Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, Ph.D.

Dean of the Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU, coordinator of the Human Geography module and lecturer of the Cultural Geography course in the doctoral programme Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures. Research Fellow at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute ZRC SAZU. Assistant Professor in the field of Geography.

+386 1 4706 546


B.Sc. Geography (University of Ljubljana, 2008)

Ph.D. Geography (University of Ljubljana, 2013)


Fieldwork and research interests:

His fieldwork is focused on exploring culture, creativity and innovation in different spatial contexts. He is interested in examining the cultural values, practices, discursive and material expressions and artefacts of people, the cultural diversity and plurality of society, and how cultures are distributed over space, how places and identities are produced, how people make sense of places and build senses of place, and how people produce and communicate knowledge and meaning. His main research interests can be divided into three interrelated fields:

(1) urban and regional studies, small and medium-sized towns, polycentric spatial development, urban-rural relationships, participatory planning and governance;

(2) industrial and post-industrial socio-economic development, cultural and creative industries, creative economy, social innovation, knowledge society;

(3) urban agriculture, urban gardening, green infrastructure, eco-innovation.

Main visiting appointments:

  • Research Student, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana (2005);
  • Research Student, Institute of Anthropological and Spatial Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (2006-2007);
  • Research Student, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia (2007-2009);
  • Visiting Researcher, Cardiff Metropolitan University, School of Management (2014-2015)


  • Editor for Human Geography of Acta Geographica Slovenica;
  • Member of Steering Group of Danube Local Actors Platform;
  • Member of Editorial Board of Digital Encyclopaedia of Slovenian Natural and Cultural Heritage;
  • Member of Inter-Municipality Initiative, Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion;
  • Member of Editorial Board of a Book Series Geography of Slovenia. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC;
  • Member of Editorial Board of a Book Series Georitem. Ljubljana: Zložba ZRC;
  • Deputy Member of Statistical Advisory Committee of the Population Statistics of Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia;
  • Member of Regional Studies Association;
  • Member of Steering Committee of Slovenian Regional Days Symposium.

Selected publications:

  • Bole, D., Kozina, J., Tiran, J. 2020. The socioeconomic performance of small and mediumsized industrial towns: Slovenian perspectives. Moravian Geographical Reports, 28(1), 16-28.
  • Kozina, J. 2020. Vrednote industrijskega mesta v post-socialističnem kontekstu [Industrial city values in a post-socialist context]. In: Bole, D. (ed.) Velenje, industrijsko mesto v preobrazbi, Knjižna zbirka Capacities (pp. 111-122). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • Kozina, J., Halilović, N. 2020. Urbano vrtičkarstvo kot tradicija in družbena inovacija v Velenju [Urban gardening as a tradition and social innovation in Velenje]. In: Bole, D. (ed.) Velenje, industrijsko mesto v preobrazbi, Knjižna zbirka Capacities (pp. 159-170). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • Poljak Istenič, S., Kozina, J. 2020. Participatory planning in a post-socialist urban context: experience from five cities in Central and Eastern Europe. In: Nared, J., Bole, D. (eds.) Participatory research and planning in practice, The urban book series (pp. 31-50). Cham: Springer Open.
  • Kozina, J., Clifton, N. 2019. City-region or Urban-rural Framework: What Matters More in Understanding the Residential Location of the Creative Class? Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59(1), 127-143.
  • Kozina, J., Poljak Istenič, S., Komac, B. 2019. Green Creative Environments – Contribution to Sustainable Urban and Regional Development. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 59(1), 105-112.
  • Bole, D., Kozina, J., Tiran, J. 2019. The variety of industrial towns in Slovenia: a typology of their economic performance. Bulletin of Geography, Socio-Economic Series, 46, 71-83.
  • Tiran, J., Bole, D., Gašperič, P., Kozina, J., Kumer, P., Pipan, P. 2019. Vrednotenje družbene trajnostnosti malega industrijskega mesta: primer Velenja [Assessing the social sustainability of a small industrial town: the case of Velenje]. Geografski vestnik, 91(2), 71-89.
  • Kozina, J., Bole, D. 2018. The Impact of Territorial Policies on the Distribution of the Creative Economy: Tracking Spatial Patterns of Innovation in Slovenia. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 67(3), 259-273.
  • Kozina, J. 2018. Demographic Characteristics of Creative Workers: Under-activated Development Potentials in Slovenia? Acta Geographica Slovenica, 58(2), 111-121.
  • Kozina, J., Bole, D. 2018. Kje prebivajo in delujejo kulturni ustvarjalci? Širjenje in razpršitev kulturnih prostorov v Sloveniji [Where Do Cultural Workers Live and Act? The Spreading and Dispersal of Cultural Spaces in Slovenia]. Družboslovne razprave, 34(87), 35-59.
  • Šmid Hribar, M., Kozina, J., Bole, D., Urbanc, M. 2018. Public goods, common-pool resources, and the commons: the influence of historical legacy on modern perceptions in Slovenia as a transitional society. Urbani izziv, 29(1), 96-109.
  • Nared, J., Bole, D., Breg Valjavec, M., Ciglič, R., Goluža, M., Kozina, J., Razpotnik Visković, N., Repolusk, P., Rus, P., Tiran, J., Černič Istenič, M. 2017. Central settlements in Slovenia in 2016. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 57(2), 7-32.
  • Kozina, J., Bole, D. 2017. Agglomeration of Bohemians Across Different Spatial Scales in Slovenia. In: Murzyn-Kupisz, M., Działek, J. (eds.) The Impact of Artists on Contemporary Urban Development in Europe (pp. 185-204). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Kozina, J., Bole, D. 2017. Creativity at the European Periphery: Spatial Distribution and Developmental Implications in the Ljubljana Region. In: Chapain, C., Stryjakiewicz, T. (eds.) Creative Industries in Europe: Drivers of New Sectoral and Spatial Dynamics (pp. 227-254). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
  • Kozina, J. 2016. Življenjsko okolje ustvarjalnih ljudi v Sloveniji [Living Environment of Creative People in Slovenia]. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • Urbanc, M., Gašperič, P., Kozina, J. 2015. Geographical Imagination of Landscapes: Analysis of the Book of Photographs Slovenian Landscapes. Acta Geographica Slovenica, 55(1), 99-125.


Cultural Geography

Asst. Prof. Jani Kozina, Ph.D.,


Enviromental behavior

Asst. Prof. Katarina Polajnar Horvat, Ph.D.,


Heritage intepretation

Asst. Prof. Aleš Smrekar, Ph.D.,


Historical geography

Assoc. Prof. Matija Zorn, Ph.D.,


Social geography of karst

Assist. Prof. Mateja Breg Valjavec, Ph.D.,


Social innovations and territory

Assist. Prof. David Bole, Ph.D.,


Sustainable development

Asst. Prof. Daniela Alexandra Teixeira da Costa Ribeiro, Ph. D. ,