Assist. Prof. Jernej Habjan, Ph.D.

Research Fellow, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
B.A. Comparative Literature, Russian Studies (University of Ljubljana, 2005)
Ph.D. Sociology (University of Ljubljana, 2010)
Research interests:
My research interests include literary theory, world literature studies, sociology of literature, contemporary philosophy, psychoanalysis, historical materialism, Slovenian literature, theory and history of the novel, and critical globalization studies.
- Graduate visiting scholar, Department of Linguistics, University of Paris III (October–December 2009);
- Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Munich (2012–2014);
- Research Fellow, IFK International Research Center for Cultural Studies, University of Art and Design Linz (March–June 2015).
- Member of the Research Committee on Literary Theory at the International Comparative Literature Association (AILC/ICLA);
- Member of the Organising Committee of the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association;
- Member of Editorial Board of the publishing house Sophia (Ljubljana);
- Member of Editorial Board of the publishing house Studia humanitatis (Ljubljana);
- Member of Editorial Board of the book series Studia litteraria. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Habjan, J. 2016. Ordinary Literature Philosophy: Literary Studies after Cultural Studies. South Atlantic Quarterly 115(4):699–714.
- Habjan, J. 2016. Introduction: Globalizing Literary Genres. In: Jernej Habjan in Fabienne Imlinger (eds.), Globalizing Literary Genres. New York: Routledge, pp. 1–14.
- Gupta, S., J. Habjan in H. Tutek. 2016. Introduction: Academia and the Production of Unemployment. In: Suman Gupta, Jernej Habjan and Hrvoje Tutek (eds.), Academic Labour, Unemployment and Global Higher Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–20.
- Habjan, J. 2016. Novel Fiction, Newspaper Reality. Neohelicon 43(2):461–471.
- Habjan, J. 2016. Slovenian Sociology of Literature and Slovenian National Poet: France Prešeren between the Partisans, Dissidents and Theorists. Slavica tergestina 17:126–146.
- Habjan, J. 2015. Introduction: Novel beyond Nation. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue canadienne de littérature comparée 42(4):347–352.
- Habjan, J. 2015. Pre-Modern Joking Relationships in Modern Europe: From Le Neveu de Rameau to Le Neveu de Lacan. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue canadienne de littérature comparée 42(4):370–381.
- Habjan, J. 2014. Literatura med dekonstrukcijo in teorijo. Ljubljana: Založba /*cf.
- Habjan, J., in J. Whyte. 2014. Introduction. In: Jernej Habjan and Jessica Whyte (eds.), (Mis)readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–18.
- Habjan, J. 2014. World-Systems Analysis and Form: Distant Reading as Structural Poetics of World Literature. In: María Constanza Guzmán and Alejandro Zamora (eds.), Deterritorializing Practices in Literary Studies. Cuernavaca: Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos; and Toronto: Contornos Publishing, pp. 21–35.
- Habjan, J. 2013. From Cultural Third-Worldism to the Literary World-System. CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture 15(5):<>.
- Habjan, J. 2013. Buržoazna revolucija, kontrarevolucija in proletarska revolucija kot žanri v Osemnajstem brumairu Ludvika Bonaparta. Filozofski vestnik 34(3):145–161.
- Habjan, J. 2012. Uvod. In: Jernej Habjan (ed.), Diskurz: od filozofije govorice do teorije ideologije. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, pp. 11–25.
- Habjan, J. 2012. The Culturalist Ideology in Literary Theory: From a “Critical” Theory of the Performative to a “Topical” Conception of Performativity. Primerjalna književnost 35(2):251–264.
- Habjan, J. 2012. The Bestseller as the Black Box of Distant Reading: The Case of Sherlock Holmes. Primerjalna književnost 35(1):91–105.
- Habjan, J. 2012. Estetski režim umetnosti med performativno subverzijo in transferno transgresijo. Filozofski vestnik 33(1):91–100.
- Habjan, J. 2011. Research as Reading: From the Close Reading of Difference to the Distant Reading of Distance. Primerjalna književnost 34(2):173–183.
- Habjan, J. 2011. Kaj smo hoteli od Derridaja? Problemi 49(5–6):161–189.
- Habjan, J. 2010. Who Chooses the One Who Chooses? On a Forced Choice of Shakespearean Epistemology and Textology. Primerjalna književnost 33(2):193–202.
- Habjan, J. 2009–2010. Canonization – Culturalization – Sanctification: Romeo and Juliet In the Western Canon, “French Resentment” and Lacanian Ethics. (a): The Journal of Culture and the Unconscious 8(1):35–46.

Life writing: autobiography, biography, memoirs, diaries, and letters
Asst. Prof. Alenka Koron, Ph.D.,
Slovenian Baroque literature during the Reformation and the Enlightenment
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Monika Deželak Trojar, Ph. D. ,
Textology and digital humanities
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Andrejka Žejn, Ph. D. ,