Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.
Research Advisor and Head of the Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts; Professor of Slovenian literature at the University of Ljubljana and Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.
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Education and degrees
- 1993 – Ph.D. Literary Studies, University of Ljubljana.
- 1990 – MA Slovenian Literature, Faculty of Letters, University of Ljubljana.
- 1985 – BA Slovenian and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Letters, University of Ljubljana.
Additional training
- 1996, June – Postdoctoral stay, University of München.
- 1989/90 (summer semester) – Postgraduate courses, University of Tübingen.
Employment, positions
- Since 2012 – Head of the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies.
- Since 2007 – Full Professor of Slovenian Literature, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana.
- since 2006 – Research Advisor, The Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies, ZRC SAZU
- 2002–07 – Associate Professor of Literary Theory and Slovenian Literature, Department of Slovenian Studies, University of Ljubljana.
- 2001–06 – Senior Research Fellow, ZRC SAZU.
- 1996–2001 – Research Fellow, Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Sciences, ZRC SAZU.
- 1994–2002 – Assistant Professor of Literary Theory and Slovenian Literature, Department for Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Letters, University of Ljubljana.
- 1986–94 – Teaching Assistant, Department for Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty of Letters, University of Ljubljana.
Research interests
Literary and cultural theory, comparative literature (intertextuality, literary discourse, world literature, peripheral/minor literatures, literary geography), European Romanticism, Slovenian literature, East-Central European literatures.
- 2009 –Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic.
- 2006 –Zagreb University, Croatia.
(Co-)organization of international conferences
- 2013 – Perspectivizing World Literature, a panel, 128th Convention of the MLA, Boston.
- 2012 – The Spatial Turn in Literary Studies / Prostorski obrat v literarni vedi, (co-organizer), international colloquium of the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association, Lipica.
- 2011 – Cultural Saints of the European Nation States, (co-organizer), a panel, 4th Congress of the REELC/ENCLS, Skopje & Ohrid.
- 2010 – Knjiga: ekonomija kulturnih prostorov / The book: An Economy of Cultural Spaces (co-organizer), REELC/ENCLS, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
- 2009 – Esej in singularnost / The Essay and Singularity (co-organizer), Ljubljana, Slovenian Comparative Literature Association and ZRC SAZU.
- 2008 – Responding to Cosmopolitanism: The New Identities of Literary Theory (co-organizer), ICLA Committee on Literary Theory International Colloquium, Ljubljana
- 2007 – Comparative Literature in the 20th Century (co-organizer), ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
- 2005 – Hybridizing Theory and Literature (co-organizer, with Jelka Kernev Štrajn), Slovenian Comparative Literature Association, Lipica, Slovenia.
- 2002 – How to Write Literary History Today? (co-organizer, with Darko Dolinar), ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana.
- 2000 – Puškin/Prešeren (co-organizer), Lomonosov State University, Moscow.
- 2000 – The Romantic Epic Poem (organizer), University of Ljubljana.
- 1995 – Bakhtin and the Humanities (co-organizer), University of Ljubljana.
Guest lectures at foreign universities
München (1996), Budapest (2000), Hamburg (2003), Prague (2005, 2017), Zagreb (2005), Reykjavik (2010), Vienna (2012), Ghent (2014), Novi Sad (2014), Granada (2016), Luxembourg (2017), Graz (2017)
Leadership of national research projects (funded by Slovenian Research Agency)
- Investigations into Literary History, Literary Theory and Methodology. 2009 – 2014, 2015–2020..
- The Space of Slovenian Literary Culture: Literary History and the GIS-Based Spatial Analysis. 2011–2014.
- The “Slovenian” World Literature: Locating World Literature in a National Literary System. 2010–2013.
Coordination of bilateral exchange/research projects
- 2010 – Coordinator of the Icelandic – Slovenian Exchange Project “Icelandic and Slovenian Cultural Saints,” EEA Grants, Norway Grants (partner institution: University of Iceland)
- 2007–08 – Coordinator of the Slovenian-Czech Research Project “Comparative Studies of Czech and Slovenian Literary Fields in Central European Context” (partner institution: Masaryk University, Brno)
- 2003–05 – Coordinator of Slovenian-Czech Research Project “National Literatures, Central Europe, Europe, and the World” (partner institution: Masaryk University, Brno)
- 2001–03 – Coordinator of the Slovenian-Czech Research Project “Literary Theory and Comparative Literature” (partner institution: Masaryk University, Brno)
- Academic leadership, supervision, administration
- 2013–17 – Member of the Section Committee for Literary and Theatrical Studies, Academia Europaea, London.
- Since 2012 – Head of the ZRC SAZU Institute of Slovenian Literature and Literary Studies
- 2008–14 – Member of the ICLA Committee on Literary Theory
- 2007–11 – Member of the Executive Committee of the REELC/ENCLS
- 2002–06 – President of the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association
- 1998–2002 – Vice-president of the Slovenian Comparative Literature Association
- 1994–96 – Head of Department’s Deputy, Faculty of Letters, Ljubljana University
- 1992–96 – Co-ordinating Team for the Research Field Literary Studies (in the framework of the Slovenian Ministry of Science and Technology’s expert system)
Ph.D. supervision
Luka Vidmar (2009), Vita Žerjal – Pavlin (2007), Barbara Zorman (2007), Marijan Dović (2005), Alojzija Zupan Sosič (2000).
Editorial boards
- Since 2014 – the book series Thought, society, culture (Frankfurt/Main: P. Lang)
- Since 2012 – Literaturna misal (Sofia)
- Since 2011 – Context (Skopje), Slavica litteraria (Brno)
- Since 2004 –co-editor of the book series Studia litteraria (Ljubljana)
- Since 1999 – Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Purdue UP)
- 1997–2011 – the journal Slavistična revija (Ljubljana)
- Since 1997 – the journal Primerjalna književnost (Ljubljana)
- 1989–96 – journals Literatura, Jezik in slovstvo (Ljubljana)
- 2014 – “Golden Sign of ZRC SAZU” for outstanding research achievements
- 2012 – Member of Academia Europaea
- 1991 – “Kidrič” Award for Young Researchers for the book Imaginarij Krsta v slovenski literaturi.
Single-authored books (selection)
- Hibridni žanri: Študije o križancih izkustva, mišljenja in literature (Hybrid Genres: Studies on Crossing Literature with Thinking and Experience). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2017.
- Imaginarij Krsta v slovenski literaturi: Medbesedilnost recepcije (The Imaginary of Baptism at the Savica in Slovene Literature: The Intertextuality of Reception). Druga, popravljena in dopolnjena izdaja. Ur. Jan Jona Javoršek, Matija Ogrin. 1. elektronska izd., verzija 0.8. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2016.
- Prešernovska struktura in svetovni literarni sistem (The Prešernian Structure and the World Literary System). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2012.
- Literary Studies in Reconstruction: An Introduction to Literature. Frankfurt a/M. etc.: P. Lang, 2011.
- History and Poetics of Intertextuality. West Lafayette, IN: Purdue UP, 2008.
- Literarna veda v rekonstrukciji (Literary Studies in Reconstruction). Ljubljana: LUD Literatura, 2006. (Novi pristopi). – Serbian translation: Nauka o književnosti u rekonstrukciji. Transl. Miljenka Vitezović. Beograd: Službeni glasnik, 2011.
Edited books (selection)
- Prostori slovenske književnosti (Spaces of Slovenian Literature). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2016.
- Svetovne književnosti in obrobja (World Literatures and Peripheries). Ed. Marko Juvan. Ljubljana: ZRC, 2012.
- Writing Literary History: Selected perspectives from Central Europe. Eds. Darko Dolinar, Marko Juvan. Frankfurt a/M. etc.: P. Lang, 2006.
- Peer-reviewed articles in AHCI-indexed journals (since 2012)
- The Aesthetics and Politics of Belonging: National Poets between “Vernacularism” and “Cosmopolitanism”. Arcadia, 2017, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 10–28.
- Izbrisani med politiko zanikanja in eksemplaričnostjo romana (The “Erased” between the Politics of Denial and the Exemplarity of the Novel). Primerjalna književnost, 2016, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 23-42, [163].
- Pripovedni svet Brede Smolnikar (The Narrative World of Breda Smolnikar). Slavistična revija, Apr.-Jun. 2016, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 151-164.
- From political theater in Yugoslav socialism to political performance in global capitalism: the case of Slovenian Mladinsko theater. European review, feb. 2016, vol. 24, issue 1, str. 72-82.
- (with Joahim Dokler) Towards a GIS analysis of literary cultures: the making of the Slovenian ethnoscape through literature. International journal of humanities and arts computing, no. 2, vol. 9, pp. 196-218.
- The nation between the epic and the novel : France Prešeren’s The Baptism on the Savica as a compromise “world text”. Canadian review of comparative literature, ISSN 0319-051X, 2015, vol. 42, iss. 4, pp. 382-395.
- From spatial turn to GIS-mapping of literary cultures. European review, ISSN 1062-7987, Feb. 2015, vol. 23, issue 1, str. 81-96.
- In the background of the ‘alphabet war’: Slovenian-Czech interliterary relations and world literature. Interlitteraria, ISSN 1406-0701, 2015, vol. 20, suppl. 1, pp. 148-158.
- Doing literature without thinking: paralogical devices and the literary field. Canadian review of comparative literature, ISSN 0319-051X, 2014, vol. 41, iss. 1, pp. 54-71.
- Taking Darwin metaphorically and literally: genres and sciences in a survival struggle. Neohelicon, ISSN 0324-4652, 2014, vol. 41, iss. 2, pp. 303-315.
- The crisis of late capitalism and the renaissance of world literature. In: RATIANI, Irma (ed.). National literatures and the process of cultural globalization : proceedings. [Tbilisi]: Shota Rustaveli Institute of Georgian literature], 2014, pp. 21-33.
- Worlding literatures between dialogue and hegemony. CLCWeb, ISSN 1481-4374. [Online ed.], December 2013, vol. 15, issue 5.
- Kulturni obtok in knjiga : književnost, vednost, prostor in ekonomija (uvodni zaris) = Cultural circulation and the book : literature, knowledge, space, and economy (an introduction). Primerjalna književnost, ISSN 0351-1189, 2012, vol. 35, iss. 1, pp. 11-35.
- World literature in Carniola: transfer of Romantic cosmopolitanism and the making of national literature. In: TALVET, Jüri (ed.). World literature and national literatures = Littérature mondiale et littératures nationales = Weltliteratur und nationalliteraturen = Literatura mundial y literaturas nacionales, (Interlitteraria, ISSN 1406-0701, 17). Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2012, pp. 27-49.

Life writing: autobiography, biography, memoirs, diaries, and letters
Asst. Prof. Alenka Koron, Ph.D.,
Slovenian Baroque literature during the Reformation and the Enlightenment
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Monika Deželak Trojar, Ph. D. ,
Textology and digital humanities
Assist. Prof. Matija Ogrin, Ph.D,
Asst. Prof. Andrejka Žejn, Ph. D. ,