Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.

Principal Research Associate, Head of the Institute of Archaeology ZRC SAZU and lecturer at archaeological module at doctoral study (3rd cycle) Comparative study of ideas and cultures at Postgraduate school ZRC SAZU

+386 1 47 06 399


  • B. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1994) 
  • M. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1997), 
  • Ph. D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2001) 


Research interests:

  • Neolithic and Eneolithic period in SE Alpine Regions;
  • Wetland Archaeology (pile-dwellings at the Ljubljansko barje);
  • Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology.

  • Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (1998).

  • Member of Editorial Board of the book series Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana), E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana) and the magazine SLO (Ljubljana).

  • Velušček, A. 2017, Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji = The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 68, 9-84.
  • Tolar, T., Jacomet, S., Velušček, A. 2016. Cereal chaff used as temper in loom-weights : new evidence from a Slovenian Eneolithic pile-dwelling site (ca. 3100 cal BC). Vegetation history and archaeobotany 25/3, 291-301.
  • Čufar, K., Tegel, W., Merela, M., Kromer, B., Velušček, A. 2015, Eneolithic pile dwellings south of the Alps precisely dated with tree-ring chronologies from the north. Dendrochronologia 35/1, 91-98. 
  • Velušček, A. 2014, Absolutna kronologija slovenskega neo- in eneolitika : prispevek za razpravo = Absolute chronology of the Slovenian Neo- and Eneolithic : contribution to discussion. In: Teržan, B., Črešnar, M. (eds.), Absolutno datiranje bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem = Absolute dating of Bronze and Iron Ages in Slovenia, Katalogi in monografije 40, 629-644. 
  • Velušček, A., Čufar, K. 2014, Kolišča na Ljubljanskem barju = Pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje. In: Tecco Hvala, S. (ed.), Studia praehistorica in honorem Janez Dular, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 30, 39-64. 
  • Bernardini, F., De Min, A., Lenaz, D., Kasztovszky, Z., Turk, P., Velušček, A., Szilágyi, V., Tuniz, C., Montagnari Kokelj, E. 2014, Mineralogical and chemical constraints on the provenance of Copper Age polished stone axes of “Ljubljana type” from Caput Adriae. Archaeometry 56/2, 175-202. 
  • Turk, J., Velušček, A. 2013, Multidisciplinary investigations of the pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje (Slovenia). Quaternary international 294, 183-189. 
  • Velušček, A. 2011, Arheološke najdbe iz Ciganske jame na Kočevskem iz obdobja po ledeni dobi = Archaeological finds from the Cave of Ciganska jama near Kočevje from the period after the Ice Age. Arheološki vestnik 62, 33-50.
  • Tolar, T., Jacomet, S., Velušček, A, Čufar, K. 2011, Plant economy at a late Neolithic lake dwelling site in Slovenia at the time of the Alpine Iceman. Vegetation history and archaeobotany 20/3, 207-222. 
  • Velušček, A. (ed.). 2011, Spaha, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 22. 
  • Velušček, A., Toškan, B., Čufar, K. 2011, Zaton kolišč na Ljubljanskem barju = The decline of pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje. Arheološki vestnik 62, 51-82.
  • Bavdek, A., Mihevc, A., Toškan, B., Velušček, A. 2009, Arheološke najdbe iz Križne jame. Arheološki vestnik 60, 17-31. 
  • Velušček, A. (ed.) 2009, Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen čas : Ljubljansko barje v 2. polovici 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. = Stare gmajne pile-dwelling settlement and its era : the Ljubljansko barje in the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 16.
  • Velušček, A. 2009, Ljubljansko barje, problemi razlage virov. Arheološki vestnik 60, 297-315. 
  • Velušček, A. (ed.). 2006, Resnikov prekop : najstarejša koliščarska naselbina na Ljubljanskem barju = the oldest pile-dwelling settlement in the Ljubljansko barje, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 10. 
  • Velušček, A. 2006, Une roue et un essieu néolithiques dans le marais de Ljubljana (Slovénie). In: Péterquin, P. et al. (eds.), Premiers chariots, premiers araires : la diffusion de la traction animale en Europe pendant les IVe et IIIe millénaires avant notre ère, Monographie du CRA 29, 39-45.
  • Velušček (ed.) 2004, Hočevarica : eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju = an eneolithic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 8.
  • Velušček, A. 2004, Past and present lake-dwelling studies in Slovenia : Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana Marsh). In: Menotti, F. (ed.), Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe : 150 years of lake-dwelling research, 69-82.
  • Velušček, K., Čufra, K. 2003, Založnica pri Kamniku pod Krimom na Ljubljanskem barju – naselbina kulture Somogyvár-Vinkovci. Arheološki vestnik 54, 123-158.
  • Velušček, A., Čufar, K., Levanič, T. 2000, Parte-Iščica, arheološke in dendrokronološke raziskave. Arheološki vestnik 51, 83-107.
  • Velušček, A. 1999, Neolithic and eneolithic investigations in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 50, 59-79. 
  • Velušček, A., Greif, T. 1998, Talilnik in livarski kalup z Maharskega prekopa na Ljubljanskem barju. Arheološki vestnik 49, 31-53.
  • Čufar, K., Levanič, T., Velušček, A., Kromer, B. 1997, First chronologies of the Eneolithic pile dwellings from the Ljubljana Moor, Slovenia. Dendrochronologia15, 39-50. 
  • Velušček, A. 1997, Impresso keramika iz jame Pejca v Lašci pri Nabrežini. Annales, Series historia et sociologia 7/10, 11-18.
  • Velušček, A. 1995, Proces neolitizacije kot prehod h kmetovanju, prepoznan v mezolitskih kontekstih kraške Dinarske Slovenije?. Arheološki vestnik 46, 327-337.



Asst. Prof. Tjaša Tolar, Ph. D. ,


Archaeology of Early Medieval Period

Assoc. Prof. Benjamin Štular, Ph.D.,



Assist. Prof. Borut Toškan, Ph. D. ,


Digital archaeology

Assist. Prof. Edisa Lozić, Ph. D. ,


From Small Archaeological Finds to History

Assoc. Prof. Janka Istenič, Ph.D.,


Interdisciplinary Research of Archaeological Sites

Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,


Landscape archaeology

Assoc. Prof. Benjamin Štular, Ph.D.,



Assist. Prof. Maja Andrič, Ph. D. ,


Roman Towns between the Adriatic and the Danube River

Assoc. Prof. Jana Horvat, Ph. D.,



Assoc. Prof. Jana Horvat, Ph. D.,


The Neolithic and Eneolithic Periods in the Northern Adriatic

Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,


The Pile-Dwelling Period in the Southeastern Alpine Region

Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,