Assoc. Prof. Marijan Dović, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies ZRC SAZU


  • 1999 (BA): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory and Department of Slovenian Studies
  • 2003 (MA): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory
  • 2006 (Ph.D.): University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Slovenian Studies



  • 2007–2010: Slovenian Literature IV (required course, University of Nova Gorica)
  • 2010–2012: Contemporary Literary Theory (required course, University of Nova Gorica)
  • 2010–2012: Theory of Authorship (guest lectures at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana)
  • 2012–2015: Selected Topics in Recent Slovenian Literature (elective course, University of Nova Gorica)
  • 2013: Writing the Mediterranean (Erasmus Intensive Program, Malta)
  • 2017–2018: Introduction to Literary Theory (required course, University of Ljubljana)

Project leading

  • National Poets and Cultural Saints of Europe: Commemorative Cults, Canonization, and Cultural Memory (head, basic research project, funded by ARRS, 2014–2017)
  • The Evolution of Authorial Roles: The Slovenian Literary Author in a European Comparative Context (head, postdoctoral research project, 2007–2008)
  • The Slovenian and Czech National Revival (1780–1848) (head, bilateral project, 2011–2012)


Fields of interest

Slovenian and European Romanticism, national poets, cultural nationalism, literary and artistic avant-garde, canonization and the literary canon, theory and history of authorship, systems theory and empirical theory of literature, literature and music

Editorial projects

  • 2000: Antona Podbevšek 100 nadnaravnih let (Anton Podbevšek’s 100 Supernatural Years, conference proceedings; editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
  • 2005: Janez Trdina med zgodovino, narodopisjem in literaturo (Janez Trdina: History, Ethnography, and Literature; collection of essays, editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
  • 2007: Anton Podbevšek: Zbrane pesmi : elektronska znanstvenokritična izdaja (Anton Podbevšek: Collected Poems: Electronic Critical Edition; editor). Ljubljana, ZRC SAZU,–zrc/podbevsek/.
  • 2008: Literature and Censorship: Who is Afraid of the Truth of Literature (bilingual Slovenian–English special issue of Primerjalna književnost; editor).
  • 2008: Anton Podbevšek: Moje ekstaze skulptura (Anton Podbevšek: The Sculpture of My Ecstasy: critical edition of poetical opus; editor). Novo Mesto, Goga.
  • 2010: Who Chooses? Literature and Literary Mediation (bilingual Slovenian–English thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan and A. Vaupotič).
  • 2012: The Book: An Economy of Cultural Spaces (English thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan).
  • 2013: The Spatial Turn in Literary Studies (thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with J. Habjan and M. Juvan).
  • 2015: Literatura in glasba / Literature and Music (thematic issue of Primerjalna književnost; co-edited with G. Pompe and A. Jež). 
  • 2016: Literatur und Musik (thematic issue of TheMa [Hollitzer Verlag, Vienna], co-edited with G. Pompe).
  • 2016: Kulturni svetniki in kanonizacija (Cultural Saints and Canonization; collection of essays, editor). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU.
  • 2017: National Poets and Romantic (Be)Longing (thematic section of Arcadia, editor) 
  • Primerjalna književnost (Comparative Literature, AHCI/IBZ/MLA indexed journal in comparative literature; member of the editorial board, 2011–; editor-in-chief, 2016–)
  • Zbrana dela slovenskih pesnikov in pisateljev (Collected Works of Slovenian Poets and Writers, critical editions by ZRC SAZU, member of the editorial board, 2011–)



  • Sistemske in empirične obravnave literature [Systemic and Empirical Approaches to Literature], (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU, 2004)
  • Slovenski pisatelj: razvoj vloge literarnega proizvajalca v slovenskem literarnem sistemu [The Slovenian Writer: The Evolution of the Role of Literary Producer in the Slovenian Literary System], (Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU: 2007)
  • Mož z bombami: Anton Podbevšek in slovenska zgodovinska avantgarda [The Man with the Bombs: Anton Podbevšek and the Slovenian Interwar Avant-Garde], (Novo mesto, Ljubljana: Goga, ZRC SAZU, 2010) 
  • National Poets, Cultural Saints: Canonization and Commemorative Cults of Writers in Europe (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2017) 
  • Prešeren po Prešernu: kanonizacija nacionalnega pesnika in kulturnega svetnika [Prešeren after Prešeren: The Canonization of a National Poet and Cultural Saint], (Ljubljana: LUD Literatura: 2017).


Discourse theory and literature

Assist. Prof. Jernej Habjan, Ph.D.,


European literatures and nationalisms

Assoc. Prof. Marijan Dović, Ph.D.,


History of books and censorship

Assoc. Prof. Marijan Dović, Ph.D.,


Literary geography

Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.,


Literature and the visual arts

Assist. Prof. Luka Vidmar, Ph.D.,


Modernism and the avant-garde

Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.,

Asst. Prof. Andraž Jež, Ph. D. ,



Asst. Prof. Alenka Koron, Ph.D.,


Slovenian Baroque literature during the Reformation and the Enlightenment

Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,

Asst. Prof. Monika Deželak Trojar, Ph. D. ,


Sociology of the (Slovenian) literary institution

Assoc. Prof. Marijan Dović, Ph.D.,


Textology and digital humanities

Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,

Asst. Prof. Andrejka Žejn, Ph. D. ,


World systems and Slovenian literary discourse

Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.,