Assoc. Prof. Kozma Ahačič, Ph.D.

Senior Research Fellow, Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Office: ZRC SAZU, Wolfova 8, 2nd floor
01 2006 005
Office hours: Friday 8.00–10.00
- B.Sc. Slovene and Latin (University of Ljubljana, 2003)
- Ph.D. Literature (University of Ljubljana, 2007)
Important long-term projects:
- Dictionary of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language;
- Slovenian Grammars and Normative Guides;
- History of the Thought About Language;
- Digitalisation of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Works.
Research interests:
- History of linguistics;
- Slovenian language in the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th century;
- Historical sociolinguistics;
- History of translation and rhetorics;
- Critical editions of old Slovenian books;
- Artificial languages.
- Research Student, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russia (2001, 2003);
- Post-graduate Research Student, Bayerische StaatsBibliothek, München, Germany (2004);
- Visiting Professor, Alpen-Adria Universität, Klagenfurt, Austria;
- Research Scholar, Laboratoire d’histoire des théories linguistiques, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France (2012).
- Associate Professor, University of Nova Gorica, since 2008;
- Assistant Professor, Univerza of Ljubljana, 2008–2013;
- Editor-in-chief, Fran: Slovarji inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša, ZRC SAZU (;
- Editor, Slovenski jezik – Slovene Linguistic Studies;
- Member of the Editorial Board, Jezikoslovni zapiski;
- Full Member, Institut d’études slaves, Paris-Sorbonne;
- Deputy Head of the Fran Ramovš Institute of Slovenian Language;
- Chairman of the Commission of Experts on the Slovenian Language established by the Slovenian Ministry of Culture (2012–2013)
- Primož Trubar Award, National and University Library, Ljubljana (2014);
- Slovenian Book Fair Award: Best e-book 2014:
- Ahačič, K. (author and ed.) 2015. Slovenske slovnice in pravopisi, version 1.0. Ljubljana: Inštitut za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša.
- Ahačič, K. 2014. The history of linguistic thought and language use in 16th century Slovenia. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang
- Ahačič, K. 2014. The main characteristics of grammar-writing in Slovenia between 1584 and 1758. History of Linguistics 2011: selected papers from the 12th International Conference on the History of the Language Sciences (ICHOLS XII), Saint-Petersburg, 28 August-2 September 2011. Amsterdam; Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 37–49.
- Ahačič, K. 2014. Neue Entdeckungen und Erkenntnisse zum slowenischen Protestantismus. Zeitschrift für Slawistik 59(3): 385–398.
- Ahačič, K. 2014. Primož Trubar: Cerkveni red (1564): znanstvenokritična izdaja dela Cerkovna ordninga z znotrajjezikovnim prevodom v sodobni slovenski knjižni jezik. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2014.
- Ahačič, K. 2012. Zgodovina misli o jeziku na Slovenskem : katoliška doba (1600-1758). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Ahačič, K. 2010. Raba slovenščine v šolstvu, cerkvi in začetkih gledališke dejavnosti v 17. in 1. polovici 18. stoletja. Keria 12(2–3): 219–252.
- Ahačič, K. 2009. Musculus, Gwalther, Luther, Erasmus. Primus Truber as the first Slovenian translator of scriptural texts. Zwingliana 36: 115–135.
- Ahačič, K. 2008. The treatment of “nomen” in the first Slovenian grammar (Bohorič 1584). Historiographia linguistica 35: 2–31.
- Ahačič, K. 2008. “Omnis lingua confitebitur Deo”: writing the first Slovenian grammar (1584). Histoire, épistémologie langage 30(2): 93–112.
- Ahačič, K., Legan Ravnikar A., Merše M., Narat J., Novak F. 2011. Besedje slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Ahačič, K. 2007. Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na Slovenskem: protestantizem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
- Ahačič, K. 2006. Izvirne slovenske pesmi Jovana Vesela Koseskega : vsebinski opis, okoliščine nastanka, pregled ocen, jezik, tekstnokritični aparat ter diplomatični in kritični prepis pesmi 1818-1852. Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije.

Corpus linguistics and the use of language technologies in lexicography
Assoc. Prof. Darja Fišer, Ph.D.,
Etymological and dialectological approach to lexicology and lexicography
Prof. Jožica Škofic, Ph.D.,
Historical lexicology, historical lexicography and historical grammar
Assist. Prof. Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Ph.D.,
Asst. Prof. Alenka Jelovšek, Ph. D.,
Lexicology, lexicography and grammaticography (history, introduction, didactics)
Assoc. Prof. Kozma Ahačič, Ph.D.,
Lexicology, lexicography, contemporary grammar
Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,
Prof. Andreja Žele, Ph. D. ,
Linguistic normativity and the sociolinguistic aspect of dictionaries, grammars and orthographic dictionaries
Assist. Prof. Nataša Gliha Komac, Ph.D.,
Assoc. Prof. Helena Dobrovoljc, Ph. D.,
Phraseology and paremiology
Asst. Prof. Matej Meterc, Ph. D. ,
Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,
Terminology and terminography
Assist. Prof. Mojca Žagar Karer, Ph. D. ,
Assist. Prof. Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Ph. D. ,