Editorial work:
- 2004- Editor-in-Chief Filozofski vestnik, member of editorial board from 1996
- 1993- member of editorial board Problemi
- 2013- member of international editorial board Filozofija i društvo, Belgrade, Serbia
- succesfully completed Ph.D supervisions: 3
- succesfully completed Ph.D co-supervisions: 3
- ongoing Ph.D supervisions: 2
- ongoing Ph.D co-supervisions: 1
- mentorships of young researchers: 1
Research activities:
- Current research program: Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy III (2015-2021)
- Current research projects: Europe as Philosophical Idea and as Political Project (2017-2020)
- Previous research programs: Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy II (2009-2015); Conditions and Problems of Contemporary Philosophy I (2003-2009); Problems and Conditions of Contemporary Philosophy (1998-2003)
- Previous research projects: Reconfigurations of Ontology (2014-2017); The Philosophy of Crisis: Economy – Politics – Ecology (2013–2016; as leader); Problem of Aisthesis in Philosophy, Psychoanalysis and Politics (2011-2014); Art Practices of the 20th and 21st Century and the Political (2008-2011); Antropological Machines, Biopolitics, Production and Genealogy of (bare) Life (2007-2009); Europe and Politics of Translation (2007-2009); Philosophical Problems of Ethics (2004-2007); Virtual and Aesthetic Constitution of (post)Modern Subject and its Politico-Philosophical and Epistemological Implications (2001-2004); The Relationship between Philosophy and Politics in Postmodern (1998-2003); Philosophical Problems of Contingency and Infinity (2000-2002); Socio-philosophical Interpretation of State and Institutionalization and Monopolization of Violence (1995-1998)
International collaboration:
- Postdoc at Université Paris VIII, France, januar to june 1999 (Rancière, Badiou), shorter periods of collaboration with the same institution in 2000, 2001, 2005
- Collaboration with National Library of Serbia (Svetlana Gavrilović) and Institute for philosophy and Social Theory Belgrade, Serbia 2007-2012
- Leadership of Slovene-serbina bilateral project »Diskontinuity, radicality and violence« BI-SR/10-11-017 (together with dr. Petar Bojanić), 2010-2011. Co-organization within this frame of three international conferences: “Europe in the emerging world order searching for a new paradigm”, Belgrade 24-26. mar. 2010, “Violence, guerre et État chez Deleuze”, Belgrade 3-5. mar. 2011 and “De la terreur à l’extrême violence”, Belgrade, 8-10. dec. 2011
- Coorganization of international conference Thinking of(f) the Crisis, organized by Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU and Cardiff University, Great Britain, 1. & 2. june 2016
- Coorganization of international conference “The end(s) of political theology”, organized by Institute of Philosophy ZRC SAZU and Lancaster, University Great Britain, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana, 5. & 6. june 2018