Prof. Matija Zorn, Ph.D.

Research Advisor and Director of the Anton Melik Geographical Institute, Full Professor
+386 1 4706 348
B.Sc. in Geography and History (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2001)
Ph.D. in Geography (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2007)
Short biography:
Matija Zorn was born in 1975 in Kranj, Slovenia. In 2001 he received a bachelor’s degree in geography and history at the University of Ljubljana’s Faculty of Arts (Slovenia), and he received his doctorate in geography from the same institution in 2007. He has worked at the Anton Melik Geographical Institute of the Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia) since 2001. He was the institute’s assistant director from 2007 to 2018 and has served as director of the institute since 2018. He has also headed the institute’s Physical Geography Department since 2008. He also holds the faculty rank of an associate professor in geography at the University of Primorska’s Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Management (Koper, Slovenia).
He primarily deals with physical geography, geography of natural disasters, geographic information systems, historical geography, and environmental history. Since 2011, he has been the editor-in-chief of the journal Geografski vestnik (Geographical Bulletin) and the chief editor for physical geography for the journal Acta geographica Slovenica. He also coedits book series Naravne nesreče (Natural Disasters) and GIS v Sloveniji (GIS in Slovenia) and serves as a member of the editorial boards of several Slovenian and international journals. His bibliography comprises of more than 1000 units.
- Chief editor for physical geography of the SCIE and SCOPUS cited journal Acta geographica Slovenica/Geografski zbornik (2011–);
- Editor-in-Chief of the of the SCOPUS cited journal Geografski vestnik/Geographical Bulletin (2011–);
- Member of editorial board of scientific journals: Hrvatski geografski glasnik/Croatian Geographical Bulletin (2014–), The Environment (2014–), Geografski pregled/Geographical Review (2014–), Acta Geobalcanica (2015–), Problems of Geography (2016–), Environmental & Socio-economic Studies (2017–), Retrospektive/Retrospectives (2018–);
- Co-editor of book series GIS in Slovenia;
- Co-editor of book series Natural Hazards;
- Member of the steering committee of the Commission on Land Degradation and Desertification (COMLAND) of the International Geographical Union (2016–);
- Member of the executive committee of the Association of Slovenian Geographers (2003–2007, 2011–);
- Voluntary mountain leader of the Alpine Association of Slovenia (1996–).
Selected publications:
- Perko, D., Ciglič, R., Zorn, M. (eds.) 2020: The Geography of Slovenia: Small But Diverse. Springer Nature. DOI:
- Mikša, P., Zorn, M. 2020: Življenje ob meji: Rogaška Slatina in Obsotelje kot jugovzhodna meja nemškega rajha (1941–1945) (Life on the Border: Rogaška Slatina and Obsotelje as the Southeastern Border of the German Reich (1941–1945)). Historia 33. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. DOI:
- Gašperič, P., Šolar, R., Zorn, M. 2020: Cartographic Treasures of Slovenian Territory. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Zorn, M., Mikša, P., Lačen Benedičič, I., Ogrin, M., Marija Kunstelj, A. (eds.) 2018: Triglav 240 (Mt. Triglav 240). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. DOI:
- Zorn, M. in sodelavci 2015: Dolina Triglavskih jezer (The Triglav Lakes Valley). Geografija Slovenije 32. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Gabrovec, M., Hrvatin, M., Komac, B., Ortar, J., Pavšek, M., Topole, M., Triglav Čekada, M., Zorn, M. 2014: Triglavski ledenik (The Triglav Glacier). Geografija Slovenije 30. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Zorn, M., Razpotnik Visković, N., Repolusk, P., Ferk, M. 2013: Prostorski in regionalni razvoj Sredozemlja – enotni pristop in izbrana orodja (Spatial and Regional Development of the Mediterranean: A Unified Approach and Selected Tools). Georitem 22. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Komac, B., Zorn, M., Ciglič, R. 2011: Izobraževanje o naravnih nesrečah v Evropi (Natural-Disaster Education in Europe). Georitem 18. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Komac, B., Natek, K., Zorn, M. 2008: Geografski vidiki poplav v Sloveniji (Geographical Aspects of Floods in Slovenia). Geografija Slovenije 20. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Ažman Momirski, L., Kladnik, D., Komac, B., Petek, F., Repolusk, P., Zorn, M. 2008: Terasirana pokrajina Goriških brd (Terraced Landscape in Goriška brda). Geografija Slovenije 17. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2008: Zemeljski plazovi v Sloveniji (Landslides in Slovenia). Georitem 8. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Zorn, M. 2008: Erozijski procesi v slovenski Istri (Erosion Processes in Slovene Istria). Geografija Slovenije 18. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Komac, B., Zorn, M. 2007: Pobočni procesi in človek (Slope Processes and a Man). Geografija Slovenije 15. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
- Hudson, P. F., Zorn, M. 2019: The role of historic human impacts on modern environmental processes and management: Introduction to special issue. Land Degradation & Development 29-10. DOI:
- Carey, A. E., Zorn, M., Tičar, J., Lipar, M., Komac, B., Welch, S. A., Smith, D. F., Lyons, W. B. 2019: Glaciochemistry of cave ice: Paradana and Snežna Caves, Slovenia. Geosciences 9-2. DOI:
- Peña-Angulo, D., … Zorn, M. 2019: Spatial variability of the relationships of runoffand sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Hydrology 571. DOI:
- Breg Valjavec, M., Zorn, M., Čarni, A. 2018: Human‐induced land degradation and biodiversity of Classical Karst landscape: On the example of enclosed karst depressions (dolines). Land Degradation & Development 29-10. DOI:
- Breg Valjavec, M., Zorn, M., Čarni, A. 2018: Bioindication of human-induced soil degradation in enclosed karst depressions (dolines) using Ellenberg indicator values (Classical Karst, Slovenia). Science of the Total Environment 640/641. DOI:
- Van Hall, R. L., Cammeraat, L. H., Keesstra, S. D., Zorn, M. 2017: Impact of secondary vegetation succession on soil quality in a humid Mediterranean landscape. Catena 149-3. DOI:
- Ferk, M., Gabrovec, M., Komac, B., Zorn, M., Stepišnik, U. 2017: Pleistocene glaciation in Mediterranean Slovenia. Quaternary glaciation in the Mediterranean mountains, Special publication of the Geological Society London 433-1. DOI: https://
- Tošić, I., Zorn, M., Ortar, J., … 2016: Annual and seasonal variability of precipitation and temperatures in Slovenia from 1961 to 2011. Atmospheric Research 168. DOI:
- Del Gobbo, C., Colucci, R. R., Forte, E., Triglav Čekada, M., Zorn, M. 2016: The Triglav glacier (South-Eastern Alps, Slovenia): volume estimation, internal characterization and 2000-2013 temporal evolution by means of ground penetrating radar measurements. Pure and Applied Geophysics 173-8. DOI:
- Zorn, M. 2012: Geomorphic activity in flysch badlands of the Istria peninsula (SW Slovenia). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N. F., Suppl. 56-3. DOI:
• Kuhlicke, C., …, Zorn, M., … 2011: Perspectives on social capacity building for natural hazards: outlining an emerging field of research and practice in Europe. Environmental Science & Policy 14- 7. DOI: - Zorn, M., Komac, B. 2009: The importance of landsliding in a flysch geomorphic system: The example of the Goriška brda Hills (W Slovenia). Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N. F., Suppl. 56-3. DOI: