Phraseology and paremiology


Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures (3rd level)

Lexicology, Lexicography, Gramaticography

Course code: 106

Year of Study: Without

Course principals:
Asst. Prof. Matej Meterc, Ph. D.
Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.


Workload: lectures 20 hours, seminar 10 hours

Course type: general elective

Languages: Slovene, English

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, discussion classes


Course syllabus


None required.


Content (Syllabus outline):

1. Phraseology and paremiology as research fields

  • the semantic, structural and pragmatic properties of phrasemes and paremias;
  • phraseological and paremiological terminology;
  • typological properties of phrasemes and paremiological genres (proverb as a central paremiological genre);
  • description of methodological approaches to phraseological and paremiological research.


2. Textual or discursive aspects of phraseology and paremiology

  • structural-semantic dynamics of phrasemes and paremias in discourse;
  • pragmatic aspects of the use of phrasemes and paremias;
  • the use of phrasemes and paremias in spoken and written language;
  • the use of phrasemes and paremias in fiction, (popular) culture, politics and society in general;
  • modifications of phrasemes and paremias in contemporary texts.


3. Social aspects of phraseology and paremiology

  • phrasemes and paremias as a source of knowledge about society;
  • the linguistic specificities and generalities of phrasemes and paremias from a contrastive and cross-linguistic perspective;
  • the origins of phrasemes and paremias in the past and today;
  • the use of phrasemes and paremias on the web, social media;
  • phraseology and paremiology in the context of social stereotypes.


4. Phraseography and paremiography

  • typological classification of phraseographic and paremiographic works;
  • phraseographic and paremiographic practice: from the compilation of a database to the publication of a dictionary;
  • phraseological and paremiological material sources;
  • structure of phraseological and paremiological dictionaries and collections;
  • the user perspective in phraseology and paremiology.


5. Corpus phraseology and paremiology

  • semantic corpus analysis;
  • formal corpus analysis;
  • usage analysis according to text types;
  • use of language corpora in phraseography and paremiography.


6. The cultural aspect of phraseology and paremiology

  • sources for the culturological interpretation of phrasemes and paremias;
  • cross-cultural aspects of phraseology and paremiology;
  • the role of phraseology and paremiology in identity and cultural memory.



The seminar is linked to the topics covered in the lectures and provides a deepening of them and an opportunity to work independently on a specific research question. The topic of the seminar is adapted to the student’s individual study programme, and the selection of scientific literature is also adjusted to the chosen topic.


Cross-curricular integration

A basic knowledge of linguistics and linguistic research is required to understand the subject. The course is linked to other courses in the module Lexicology, lexicography, grammaticography and beyond.



The list predominantly contains items of compulsory reading. Additional readings for individual lectures, seminars and/or seminar papers will be supplied subsequently according to specific and individual needs.

  • BABIČ, Saša, Paremiologija na križišču. V: Kranjc, Simona (ur.): Meddisciplinarnost v slovenistiki. Obdobja 30. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik, 27–31.
  • BURGER, Harald et al., Phraseology. Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung. An International Handbook of Contemporary Research. 2007.
  • ČERMAK, František, 2014: Proverbs: their lexical and semantic features. Burlington: University of Vermont.
  • ČERMÁK, František, 2007: Frazeologie a idiomatika česká a obecná. Praga: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Karolinum.
  • DOBROVOLJSKIJ, Dmitrij, PIIRAINEN Elisabeth, Conventional Figurative Language Theory and idiom motivation. Yearbook of Phraseology Yearbook of Phraseology 9 (1): 5-30.
  • DOBROVOLJSKIJ, Dmitrij, The structure of metaphor and idiom semantics (a cognitive approach)
  • GRZYBEK, Peter, 2008: Fundamentals of slovenian paremiology. Traditiones 37/1. 23–46.
  • HRISZTOVA-GOTTHARDT, Hrisztalina, VARGA, Melita Aleksa (ur.): Introduction to Paremiology: A Comprehensive Guide to Proverb Studies. Varšava: Versita.
  • JAKOP, Nataša, 2006: Pragmatična frazeologija. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • JESENŠEK, Vida, 2021: Beiträge zur deutschen und slowenischen Phraseologie und Parömiologie. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba. (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 142).
  • METERC, Matej, 2017: Paremiološki optimum. Najbolj poznani in pogosti pregovori ter sorodne paremije v slovenščini. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • MIEDER, Wolfgang, 2004: Proverbs: A handbook. Westport: Greenwood Press.
  • GANTAR, Polona, 2006: Korpusni pristop v frazeologiji in slovarske aplikacije. Slavistična revija. Posebna št. Slovensko jezikoslovje danes. 151–163.
  • GANTAR, Polona, 2007: Stalne besedne zveze v slovenščini: korpusni pristop. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
  • KRŽIŠNIK, Erika, 1990: Tipologija frazeoloških prenovitev v Cankarjevih proznih besedilih. Slavistična revija 38/4. 399–421.
  • KRŽIŠNIK, Erika, 2005: Frazeologija v luči kulture. V: Stabej, Marko (ur.): Večkulturnost v slovenskem jeziku, literaturi in kulturi. Zbornik predavanj 41. seminarja slovenskega jezika, literature in kulture. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete. 67–81.
  • KRŽIŠNIK, Erika, 2008. Kulturološka interpretacija frazema. V: Kalin Golob, Monika, Logar Berginc, Nataša, Grizold, Anton (ur.): Jezikovna prepletanja. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede. 149–165.
  • KRŽIŠNIK, Erika, 2008a. Viri za kulturološko interpretacijo frazeoloških enot. Jezik in slovstvo 53/1. 33–47.
  • KRŽIŠNIK, Erika, 2013: Moderna frazeološka veda v slovenistiki. V: Jakop, Nataša, Jemec Tomazin, Mateja (ur.): Frazeološka simfonija: Zidaki frazeološke zgradbe. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 15–26.
  • ULČNIK, Natalija, 2015: Razvoj slovenske paremiologije in paremiološke terminologije. Slavia Centralis 8/1, str. 105‒118.
  • VILLERS, Damien. What makes a good proverb? On the birth and propagation of proverbs. Lexis. Journal in English Lexicology, 2022, 19.


Objectives and competences:

The course offers the student an in-depth study of phraseology and paremiology in the broadest sense.


Students understand the position of phraseology in a narrower and broader sense in the linguistic system in relation to other linguistic sciences (lexicology, syntax and textual studies) and are familiar with the basic concepts of phraseology and paremiology and their history in the Slovenian and European context. They are able to distinguish and define different types of phrasemes and paremiological genres. They are familiar with the different approaches to phraseological and paremiological treatment. They are able to understand and interpret the basic literature. They are qualified to develop conceptual starting points and to compile phraseological and paremiological dictionaries. They are able to interpret certain linguistic phenomena in this field in the social and cultural context of the present time.


Intended learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge of the field of phraseology and paremiology; its properties and peculiarities in language.
  • Understanding of the process of phraseologisation in the past and today.
  • Ability to use linguistic corpora for phraseological and paremiological analysis.
  • Ability to carry out practical phraseographic and paremiographic work.
  • Ability to identify and resolve research gaps in these fields.

Learning and teaching methods:

Types of learning/teaching:

  • Frontal teaching
  • Independent students work
  • e-learning


Teaching methods:

  • Explanation
  • Conversation/discussion/debate
  • Work with texts
  • Case studies



  • Short written assignments 20 %
  • Presentations 20 %
  • Final examination (written/oral) 60 %


Historical lexicology, historical lexicography and historical grammar

Assist. Prof. Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Ph.D.,

Asst. Prof. Alenka Jelovšek, Ph. D.,


Lexicology, lexicography, contemporary grammar

Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,

Prof. Andreja Žele, Ph. D. ,


Linguistic normativity and the sociolinguistic aspect of dictionaries, grammars and orthographic dictionaries

Assist. Prof. Nataša Gliha Komac, Ph.D.,

Assoc. Prof. Helena Dobrovoljc, Ph. D.,


Phraseology and paremiology

Asst. Prof. Matej Meterc, Ph. D. ,

Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,


Terminology and terminography

Assist. Prof. Mojca Žagar Karer, Ph. D. ,

Assist. Prof. Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Ph. D. ,