Asst. Prof. Mateja Ferk, Ph. D.

Research Fellow at Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU, lecturer at 3rd Cycle study at Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.
+386 1 470 63 58
- University degree in geography (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2009)
- Ph.D. in Geography (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2014)
Research interests
My research field is geomorphology, focused mostly on karstology, speleology, and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. I am regularly involved in project work on national and international level. I contributed to several projects targeting applied research in geomorphology and natural hazards and published several scientific papers and books.
Main visiting appointments
- Invited lecture (The use of remote sensing methods in geomorphology: examples from Slovenia and Australia) at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America, 5. 12. 2019
- Invited lecture (Remote sensing in geomorphology: examples from Australia) at the Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 12. 6. 2019
- Invited lecture (Karst and Caves in Slovenia) at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, United States of America, 24. 8. 2018
- Invited lecture (Palaeofloods on Karst Poljes, Slovenia) at the Department of Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 15. 2. 2012
Other experiences
- member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Acta geographica Slovenica, since 2019;
- member of the editorial boards of scientific book series Geografija Slovenije, since 2015;
- member of the editorial board of scientific book series Georitem, since 2015;
- member of the Geomorphological Association of Slovenia, since 2006 (president 2016-2019, secretary 2011-2016);
- licence for individual cave exploration, since 2006.
Recognitions and Awards
- ZRC SAZU Silver Award for a top-level PhD in humanities, 2016;
- Scholarship of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts for research work at the Faculty of Science, Technology and Engineering, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 2012;
- Speleological Association of Slovenia Award and Bronze Decoration for special achievements in speleology, 2011;
- The Prešeren Award for students, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 2010.
Selected scientific publications
- Ferk, M., Ciglič, R., Komac, B., Loczy, D. 2020: Management of small retention ponds and their impact on flood hazard prevention in the Slovenske Gorice Hills. Acta geographica Slovenica 60-1.
- Ferk, M., Lipar, M., Šmuc, A., Drysdale, R. N., Zhao, J. 2019: Chronology of heterogeneous deposits in the side entrance of Postojna Cave, Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 59-1.
- Lipar, M., Stepišnik, U., Ferk, M. 2019: Multiphase breakdown sequence of collapse doline morphogenesis : an example from Quaternary aeolianites in Western Australia. Geomorphology 327.
- Lipar, M., Ferk, M., Lojen, S., Barham, M. 2019: Sulfur (34S/32S) isotope composition of gypsum and implications for deep cave formation on the Nullarbor Plain, Australia. International journal of speleology 48-1.
- Ticar, J., Komac, B., Zorn, M., Ferk, M., Hrvatin, M., Ciglič, R. 2017: From urban geodiversity to geoheritage : the case of Ljubljana (Slovenia). Quaestiones Geographicae 36-3.
- Ferk, M., Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Zorn, M., Stepišnik, U. 2017: Pleistocene glaciation in Mediterranean Slovenia. Special publication of the Geological Society of London 433.
- Ferk, M. 2016: Palaeofloods in karstic Ljubljanica River Catchment. Geografija Slovenije 33. Ljubljana, 187 p.
- Ferk, M., Zorn, M. 2015: Kras – A polysemous term with international recognition. Kronika 63-3.
- Lipar, M., Ferk, M. 2015: Karst pocket valleys and their implications on Pliocene-Quaternary hydrology and climate: examples from the Nullarbor Plain, southern Australia. Earth-Science Reviews 150.
- Ferk, M., Lipar, M. 2012: Eogenetic caves in Pleistocene carbonate in Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 52-1.
- Ferk, M., Stepišnik, U. 2011: Geomorphological Characteristics of Rakov Škocjan. Georitem 17.
- Stepišnik, U., Ferk, M., Kodelja, B., Medenjak, G., Mihevc, A., Natek, K., Žebre, M. 2009: Glaciokarst of western Orjen, Montenegro. Cave and karst science 36-1.
- Stepišnik, U., Ferk, M., Gostinčar, P., Černuta, L., Peternelj, K., Štembergar, T., Ilič, U. 2007: Alluvial fans on contact karst: an example from Matarsko Podolje, Slovenia. Acta carsologica 36-2.

Selected studies on natural disasters
Asst. Prof. Mateja Ferk, Ph. D. ,
Asst. Prof. Blaž Komac, Ph. D. ,
Selected topics in rural development
Assist. Prof. Nika Private: Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,
Erik Logar, Ph. D. ,