Assoc. Prof. Marijan Dović, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies ZRC SAZU
- 1999 (BA): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory and Department of Slovenian Studies
- 2003 (MA): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
- 2006 (Ph.D.): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Slovenian Studies
- 2007–2010: Slovenian Literature IV (required course, University of Nova Gorica)
- 2010–2012: Contemporary Literary Theory (required course, University of Nova Gorica)
- 2010–2012: Theory of Authorship (guest lectures at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana)
- 2012–2015: Selected Topics in Recent Slovenian Literature (elective course, University of Nova Gorica)
- 2013: Writing the Mediterranean (Erasmus Intensive Program, Malta)
- 2017–2018: Introduction to Literary Theory (required course, University of Ljubljana)
Project leading
- National Poets and Cultural Saints of Europe: Commemorative Cults, Canonization, and Cultural Memory (head, basic research project, funded by ARRS, 2014–2017)
- The Evolution of Authorial Roles: The Slovenian Literary Author in a European Comparative Context (head, postdoctoral research project, 2007–2008)
- The Slovenian and Czech National Revival (1780–1848) (head, bilateral project, 2011–2012)
Fields of interest
Slovenian and European Romanticism, national poets, cultural nationalism, literary and artistic avant-garde, canonization and the literary canon, theory and history of authorship, systems theory and empirical theory of literature, literature and music
Editorial projects
- 2000: Antona Podbevšek 100 nadnaravnih let (Anton Podbevšek’s 100 Supernatural Years, conference proceedings; editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
- 2005: Janez Trdina med zgodovino, narodopisjem in literaturo (Janez Trdina: History, Ethnography, and Literature; collection of essays, editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
- 2007: Anton Podbevšek: Zbrane pesmi : elektronska znanstvenokritična izdaja (Anton Podbevšek: Collected Poems: Electronic Critical Edition; editor). Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU,–zrc/podbevsek/.
- 2008: Literature and Censorship: Who is Afraid of the Truth of Literature (bilingual Slovenian–English special issue of Primerjalna književnost; editor).
- 2008: Anton Podbevšek: Moje ekstaze skulptura (Anton Podbevšek: The Sculpture of My Ecstasy: critical edition of poetical opus; editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
- 2010: Who Chooses? Literature and Literary Mediation (bilingual Slovenian–English thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan and A. Vaupotič).
- 2012: The Book: An Economy of Cultural Spaces (English thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan).
- 2013: The Spatial Turn in Literary Studies (thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan and M. Juvan).
- 2015: Literatura in glasba / Literature and Music (thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with G. Pompe and A. Jež).
- 2016: Literatur und Musik (thematic issue of TheMa [Hollitzer Verlag, Vienna], co-edited with G. Pompe).
- 2016: Kulturni svetniki in kanonizacija (Cultural Saints and Canonization; collection of essays, editor). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU.
- 2017: National Poets and Romantic (Be)Longing (thematic section of Arcadia, editor)
- Primerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature, AHCI/IBZ/MLA indexed journal in comparative literature; member of the editorial board, 2011–; editor-in-chief, 2016–)
- Zbrana dela slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev (Collected Works of Slovenian Poets and Writers, critical editions by ZRC SAZU, member of the editorial board, 2011–)
- Sistemske in empirične obravnave literature [Systemic and Empirical Approaches to Literature], (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2004)
- Slovenski pisatelj: razvoj vloge literarnega proizvajalca v slovenskem literarnem sistemu [The Slovenian Writer: The Evolution of the Role of Literary Producer in the Slovenian Literary System], (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU: 2007)
- Mož z bombami: Anton Podbevšek in slovenska zgodovinska avantgarda [The Man with the Bombs: Anton Podbevšek and the Slovenian Interwar Avant-Garde], (Novo mesto, Ljubljana: Goga, ZRC SAZU, 2010)
- National Poets, Cultural Saints: Canonization and Commemorative Cults of Writers in Europe (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017)
- Prešeren po Prešernu: kanonizacija nacionalnega pesnika in kulturnega svetnika [Prešeren after Prešeren: The Canonization of a National Poet and Cultural Saint], (Ljubljana: LUD Literatura: 2017).

Life writing: autobiography, biography, memoirs, diaries, and letters
Asst. Prof. Alenka Koron, Ph.D.,
Slovenian Baroque literature during the Reformation and the Enlightenment
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Monika Deželak Trojar, Ph. D. ,
Textology and digital humanities
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Andrejka Žejn, Ph. D. ,