Ideology and Philosophy
Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures (3rd level)
Module:The Transformation of Modern Thought – Philosophy, psychoanalysis, culture
Course code: 84
Year of study: Not specified
Course principal:
Assoc. Prof. Jan Völker, Ph. D.
Workload: lectures 60 hours, seminar 30 hours
Course type: general elective
Languages: Slovene, English
Learning and teaching methods: lectures, seminars, discussion classes
None required.
Content (Syllabus outline):
- The Marxian Field
- Ideology and Illusion
- Critique and Method
- Fetishism
- Materialism of the relation
- Ideological State Apparatuses
- Frankfurt School
- The Psychoanalytic Field
- Imaginary Scenes
- Science and Truth
- Encore
- Reality of Idealism
- The Logic of Essence
- The State
- The Transcendental Displacement
- Democracy and Capitalism
- General Equivalences
- Democracy and the State
- Absence of Ideology, Presence of Ideology
- Meaning of Truth
- Theodor W. Adorno / Max Horkheimer 2002: Dialektika razsvetljenstva, prevedli Seta Knop, Mojca Kranjc, Rado Riha, Ljubljana: Studia Humanitatis.
- Louis Althusser 2011: Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, New York, NY: Monthly Review Press.
- Louis Althusser 2000: “Ideologija in ideološki aparati države”, v: Izbrani spisi, prevedla Zoja Skušek, Ljubljana: Založba */cf.
- Louis Althusser 2016: Reading Capital: The Complete Edition, London / New York: Verso.
- Alain Badiou, Francois Balmès 1976: De l’idéologie, Paris: Maspero.
- Alain Badiou 2005: Being and Event, London / New York, NY: Continuum.
- Alain Badiou 2006: Pogoji, prevedla Samo Tomšič in Ana Žerjav, Ljubljana, Založba ZRC.
- Alain Badiou 2009: Logics of Worlds, Being and Event 2, London / New York, NY: Continuum.
- Alain Badiou 2011, “The Democratic Emblem”, in: Agamben et al., Democracy in What State? New York, NY: Columbia University Press.
- Etienne Balibar 2002: Marxova filozofija, prevedel Peter Klepec, Ljubljana: Krtina.
- Jürgen Habermas 1971: “Technology and Science as ‘Ideology’,” in: Jürgen Habermas: Towards a Rational Society. Student Protest, Science, and Politics, London: Heinemann.
- G.W.F. Hegel 2013: Oris filozofije pravice, prevedel Zdravko Kobe, Ljubljana: Krtina.
- G.W.F. Hegel 2001: Znanost logike 1., prevedel Zdravko Kobe, Ljubljana: DTP.
- G.W.F. Hegel 1994: Znanost logike II., prevedel Zdravko Kobe, Ljubljana: DTP.
- Immanuel Kant 2001-2012: Kritika čistega uma, prevedel Zdravko Kobe: Kritika čistega uma 1/4: Problemi 1-2/2001, letnik XXXIX, str. 4-170; Kritika čistega uma 2/4: Problemi 1-2/2007, letnik XLV, str. 5-114: Kritika čistega uma 3/4: Problemi 7-8/2011, letnik XLIX, str. 5-260; Kritika čistega uma 4/4: Problemi, št. 9-10/2012, letnik L, str. 5-99.
- Jacques Lacan 1985: Še. Seminar, knjiga XX., prevedli Slavoj Žižek et al., Ljubljana: DTP.
- Jacques Lacan 2007: Ecrits: The First Complete Edition in English, New York, NY / London: Norton. (Delno: 1994, Spisi, prevedli Tomaž Erzar et al., Ljubljana: DTP).
- Octave Mannoni 1969: Clefs pour l’Imaginaire ou L’Autre Scène, Paris: Seuil.
- Herbert Marcuse 2007: One-Dimensional Man. Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society, London / New York, NY: Routledge.
- Karl Marx 1979: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Izbrana dela (MEID), I. in II. zv., Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba.
- Karl Marx 1985: Kritika politične ekonomije, prevedli Božidar Debenjak, Valentin Kalan, Tomaž Mastnak, Jelica Šumič–Riha, Rado Riha, Primož Simoniti, Peter Wieser, METI I./8, Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost; (1989), H kritiki politične ekonomije. 1858–1861, prevedli Igor Kramberger, Tomaž Mastnak, Rado Riha, METI I./9, Ljubljana: Delavska enotnost.
- Karl Marx 2012: Kapital: kritika politične ekonomije, prevedla Mojca Dobnikar, 3. izdaja, Ljubljana: Sophia.
- Slavoj Žižek 1989: The Sublime Object of Ideology. London / New York, NY: Verso.
- Slavoj Žižek 1993: Tarrying with the Negative. Kant, Hegel, and the Critique of Ideology, Duke University Press.
- Alenka Zupančič 2004: Poetika. Druga knjiga, Ljubljana: DTP.
Objectives and competences:
Ideology is a classical subject of political theory, and it might be said that ideology never made it to be introduced as a proper philosophical concept. But at the same time, ideology has always stirred up the philosophical thoughts about politics as well as about the phenomenological reality as such. Ideology then is a concept, the place of which is as unsecure as its content difficult to grasp. The aim of this course is to reconsider ideology in its relation to philosophy, and to reconsider its validity as a philosophical concept that defines a structural moment in the reality of thought.
The source of this problematic can be found in the early Marx: Here, ideology designates a material development of a society that finally leads into the production of false ideas – thus ideology then refers to false ideas that are upheld for other reasons, but this development itself can be explained in material, economic terms. Subsequently, philosophy becomes for the early Marx one of the main targets of a new critical materialism. But already in the early Marx, the problem of a critique of ideology is complicated: For the material facts that are called for by this critique are not simply different facts, they rather present a different structure of the given reality. Thus, the critique in its first essential trait is an intervention into the discourse about the given reality: Into the question of ‘what is?’ This difficulty marks all the relevant relations that structure the framework of ideology – the notions of science, of the state, of the subject, and of philosophy – and makes it necessary to rethink them in the consequence of the split induced by ideology.
The aim of the course is to analyze this relation between philosophy and ideology in all its implications and consequences. We will follow a historical line in the debate on ideology, and we will link this debate to the psychoanalytical restructuring of the subject, as it parallels the restructuring of the question of truth in the discourse on ideology. Finally we will attempt to understand which use the notion and the concept of ideology can have under the present equality of discourses in the realm of democracy.
Intended learning outcomes:
Students use the knowledge acquired in the course to write a piece of academic writing that can serve as a draft of a dissertation chapter or a research article.
Learning and teaching methods:
Types of learning/teaching:
- Frontal teaching
- Independent students work
- e-learning
Teaching methods:
- Explanation
- Conversation/discussion/debate
- Work with texts
- Different presentation
- 80 % Long written assignments,
- 20 % Final examination (written/oral).