Asst. Prof. Matej Gabrovec, Ph. D.

Matej Gabrovec

Research Advisor at Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU, lecturer at 3rd cycle doctoral study at Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.

+386 1 470 63 64


  • Sc. in Geography and Ethnology (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1984)
  • M. Sc. in Geography (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1990)
  • Ph. D. in Geography (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, 1995)


Research interests:

There are two main topics in frame of my research fields. The first one is transport geography where I am concentrating on public passenger transport planning, which is based on daily mobility and travel behaviour studies. I am involved in sustainable urban mobility plans and transport accessibility measurement and planning. The second topic is land use and land cover changes study. Long term land use changes from different point of view have been analysed.


  • President of the Science Council of Anton Melik Geographical institute of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
  • member of the Science Council of the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts,
  • president of the International Geographical Union Commission on Land use and Land Cover Changes (2016-2020),
  • member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals Geografski vestnik/Geographical Bulletin and Geografski zbornik/Acta geographica Slovenica , eco.mont and Acta Triglavensia,
  • member of the Triglav National Park Professional council,
  • member of the ISCAR-P working group on the Alpine Protected Areas Research.

Selected publications:

  • Gabrovec, M., Bičík, I., Komac, B. 2019: Land registers as a source of studying long-term land-use changes. Acta geographica Slovenica 59-2.
  • Gabrovec, M., Kumer, P. 2019: Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59, 1, pp. 63-81.
  • Gabrovec, M., Razpotnik Visković, N. 2018: Accessibility to public transport as a condition for schoolchildren’s social inclusion. Geografski vestnik 90-2.
  • Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Kozina, J., Polajnar Horvat, K., Nared, J., Smrekar, A., Topole, M., Urbanc, M. 2017: Triglav National Park, Slovenia, and its contribution to regional development. Eco.mont 9, special issue.
  • Gabrovec, M., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Ortar, J., Pavšek, M., Topole, M., Triglav Čekada, M., Zorn, M. 2014: Triglavski ledenik [Triglav Glacier] (Geografija Slovenije 30). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC
  • Gabrovec, M., Ortar, J., Pavšek, M., Zorn, M., Triglav Čekada, M. 2013:. The Triglav glacier between the years 1999 and 2012. Acta geographica Slovenica, 53- 2.
  • Gabrovec, M. 2013: Open borders with uncoordinated public transport : the case of Slovenian-Italian border. European Journal of Geography 4-4.
  • Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2012: The influence of land-use changes on geomorphic processes during recent centuries on the example of Zgornje Posočje (the Upper Soča Valley). Dolgoročne spremembe okolja 1 (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 25). Ljubljana.
  • Gabrovec, M. Bole, D. 2009: Dnevna mobilnost v Sloveniji [Daily mobilty in Slovenia]. Georitem 11. Ljubljana.
  • Urbanc, M., Gabrovec M. 2005: Krajevna imena: Poligon za dokazovanje moči in odraz lokalne identitete [Place names: a testing ground for demonstration of power and a reflection of local identity]Geografski vestnik 77-2.


Economic geography

Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, Ph.D.,


European regional politics

Damjan Kavaš, Asst. Prof.,


Human-environment relations: selected examples

Asst. Prof. Aleš Smrekar, Ph.D.,


Modern demographic processes

Asst. Prof. Maruša Goluža, Ph. D. ,


Participatory research and planning

Assist. Prof. David Bole, Ph.D.,


Selected studies on natural disasters

Asst. Prof. Mateja Ferk, Ph. D. ,

Asst. Prof. Blaž Komac, Ph. D. ,


Selected topics in rural development

Assist. Prof. Nika Private: Razpotnik Visković, Ph.D.,

Erik Logar, Ph. D. ,


Social impact studies

Assist. Prof. Pavel Gantar, Ph. D. ,


Spatial planning

Asst. Prof. Maruša Goluža, Ph. D. ,


Spatial sociology

Assist. Prof. Pavel Gantar, Ph. D. ,


Strategic transport planning

Asst. Prof. Matej Gabrovec, Ph. D. ,


Urban transformation: theory and practice

Assist. Prof. David Bole, Ph.D.,