data, models, validation, applicability
  • Landslide early warning: Conceptualization, input data, models, validation, applicability
  • Research and monitoring techniques: mapping, geotechnics, hydrology, geophysics, geodesy, remote sensing
  • Management: prevention, remediation measures, landslide register
  • Environmental impact: Infrastructure, forests, agricultural land, urban areas
  • Impact of groundwater on the occurrence and dynamics of landslides: hydrogeological field measurements and interpretation of measurements
  • Underground transport of contaminants: Concept of contaminant transport in the unsaturated and saturated zones of aquifers, tools for modelling contaminant transport
  • Groundwater flooding: the role of groundwater in flooding, observation and interpretation of hydrogeological data



Selected chapters from books and papers:

  • Bobrowsky PT, Marker B (eds) (2018) Encyclopedia of Engineering Geology. Springer, Cham, pp 978–284
  • Clague, J. J. and Stead, D. 2012: Landslides. Types, Mechanisms and Modeling. Cambridge University Press, 436 p.
  • Glade, Thomas, Malcolm Anderson, and Michael J. Crozier. 2005. Landslide Hazard and Risk. Wiley & Sons, book, p. 810
  • Highland, L. M., & Bobrowsky, P. (2008). The landslide Handbook – A guide to understanding landslides. US Geological Survey Circular, (1325), 1–147.
  • Hungr, O., Leroueil, S. & Picarelli, L. (2014) The Varnes classification of landslide types, an update. Landslides 11, 167–194.
  • Janža M., Serianz L., Šram D., Klasinc M. (2018). Hydrogeological investigation of landslides Urbas and Čikla above the settlement of Koroška Bela (NW Slovenia). Geologija; 61: 191-203. DOI: 10.5474/geologija.2018.013
  • Jemec Auflič, M.., Herrera, G., Mateos, R.M., Peternel, T. et al. Landslide monitoring techniques in the Geological Surveys of Europe. Landslides 20, 951–965 (2023).
  • Skaberne, D. (2001). Proposal of the Slovene terminology on slope movements – slope transport. Geologija, 44(1), 89–100.


Objectives and competences:

  • Recognition of landslides in the field, understanding of their causes, dynamics and consequences
  • Engineering geological investigation of landslides and visualisation in a GIS environment
  • Evaluation of the results and hazard assessment
  • Knowledge of data sources and methods for landslide hazard assessment
  • Ability to identify the different types of landslides in a given area and assess potential geological hazards


Intended learning outcomes:

  • Acquired specialist terminology
  • Ability to apply the acquired knowledge in a practical example
  • Analysis of a selected area
  • Independent work in class and in practise
  • Seminar paper


Learning and teaching methods:

  • Lectures
  • Lab work/tutorials
  • Field work
  • Seminar
  • Independent work assignments
  • Consultations
  • e-Learning



  • Written seminar paper and defence 100 %


Advanced Data Processing Methods in Geosciences

Asst. Prof. Gorazd Žibret, PhD,


Advanced Studies of the Earth’s Subsurface

Asst. Prof. Marjana Zajc, PhD,


Geo-Resource Management Principles

Asst. Prof. Gorazd Žibret, PhD,


Geochemistry of the Anthropocene

Asst. Prof. Miloš Miler, Ph. D. ,


Geomorphology in Geohazard Studies

Asst. Prof. Petra Jamšek Rupnik, PhD,


Interdisciplinary Research in Earthquake Geology

Asst. Prof. Petra Jamšek Rupnik, PhD,


Landslide Management

Asst. Prof. Mateja Jemec Auflič, PhD,