Assistant professor in the field of archaeology at Postgraduate School ZRC SAZU.
Education and training
B. Sc. in Archaeology, 2008, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Accomplished transition to PhD study recognized as an equivalent od MA in archaeology by University of Ljubljana (31.9. 2010)
Ph. D. in Archaeology, 2013, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana.
Research interests
Classical archaeology
Spatial archaeology (archaeological applications of GIS and LiDAR data).
Scientific stays
2019 − : Post-doctoral education at the University of Graz, (Institute of Classics / Institut für Antike), Austria.
2010−2011: Institut Français’ Charles Nodier grant (2010-2011): 8 months of post-graduate specialisation at the MSHE C.N. Ledoux., Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France. Charles Nodier grant (Institut français de Slovénie)
Short term scientific stays
2016: Maison de l’Archéologie, Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France).
2013: Institut für- Ur. und Frühgeschichte, Universität Wien (Austria). 2012: Laboratoire Chrono–environnement – UMR 6249 CNRS-UFC, Université de Franche-Comté (France).
2010: Fornleifastofnun Íslands (The Institut of Archeology), Reykyavik (Ickeland).
2009: Visual and Spatial Technology Centre, University of Birmingham (Great Britain).
Principal Research Associate, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
BA Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2001)
MA Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2005)
Ph.D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2007)
Research interests:
Digital archaeology with special focus on GIS and LiDAR (ALS) derived data in archaeology; Early and High Medieval (7th-12th c.) archaeology; advanced methods of archaeological documentation and dissemination (digital archives, web-services).
2011: Post-doctoral education at the MSHE C.N. Ledoux, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France;
2014: CENDARI TNA Research Fellow for digital humanities at Trinity College Dublin;
2015: Guest-lecturer at the University of Arkansas, USA;
2016: Guest-lecturer at the University of Graz, Austria.
2007-2008: A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Arheo;
2011-2012: Project consultant “Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie in Österreich – eine Bilanz” (in organisation of: Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologe: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien: Institut für Archäologien der Universität Innsbruck: Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz: Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung für Bodendenkmale: Institut für Realienkunde der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften);
2010-2013: Project consultant “HALL-IMPACT: Disentangling climate and culture impact on prehistoric alpine cultures” (gefördert durch ÖAW/Alpenforschung);
2013- : A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Arheološki vestnik (Acta Archaeologica);
2016- : Advisory Board Member, SPARC Program at the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas, USA.
Štular, B. and S. Štuhec 2015. 3D archaeology : early Medieval earrings from Kranj. iTunes, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
Štular, B. (ed.) 2015. Smlednik Castle. – E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 8, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
Štular, B. (ed.) 2013, Grad Smlednik : Izkopavanja 2011-2012. ZVKD, Ljubljana.
Štular, B., A. Ornik Turk in A. Pleterski 2013. Dotik dediščine. iTunes, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
Štular, B., Ž. Kokalj, K.Oštir and L. Nuninger 2012, Visualization of lidar-derived relief models for detection of archaeological features. Journal of archaeological science vol. 39, issue 11, pp. 3354-3360.
Štular, B. 2011, The use of lidar-derived relief models in archaeological topography : the Kobarid region (Slovenia) case study. Arheološki vestnik 62, pp. 393-432.
Štular, B. 2009. Mali grad : visokosrednjeveški grad v Kamniku = Mali grad : high medieval castle in Kamnik, (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 15). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
for full list see
Research Adviser, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
B. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1984)
M. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1989)
Ph. D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1994)
Research interests:
Romanisation of the south-eastern Alpine region (settlement, military equipment, ceramics; mainly the archaeological sites in western and central Slovenia: Sermin, Razdrto – Ocra, Vrhnika – Nauportus);
Settlement development of Poetovio (topography, industrial quarters);
Diachronic archaeological research of the high mountains area (field survey, chronology, function of the sites).
Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie (Germany) (1989/1990).
Member of Editorial Board of the journal Arheološki vestnik.
Member of Editorial Board of the book series Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana), E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana), Zentraleuropäische Archäologie (Vienna)and Polymnia (Trieste).
Horvat, J., P. Peterle Udovič, T. Tolar, B. Toškan 2016. Območje pristanišča v Navportu / The port area of Nauportus. Arheološki vestnik 67, 2016, 177-258.
Horvat, J., B. Žbona-Trkman 2016. The 3rd century military equipment in south-western Slovenia. V: Horvat, J. (ur.). The Roman army between the Alps and the Adriatic, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 31, Studia Alpium et Adriae 1, Ljubljana: Založba ZRC,99-120.
Horvat, J. 2015. The consolidation of Roman authority in the hinterland of the northern Adriatic. In: Y. Marion, F.Tassaux (eds.). AdriAtlas et l´histoire de l´espace adriatique du VIe s. a.C. au VIIIe s. p.C., Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2015, 273-291.
Horvat, J. 2015. Early Roman military finds from prehistoric settlements in the Gorenjska region / Zgodnjerimske vojaške najdbe s prazgodovinskih naselbin na Gorenjskem. In: J. Istenič, B. Laharnar, J. Horvat (eds.), Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia / Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem, Katalogi in monografije 41, Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 171-209.
Bernardini, F., G. Vinci, J. Horvat, A. De Min, E. Forte, S. Furlani, D. Lenaz, M. Pipan, W. Zao, A. Sgambati, M.Potleca, R. Micheli, A. Fragiacomo, C. Tuniz 2015. Early Roman military fortifications and the origin of Trieste, Italy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Online ed.], March 2015, vol. 112, no. 13, E1520-E1529.
Horvat, J. 2013. Roman sites in the high altitude areas of Slovenia. In: S. Magnani, P. Mior, L. Gregoratti (eds.),Le aree montane come frontiere : spazi d’interazione e connettività, Studi di frontiera, 1, Roma: Aracne, 141-153.
Horvat, J. and A. Dolenc Vičič 2010. Arheološka najdišča Ptuja. Rabelčja vas / Archaeological Sites of Ptuj. Rabelčja vas, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 20, Ljubljana.
Horvat, J. 2010. First century BC Roman fortifications in the Eastern Alps. In: P. Herz, P. Schmid, O. Stoll (eds.), Zwischen Region und Reich. Das Gebiet der oberen Donau im Imperium Romanum, Region im Umbruch 3, Berlin, 135-159.
Horvat, J. and A. Bavdek 2009. Okra. Vrata med Sredozemljem in Srednjo Evropo / Ocra. The gateway between the Mediterranean and Central Europe, Ljubljana.
Horvat, J. 2009, Selected Aspects of Romanisation in Western and Central Slovenia. In: G. Cuscito (ed.), Aspetti e problemi della romanizzazione. Venetia, Histria e arco Alpino orientale, Antichità Altoadriatiche 68, Trieste, 355-381.
Horvat, J. 2008, Early Roman horrea at Nauportus, Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome, Antiquité 120/1, 111-121.
Mušič, B. and J. Horvat, 2007. Nauportus – an Early Roman trading post at Dolge njive in Vrhnika. The results of geophysical prospecting using a variety of independent methods / Nauportus – zgodnjerimska trgovska postojanka na Dolgih njivah na Vrhniki, Rezultati geofizikalne raziskave z več neodvisnimi metodami. Arheološki vestnik 58, 2007, 219-283.
Horvat, Jana et al. 2003. Poetovio. Development and Topography.In: M. Šašel Kos, P. Scherrer (eds.), The Autonomous Towns of Noricum and Pannonia, Pannonia I, Situla 41, Ljubljana, 153-190.
Horvat, J. 2002. The Hoard of Roman Republican Weapons from Grad near Šmihel / Zaklad rimskega republikanskega orožja z Gradu pri Šmihelu pod Nanosom, Arheološki vestnik 53, 117-192.
Horvat, J. 1999. Roman Provincial Archaeology in Slovenia Following the Year 1965: Settlement and Small Finds. Arheološki vestnik 50, 215-257.
Horvat, J. 1997. Sermin. Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 3, Ljubljana.
Horvat, J. 1990.Nauportus (Vrhnika), Dela 33, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za arheologijo 16. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti.
Research Adviser, Museum Adviser, National Museum of Slovenia
B.Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1985)
Ph.D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1993)
Research interests:
Period 1985-1999:
Roman pottery (especially local productions) and other small finds, Roman cemeteries
After 1999:
Roman military equipment and sites (especially from the River Ljubljanica and sites in the Idrija region)
Archaeometry (metals – especially brass, glass)
Roman provincial archaeology
Selected exhibitions:
(with Nestorović, A.), Images of the World engraved in Jewels, Roman gems in Slovenia. The National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 13. 12. 2005-26. 3. 2006, Regional Museum, Celje, 13. 4.-18. 6. 2006, Regional Museum, Ptuj, 23. 6.-27. 8. 2006. Ljubljana; Celje; Ptuj, 2005-2006.
The Ljubljanica – a River and its Past, The National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana 15.2.- 31.10. 2009.
River and its Past, Armémuseum, Stockholm, 25. 5. 2011 – 8. 1. 2012.
Roman Stories from the Crossroads, 14. 8. 2014 –.
Landesmuseum Joannum, Graz (Austria) (1986-1987);
Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie (Germany) (1987-1988)
Corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute
Member of Editorial Boards of book series Katalogi in monografije and Situla.
Istenič, J. 2015. Celtic or Roman? : late La Tène-style scabbards with copper-alloy or silver openwork plates. In: Vagalinski, L. F., Sharankov, N. (eds.). Limes XXII : proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, (Bulletin of the National Archaeological Institute 42). Sofia: National Archaeological Institute with Museum, 755-762.
Istenič, J. 2015. Traces of Octavian’s military activities at Gradišče in Cerkno and Vrh gradu near Pečine = Sledovi Oktavijanovega vojaškega delovanja na Gradišču v Cerknem in Vrh gradu pri Pečinah. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia = Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem, (Katalogi in monografije 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 43-73.
Istenič, J. 2015. Mali Njivč above Novaki = Mali Njivč nad Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia = Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 365-384.
Istenič, J. 2013. Column grave monument from Emona = Stebrni nagrobni spomenik iz Emone. Arheološki vestnik 64, 149-175.
Istenič, J. 2012. Daggers of the Dangstetten type. Arheološki vestnik 63, 159-178.
Istenič, J., Šmit, Ž. 2012. A raw glass chunk from the vicinity of Nauportus (Vrhnika). In: Lazar, I., Županek, B. (eds.). Emona: med Akvilejo in Panonijo = between Aquileia and Pannonia, (Zbirka Annales Mediterranei). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za dediščino Sredozemlja, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 301-309.
Istenič, J., Kosec, L., Perovšek, S., Gosar, M., Nagode, A. 2011. Research on a laddered chape from a Late La Tène scabbard with an openwork fitment from the River Ljubljanica = Raziskave lestvičastega okova poznolatenske nožnice s predrtim okrasom iz Ljubljanice pri Bevkah. Arheološki vestnik 62, 317-337.
Istenič, J. 2010. Late La Tène scabbards with non-ferrous openwork plates = Poznolatenske nožnice s predrtim okrasnim okovom iz bakrove zlitine ali srebra. Arheološki vestnik 61, 121-164.
Istenič, J. 2009. The early Roman military route along the river Ljubljanica (Slovenia). In: Morillo, Á., Hanel, N., Martín, E. (eds.). Limes XX : estudios sobre la frontiera romana = Roman frontier studies, (Anejos de Gladius, 13). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: Instituto Histórico Hoffmeyer: Ediciones Polifemo; Merida: Instituto de Arqueologá, 855-865.
Istenič, J. 2009. Rimsko obdobje. In: Turk, P. et al.(eds.), Ljubljanica : kulturna dediščina reke. Ljubljana, 241-293 (= Roman period. In: Turk, P. et al. (eds.), The Ljubljanica – a river and its past. Ljubljana, 265-317).
Istenič, J., Šmit, Ž. 2007. The beginning of the use of brass in Europe with particular reference to the southeastern Alpine region. In: La Niece, S., Hook, D. R., Craddock, P. T. (eds.). Metals and mines : studies in archaeometallurgy: selected papers from the conference Metallurgy: A Touchstone for Cross-cultural Interaction held at the British Museum 28 -30 April 2005 to celebrate the career of Paul Craddock during his 40 years at the British Museum. London: Archetype: British Museum, 140-147.
Istenič, J. 2005. Brooches of the Alesia group in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 56, 187-212
Istenič, J. 2005. Evidence for a very late Republican siege at Grad near Reka in Western Slovenia. In: Cencic, J. (ed.), Archäologie der Schlachtfelder – Militaria aus Zerstörungshorizonten” : Akten der 14. Internationalen Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC), Wien, 27. -31. August 2003, (Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2005). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 77-87.
Istenič, J. 2003. The early Roman “Hoard of Vrhnika”: a collection finds from the river Ljubljanica. Arheološki vestnik 54, 281-298.
Istenič, J.2003. A uniface medallion with a portrait of Augustus from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Germania 81/1, [263]-271, 273-276.
Istenič, J., Daszkiewicz, M., Schneider, G. 2003. Local production of pottery and clay lamps at Emona (Italia, regio X). Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 38, 83–91.
Istenič, J. 2002. Bronze statuette of Apollo from the River Ljubljanica. In: A. Giumlia-Mair (ed.). I bronzi antichi : produzione e tecnologia : atti del XV Congresso Internazionale sui Bronzi Antichi, organizzato dall’Università di Udine, sede di Gorizia, Grado-Aquileia, 22-26 maggio 2001, (Monographies Instrumentum 21). Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 450-455.
Istenič, J. 2002. The western cemetery of Poetovio: burial evidence and cultural identity. Histria antiqua 8, 165-173.
Istenič, J. 2000. Poetovio, zahodna grobišča II : grobne celote iz Deželnega muzeja Joanneuma v Gradcu : katalog = Poetovio, the western cemeteries II : grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz : catalogue (Katalogi in monografije 33). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije.
Istenič, J., Schneider, G. 2000. Aegean cooking ware in the Eastern Adriatic. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 36, 341-348.
Istenič, J. 2000. A Roman late-republican gladius from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Arheološki vestnik 51, 171-182.
Istenič, J. 1999. Poetovio, zahodna grobišča I : grobne celote iz Deželnega muzeja Joanneuma v Gradcu = Poetovio, the western cemeteries I : grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz (Katalogi in monografije 32). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije.
Principal Research Associate, Head of the Institute of Archaeology ZRC SAZU and lecturer at archaeological module at doctoral study (3rd cycle) Comparative study of ideas and cultures at Postgraduate school ZRC SAZU
+386 1 47 06 399
B. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1994)
M. Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1997),
Ph. D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2001)
Research interests:
Neolithic and Eneolithic period in SE Alpine Regions;
Wetland Archaeology (pile-dwellings at the Ljubljansko barje);
Interdisciplinary Research in Archaeology.
Università degli Studi di Trieste, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (1998).
Member of Editorial Board of the book series Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana), E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae (Ljubljana) and the magazine SLO (Ljubljana).
Velušček, A. 2017, Kronološki odnos med lasinjsko kulturo in kulturo keramike z brazdastim vrezom v severovzhodni Sloveniji = The chronological relationship between the Lasinja culture and the Furchenstich pottery culture in north-eastern Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 68, 9-84.
Tolar, T., Jacomet, S., Velušček, A. 2016. Cereal chaff used as temper in loom-weights : new evidence from a Slovenian Eneolithic pile-dwelling site (ca. 3100 cal BC). Vegetation history and archaeobotany 25/3, 291-301.
Čufar, K., Tegel, W., Merela, M., Kromer, B., Velušček, A. 2015, Eneolithic pile dwellings south of the Alps precisely dated with tree-ring chronologies from the north. Dendrochronologia 35/1, 91-98.
Velušček, A. 2014, Absolutna kronologija slovenskega neo- in eneolitika : prispevek za razpravo = Absolute chronology of the Slovenian Neo- and Eneolithic : contribution to discussion. In: Teržan, B., Črešnar, M. (eds.), Absolutno datiranje bronaste in železne dobe na Slovenskem = Absolute dating of Bronze and Iron Ages in Slovenia, Katalogi in monografije 40, 629-644.
Velušček, A., Čufar, K. 2014, Kolišča na Ljubljanskem barju = Pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje. In: Tecco Hvala, S. (ed.), Studia praehistorica in honorem Janez Dular, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 30, 39-64.
Bernardini, F., De Min, A., Lenaz, D., Kasztovszky, Z., Turk, P., Velušček, A., Szilágyi, V., Tuniz, C., Montagnari Kokelj, E. 2014, Mineralogical and chemical constraints on the provenance of Copper Age polished stone axes of “Ljubljana type” from Caput Adriae. Archaeometry 56/2, 175-202.
Turk, J., Velušček, A. 2013, Multidisciplinary investigations of the pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje (Slovenia). Quaternary international 294, 183-189.
Velušček, A. 2011, Arheološke najdbe iz Ciganske jame na Kočevskem iz obdobja po ledeni dobi = Archaeological finds from the Cave of Ciganska jama near Kočevje from the period after the Ice Age. Arheološki vestnik 62, 33-50.
Tolar, T., Jacomet, S., Velušček, A, Čufar, K. 2011, Plant economy at a late Neolithic lake dwelling site in Slovenia at the time of the Alpine Iceman. Vegetation history and archaeobotany 20/3, 207-222.
Velušček, A. (ed.). 2011, Spaha, Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 22.
Velušček, A., Toškan, B., Čufar, K. 2011, Zaton kolišč na Ljubljanskem barju = The decline of pile-dwellings at Ljubljansko barje. Arheološki vestnik 62, 51-82.
Bavdek, A., Mihevc, A., Toškan, B., Velušček, A. 2009, Arheološke najdbe iz Križne jame. Arheološki vestnik 60, 17-31.
Velušček, A. (ed.) 2009, Koliščarska naselbina Stare gmajne in njen čas : Ljubljansko barje v 2. polovici 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. = Stare gmajne pile-dwelling settlement and its era : the Ljubljansko barje in the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 16.
Velušček, A. 2009, Ljubljansko barje, problemi razlage virov. Arheološki vestnik 60, 297-315.
Velušček, A. (ed.). 2006, Resnikov prekop : najstarejša koliščarska naselbina na Ljubljanskem barju = the oldest pile-dwelling settlement in the Ljubljansko barje, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 10.
Velušček, A. 2006, Une roue et un essieu néolithiques dans le marais de Ljubljana (Slovénie). In: Péterquin, P. et al. (eds.), Premiers chariots, premiers araires : la diffusion de la traction animale en Europe pendant les IVe et IIIe millénaires avant notre ère, Monographie du CRA 29, 39-45.
Velušček (ed.) 2004, Hočevarica : eneolitsko kolišče na Ljubljanskem barju = an eneolithic pile dwelling in the Ljubljansko barje, Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae 8.
Velušček, A. 2004, Past and present lake-dwelling studies in Slovenia : Ljubljansko barje (the Ljubljana Marsh). In: Menotti, F. (ed.), Living on the lake in prehistoric Europe : 150 years of lake-dwelling research, 69-82.
Velušček, K., Čufra, K. 2003, Založnica pri Kamniku pod Krimom na Ljubljanskem barju – naselbina kulture Somogyvár-Vinkovci. Arheološki vestnik 54, 123-158.
Velušček, A., Čufar, K., Levanič, T. 2000, Parte-Iščica, arheološke in dendrokronološke raziskave. Arheološki vestnik 51, 83-107.
Velušček, A. 1999, Neolithic and eneolithic investigations in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 50, 59-79.
Velušček, A., Greif, T. 1998, Talilnik in livarski kalup z Maharskega prekopa na Ljubljanskem barju. Arheološki vestnik 49, 31-53.
Čufar, K., Levanič, T., Velušček, A., Kromer, B. 1997, First chronologies of the Eneolithic pile dwellings from the Ljubljana Moor, Slovenia. Dendrochronologia15, 39-50.
Velušček, A. 1997, Impresso keramika iz jame Pejca v Lašci pri Nabrežini. Annales, Series historia et sociologia 7/10, 11-18.
Velušček, A. 1995, Proces neolitizacije kot prehod h kmetovanju, prepoznan v mezolitskih kontekstih kraške Dinarske Slovenije?. Arheološki vestnik 46, 327-337.
Visiting Professor, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain (2006);
Vice President, European Society for Astronomy in Culture (SEAC);
Member of Editorial Board the book series Studia Humanitatis, Ljubljana;
Member of Editorial Board: Anthropological Notebooks, Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, International Journal of Euro-Mediterranean Studies, Arqueología Mexicana
Selected publications:
Šprajc, I. 2016. Lunar alignments in Mesoamerican architecture. Anthropological Notebooks XXII (3): 61–85.
Šprajc, I. 2016. Astronomy and power in Mesoamerica. In: Michael A. Rappenglück, Barbara Rappenglück, Nicholas Campion, and Fabio Silva, eds., Astronomy and power: How worlds are structured, BAR International Series 2794, Oxford: British Archaeological Reports, pp. 185-192.
Šprajc, I. 2015. Pyramids marking time: Anthony F. Aveni’s contribution to the study of astronomical alignments in Mesoamerican architecture. In: Anne S. Dowd and Susan Milbrath, eds, Cosmology,calendars, and horizon-based astronomy in ancient Mesoamerica, Boulder: University Press of Colorado, pp. 19-36.
Šprajc, I. and P. F. Sánchez Nava, 2015. Orientaciones astronómicas en la arquitectura de Mesoamérica: Oaxaca y el Golfo de México. Prostor, kraj, čas 8. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
Sánchez Nava, P. F., and I. Šprajc, 2015. Orientaciones astronómicas en la arquitectura maya de las tierras bajas. México: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (Colección Arqueología, Serie Logos).
Šprajc, I. 2015. Astronomical correlates of architecture and landscape in Mesoamerica. In: Clive L. N. Ruggles, ed., Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, New York: Springer, pp. 715-728;
Šprajc, I. 2015. Alignments upon Venus (and other planets) – identification and analysis. In: Clive L. N. Ruggles, ed., Handbook of Archaeoastronomy and Ethnoastronomy, New York: Springer, pp. 507–516
Šprajc, I., ed. 2015. Exploraciones arqueológicas en Chactún, Campeche, México. Prostor, kraj, čas 7, Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
Sánchez Nava, P. F., and I. Šprajc, 2013. Equinoxes in Mesoamerican architectural alignments: prehispanic reality or modern myth? In: Ivan Šprajc and Peter Pehani, eds., Ancient cosmologies and modern prophets: Proceedings of the 20th Conference of the European Society for Astronomy in Culture, Anthropological Notebooks XIX, supplement, Ljubljana: Slovene Anthropological Society, pp. 319-337.
Šprajc, I., C. Morales-Aguilar, and R. D. Hansen, 2009. Early Maya astronomy and urban planning at El Mirador, Peten, Guatemala. Anthropological Notebooks 15, No. 3: 79-101.
Šprajc, I. 2005. More on Mesoamerican cosmology and city plans. Latin American Antiquity 16 (2): 209-216.
Šprajc, I. 2004. Astronomical alignments in Río Bec architecture. Archaeoastronomy: The Journal of Astronomy in Culture 18: 98-107.
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