Historical geography
Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures (3rd level)
Modul:Human Geography
Course code: 96
Year of study: Not specified
Course principal:
Prof. Matija Zorn, Ph.D.
Workload: lectures 45 hours, seminar 45 hours
Course type: general elective
Languages: Slovene
Learning and teaching methods: lectures, discussion classes
Course syllabus (download)
Finished 2nd bologna level (masters degree) in appropriate field or equivalent program of study.
Content (Syllabus outline):
To what extent is geography “obliged” to acknowledge historical facts? How important was geography in the past landscape development? How deep in the past can geographic research go? These challenges face historical geography (“geography of the past”), a science that addresses geographical circumstances of the past and studies individual geographical features as a result of historical development, as well as seeks to understand the “working” of past (cultural) landscapes. As sources it uses: historical written in cartographic works, findings from the natural sciences (such as dendrochronology, palynology) and the landscape itself. It uses a genetic approach when studying the (cultural) landscape.
- Students get to know the importance of past landscape changes to be able to understand contemporary landscapes.
- Students deepen the knowledge of history to understand past and present human geographical processes.
- Students get to know the historical dimension of individual geographical features.
- Students try to understand if the present (cultural) landscape is the result of contemporary processes or longer development.
- Atkins, P. J., Simmons, I. G., Roberts, B. K. 2004: People, Land and Time: An Historical Introduction to the Relations Between Landscape, Culture and Environment. London: Arnold
- Baker, A. R. H. 2003: Geography and History: Bridging the Divide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baker, A. R. H., Billinge, M. (ur.) 1982: Period and Place: Research Methods in Historical Geography. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Baker, A. R. H., Gregor, D. 1984: Explorations in Historical Geography: Interpretative Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Bičík, I., Gabrovec, M., Kupková, L. 2019: Long-term land-use changes: a comparison between Czechia and Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 59-2, str. 91–105. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.7005
- Bračič, V. 1998: Historično-geografska dediščina. V: Geografija Slovenije. Ljubljana, Slovenska matica, str. 244–269.
- Butlin, R. A. 1996: Historical Geography: Trough the Gates of Space and Time. London: Arnold.
- Butlin, R. A., Dodgshon, R. A. (ur.) 1999: An Historical Geography of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- East, W. G. 1966: The Geography Behind History. London: Nelson.
- Gabrovec, M., Bičík, I., Komac, B. 2019: Land registers as a source of studying long-term land-use changes. Acta geographica Slovenica 59-2, str. 83 –89. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.7349
- Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2012: Vpliv sprememb rabe tal na geomorfne procese v zadnjih stoletjih na primeru Zgornjega Posočja. V: Dolgoročne spremembe okolja 1. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 25. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, str. 101–109.
- Gabrovec, M., Kumer, P. 2019: Land-use changes in Slovenia from the Franciscean Cadaster until today. Acta geographica Slovenica 59-1, str. 63–81. DOI: 10.3986/AGS.4892
- Gašperič, P. 2007: Cartographic images of Slovenia through time. Acta geographica Slovenic 47-2, str. 245–273. DOI: 10.3986/AGS47205
- Glamuzina, N., Fuerst-Bjeliš, B. 2015: Historijska geografija Hrvatske. Split: Sveučilište u Splitu.
- Gospodarska in družbena zgodovina Slovencev. Zgodovina agrarnih panog: I. Agrarno gospodarstvo. Ljubljana: DZS, 1970.
- Götz, W. 1904: Historische Geographie: Beispiele und Grundlinien. Leipzig: F. Deuticke.
- Guelke, L. 1982: Historical Understanding in Geography: An Idealist Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Haffke, J. (ur.) 2011: Historische Geographie: Konzepte und Fragestellungen: gestern, heute, morgen: Festschrift für Klaus Fehn zum 75. Geburtstag. Bergisch Gladbach: E. Ferger.
- Ilešič, S. 1950: Sistemi poljske razdelitve na Slovenskem. Dela SAZU 2. Ljubljana.
- Ilešič, S. 1964: Preostanki preteklosti v pokrajini kot element resničnega geografskega okolja. Geografski vestnik 36, str. 3–12.
- Klemenčič, V. 1970: Zur historischen Geographie Istriens. Österreichische Osthefte 12-4, str. 278–279.
• Kosi, M. 2011: Zgodovinska geografija. V: Enciklopedija Slovenije 15. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga, str. 172. - Kučera, Z. 2008: Historical geography between geography and historiography. Internet Journal of Historical Geography and Environmental History 5-1, str. 5–13.
- Langton, J. 1988: The two traditions of geography, historical geography and the study of landscapes. Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography 70-1, str. 17–25. DOI: 10.1080/04353684.1988.11879547
- Lučić, J. 1976: Prilog pitanju historijske geografije. Historijski zbornik 29-30, str. 61–76.
- Morrissey, J., Nally, D., Strohmayer, U., Whelan, Y. 2014: Key Concepts in Historical Geography. Los Angeles: SAGA.
- Offen, K. 2012: Historical geography I: Vital traditions. Progress in Human Geography 36-4. DOI: 10.1177/0309132511417964
- Offen, K. 2013: Historical geography II: Digital imaginations. Progress in Human Geography 37-4. DOI: 10.1177/0309132512462807
- Offen, K. 2014: Historical geography III: Climate matters. Progress in Human Geography 38-3, str. 476–489. DOI: 10.1177/0309132513501429
- Petek, F., Fridl, J. 2004: Pretvarjanje listov zemljiško-katastrskega načrta v Gauss-Krügerjev koordinatni. Geografski vestnik 76-2.
- Petek, F., Urbanc, M. 2004: The Franziscean Land Cadastre as a key to understanding the 19th-century cultural landscape in Slovenia. Acta geographica Slovenica 44-1, str. 89–113. DOI: 10.3986/AGS44104
- Pounds, N. J. G. 2009: An Historical Geography of Europe: 1500–1840. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Schenk, W. 2001: Historische Geographie. Heidelberg: WBG.
- Urbanc, M. 2002: Kulturne pokrajine v Sloveniji. Geografija Slovenije 5. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Vrišer, I. 1985: Historična geografija: cilji, pomen in metode. Geografski vestnik 57, str. 73–82.
- Zorn, M. 2007: Jožefinski vojaški zemljevid kot geografski vir. Geografski vestnik 79-2, str. 129–140.
- Zorn, M. 2009: Uporaba zgodovinskih virov pri sorodnih vedah zgodovine. Kronika 57, Izredna številka, str. 383–400.
- Zorn, M., Breg Valjavec, M., Ciglič, R. 2018: Kartografski viri in viri daljinskega zaznavanja ter njihova uporabnost za spremljanje dinamike rečnega toka: na primeru mejnih odsekov Drave in Dragonje. V: Ustvarjanje slovensko-hrvaške meje. Vpogledi 19. Ljubljana: Inštitut za novejšo zgodovino, str. 207–229.
Objectives and competences:
- Students get to know the theory, theoretical models and methodological approaches and tools for in-depth and critical understanding and research of past (cultural) landscapes.
- Students get to know the use and application of historical sources/facts for the study of past (cultural) landscapes.
- Students get to understand and evaluate the relationship between past and present geographical processes.
- Students understand of the role of man and his activity throughout history in the light of changing (cultural) landscapes.
- Students recognize physical geographical and human geographical processes in the landscape, which impacted landscape change.
- Students can critically assess landscape development in the past.
Intended learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
- Students know the fundamental characteristics of historical changes in (cultural) landscapes as well as causes and indicators of these changes;
- Students understand the consequences of any historical landscape changes and can apply them to the present;
- Students are able to evaluate the landscape in terms of historical development and understand the functioning of past (cultural) landscapes.
Learning and teaching methods:
Types of learning/teaching:
- Frontal teaching
- Independent students work
Teaching methods:
- Explanation
- Case studies Different presentation
- Inviting guests from companies
- Long written assignments (30 %)
- Presentations (10 %)
- Final examination (written/oral) (60 %)