Historical lexicology, historical lexicography and historical grammar


Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures (3rd level)

Lexicology, Lexicography, Gramaticography

Course code: 58

Year of study: Brez letnika 

Course principals:
Assist. Prof. Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. Alenka Jelovšek, Ph. D.


Workload: lectures 60 hours, seminar 30 hours

Course type: general elective 

Languages: Slovene 

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, discussion classes 


Course syllabus

Content (Syllabus outline)

1. Historical lexicology

  • Introduction (lexeme, structure and meaning). Synchronic and diachronic methodology;
  • Semantics in historical linguistics. Intralexical semantic relations:
    • monosemy, polysemy (semantic envelopment, semantic transference).
    • Interlexical semantic relations (synonymy, antonymy, hyper-, hyponymy).
    • External lexical links: homonymy, paronymy;
  • Phonology and morphology in historical linguistics (phonological and analogical development of forms; determining the inflectional paradigms)
  • Word formation in historical linguistics (word families, word-formational processes, derivational patterns);
  • The dynamics of lexical and non-lexical borrowing (loanwords) in the history of the Slovene language. Calquing;
  • Set phrases, phraseological units, terminological phrases in linguistic history;
  • Stylistic value in synchrony and diachrony: neutral and stylistically marked words, temporally marked words; determining the stylistical markedness in historical texts
  • Historical lexicography in the digital era: the use of corpora in linguistic history research

2. Historical lexicography

  • Introduction (lexical entry, headword, structure and typology of historical dictionaries).
  • Methodological peculiarities of historical lexicography;
  • The question of language material in historical lexicography. Textual sources from different periods in the development of the Slovenian language;
  • The assignment of word class and other grammatical features in the categorisation of headwords;
  • Labeling and sense discrimination in a historical dictionary;
  • Explanation of meaning, subsense and semantic nuances. Phraseological and terminological units. Etymological explanations in a historical dictionary (relevant examples);
  • The special role of cross-references in a historical dictionary (phonetic variants, graphic, morphological and word- formational variant forms). Cross- referencing entries;
  • Illustration of meaning (selection principles, editorial redaction);
  • Tasks of contemporary Slovene historical lexicography.
  • Historical (legacy) dictionaries in the digital environment
  • Specificity of inverted legacy dictionaries and their compilement

3. Selected chapters in historical grammar of Slovene

  • Medieval literature (10th century – 1st half of the 16th century);
  • Reformation (1550–1600);
  • Catholic Revival (1600–1768);
  • Enlightenment (1768–1808);
  • The Age of Purism (1808–1850);
  • The formation of the standard language (up to 1918).


Seminar classes

Seminar classes accompany the lectures and complement them by exploring individual chapters covered by the course syllabus. Topics are adapted according to the topic of the candidate’s doctoral dissertation. The main objective is to provide the opportunity for the student to do lexicographical work: the analysis of intralexical semantic relationships and the relationships between the lexemes pertaining to the older stages of the standard language, identification of contextual meaning, presentation of the lexeme’s phonological, written and morphological form, formative patterns, stylistic use, borrowing. PowerPoint presentations.


Cross-curricular integration
A good knowledge of Slovene on all linguistic levels as well as basic knowledge of contemporary lexicology, contemporary lexicography (the 20th century: SSKJ), and both contemporary and historical grammar of Slovene (including text genres) is required. The course is particularly well integrated in the programme and is especially relevant for a better understanding of lexicology and lexicography of the Slovene language, the history of Slovene lexicography and lexicology, and the use of language technologies, which support and modify the work of a contemporary lexicographer. The course is also relevant for Slovene cultural and ecclesiastical history, history of literature, and various other fields in linguistic research such as sociolinguistics, textual linguistics, stylistics, terminology, phraseology, and etymology.



  • Ahačič, Kozma. 2007. Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na Slovenskem: protestantizem. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica 18).
  • Ahačič, Kozma. 2012. Zgodovina misli o jeziku in književnosti na Slovenskem: katoliška doba. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica 28).
  • Ahačič, Kozma (ur.). 2015. Slovenske slovnice in pravopisi.
  • Ahačič, Kozma, Legan Ravnikar, Andreja, Jelovšek, Alenka (ur.). 2019. Korpus slovenskih protestantskih piscev 16. stoletja.
  • Ahačič, Kozma, Čepar, Metod, Jelovšek, Alenka, Legan Ravnikar, Andreja, Merše, Majda, Narat, Jožica, Novak, France, Premk, Francka. 2022. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja. A-D. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
  • Atkins, Beryl T. Sue, Rundell, Michael. 2008. The Oxford guide to practical lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Breznik, Anton. 1982. Jezikoslovne razprave. Ur. Jože Toporišič. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.
  • Čepar, Metod. 2017. Praslovanski ijevski samostalniki moškega spola v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku 16. stoletja. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.
  • Čepar, Metod, Jelovšek, Alenka. 2023. Oblikovna variantnost dvojinskih samostalniških končnic v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku 16. stoletja. Slavistična revija 71/4. 485–504.
  • Durkin, P. (ed.). 2016. The Oxford Handbook of Lexicography. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Filipović, Rudolf. 1986. Teorija jezika u kontaktu: uvod u lingvistiku jezičnih dodira. Zagreb: JAZU, Školska knjiga.
  • Greenberg, Marc L. 2002. Zgodovinsko glasoslovje slovenskega jezika. Maribor: Aristej. = A Historical Phonology of the Slovene Language. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 2000.
  • Hock, Hans Henrich. 1991. Principles of Historical Linguistics. Berlin – New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
  • Jackson, H. 2002. Lexicography: an introduction. Routledge.
  • Jelovšek, Alenka. 2011. Neosebna raba oblike ono v jeziku slovenskih protestantskih piscev 16. stoletja. Slavistična revija 59/4. [415]–443.
  • Jelovšek, Alenka. 2016. “My sva téh svetnikou otroci”: dvojina osebnih zaimkov v slovenskem knjižnem jeziku 16. stoletja. Slavistična revija 64/2. 95–112.
  • Jelovšek, Alenka. 2018. Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja : pomenske razlage in zgodovinska stvarnost. Slovanská lexikografie počátkem 21. století. Ur. Božana Niševa. Praha: Slovanský ústav AV ČR.
  • Jelovšek, Alenka. 2022. Samostalniške tvorjenke in določanje iztočnic v obrnjenem Hipolitovem slovarju. Jezikoslovni zapiski 28/2. 205–216.
  • Jelovšek, Alenka, Erjavec, Tomaž. 2019: A corpus-based study of 16th-century Slovene clitics and clitic-like elements. Slovenski jezik – Slovene linguistic studies 12. 3–19.
  • Jesenšek, Marko (ur.). 2020. Slovensko jezikoslovje, književnost in poučevanje slovenščine; Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja; Veliki madžarsko-slovenski spletni slovar. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba.
  • Jesenšek, Marko (ur.). 2022. Novi pogledi na Adama Bohoriča. Ur. Marko Jesenšek. Razprave II. razreda SAZU, XXVI. Ljubljana: Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti.
  • Joseph, Brian D. – Janda, Richard D. 2005. The handbook of historical linguistics. Malden (MA), Oxford (UK), Carlton (Australia): Blackwell.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2008. Slovenska krščanska terminologija: od Brižinskih spomenikov do srede 19. stoletja. Ljubljana: ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Lingua Slovenica 4).
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2009. Razvoj slovenskega strokovnega izrazja. Ur. Nina Ledinek, Mojca Žagar Karer, Marjeta Humar. Terminologija in sodobna terminografija. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU. 49–73.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2013. Prevzete besede neslovanskega in slovanskega izvora v knjižni slovenščini 16. stoletja. Jezikoslovni zapiski (Slovensko in slovansko) 19/1. 129–142.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2017. K problematiki vpliva stičnega jezika – nemščine na semantične spremembe in stilno vrednost najstarejše slovenske knjižne leksike (16. stoletje). Slovenski jezik – Slovene linguistic studies 11, str. 35–53.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2018. Etimološki podatki v zgodovinski leksikografiji. Philological studies 16/1, 97–112.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2019. Neslovnični kvalifikatorji in kvalifikatorska pojasnila v zgodovinskem slovaropisju. Slavia Centralis 12/1. 158–168.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2021. Konverzija v slovnici in slovarju: izhodišča za prepoznavanje konverzije v leksikografski praksi. Slavia Centralis 14/2. 177–194.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2022. Od sodobnega SSKJ do zgodovinskega SSKJ16 : kontinuiteta in inovacije v pomenskih opisih polnopomenskih besed. Slavistična revija 70/4. 681–692.
  • Legan Ravnikar, Andreja. 2023. Med termini in determinologiziranimi leksemi v splošnem razlagalnem Slovarju slovenskega knjižnega jezika 16. stoletja (SSKJ16) = Between terms and determinologised lexemes in the Dictionary of the 16th-century Slovenian literary language (SSKJ16). Slavistična revija 71/4. 519–531.
  • Merše, Majda (ur.). 2008/2009. Trubarjeva številka = Slavistična revija 56/4, 57/1.
  • Merše, Majda. 2009. Slovenski knjižni jezik 16. stoletja: razprave o oblikoslovju, besedotvorju, glasoslovju in pravopisu. Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica 23).
  • Merše, Majda. 2013. Slovenski knjižni jezik 16. stoletja: razprave o jezikovnem sistemu, besedju in prevodni problematiki. Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica 29)
  • Mikhailov, Nikolai. 2001. Jezikovni spomeniki zgodnje slovenščine: rokopisna doba slovenskega jezika (od XIV. stol. do leta 1550).Trst: Mladika.
  • Novak, France. 2004. Samostalniška večpomenskost v jeziku slovenskih protestantskih piscev. Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica).
  • Orel, Irena. 2010. Kranjski jezik v besedilih 16. in začetka 17. stoletja. Reformacija na Slovenskem/The reformation in Slovene lands. Ur. Aleksander Bjelčevič. Obdobja, 27. Ljubljana: Center za slovenščino kot drugi/tuji jezik pri Oddelku za slovenistiko Filozofske fakultete. 401–415.
  • Orel, Irena. 2013. Znotrajjezikovni in/ali medjezikovni dejavniki oblikotvornih sprememb vslovenskem zgodovinskem oblikoslovju. Jezikoslovni zapiski 19/1.143–159.
  • Orožen, Martina. 1996. Poglavja iz zgodovine slovenskega knjižnega jezika (Od Brižinskih spomenikov do Kopitarja). Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta.
  • Orožen, Martina. 2010. Kulturološki pogled na razvoj slovenskega knjižnega jezika: od sistema k besedilu, Maribor: Mednarodna založba Oddelka za slovanske jezike in književnosti, Filozofska fakulteta (Mednarodna knjižna zbirka Zora, 74).
  • Pogorelec, Breda. 2011. Zgodovina slovenskega knjižnega jezika: jezikoslovni spisi I. Ur. Kozma Ahačič. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.
  • Ramovš, Fran. 1997. Zbrano delo 2: razprave in članki. Ur. Jože Toporišič. Ljubljana: SAZU.
  • Rigler, Jakob. 1963. Začetki slovenskega knjižnega jezika. Ljubljana: SAZU.
  • Striedter-Temps, Hildegard. 1963. Deutsche Lehnwörter im Slovenischen. Berlin, Wiesbaden: Im Kommision bei Otto Harrasowitz.
  • Šekli, Matej. 2018. Tipologija lingvogenez slovanskih jezikov. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC.
  • Šekli, Matej. 2018a. Pomenska polja nemških izposojenk v slovenščini. Jezikoslovni Zapiski 21/2. 31–44.
  • Šekli, Matej. 2020. Relativna in absolutna kronologija (bavarsko)staro- in srednjevisokonemških izposojenk v slovenščini. Jezikoslovni Zapiski 26/1. 7–25.
  • Škrabec, Stanislav. 1994–1998. Jezikoslovna dela 1–4. Ur. Jože Toporišič. Nova Gorica: Frančiškanski samostan Kostanjevica.
  • Toporišič, Jože. 2006. Besedjeslovne razprave. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU (Zbirka Linguistica et philologica 13).
  • Trivunović, Eva. 2019. Diahrono raziskovanje biblijskih in izbiblijskih frazemov. Jezikoslovni zapiski 25/2. 47–61.
  • Trojar, Mitja. 2023. Prepoznavanje terminov in determinologizirane leksike v izbranih starejših slovenskih slovarjih. Slavistična revija 71/4. 505–518.
  • Vidovič Muha, Ada. 2013. Slovensko leksikalno pomenoslovje. 2., dopolnjena izd. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete. (Razprave FF).
  • Zgodovinski slovarji na spletnem portalu Fran, 2014–,
  • Zgusta, Ladislav, 2010: Manual of Lexicography. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.


Objectives and competences

The aim of the post-graduate course on historical lexicology is the acquisition of basic concepts: lexeme – word, lexical meaning of older Slovenian lexis (temporal markedness), semantic relations within lexemes (polysemy, types of semantic transfers) and between them (synonymy, antonymy, homonymy, etc.), methods of determining lexical meaning and recognizing stylistic etc. markedness (e.g. expressiveness) of older lexis. Based on examples from Slovenian texts from the 16th to the end of the 19th century and from older Slovenian dictionaries, students will learn about the characteristics of historical vocabulary, i.e. the relationship between domestic and borrowed words, developmental dynamics of word formation and formation of word families, formation of idioms and developmental changes, historical terminology. By independent lexicographical analysis of historical words in the seminar, students will learn about the practical dilemmas of editorial work (based on the example of the explanatory Dictionary of the 16th-Century Slovenian Literary Language (SSKJ16) and various inverted dictionaries), which are different from those faced by the editors of a synchronic dictionary of a modern language due to the great temporal remoteness of linguistic material. In the third part, the focus is on selected chapters on phonology and morphology of the Slovenian (literary) language of the 16th century. The acquired knowledge will increase the understanding of the oldest literary Slovenian on the basic levels of the language system and equip the listener with the necessary competencies for potential editorial work at SSKJ16.


Intended learning outcomes

  • Specific problems of historical linguistics – lexicology;
  • The problems of lexicographical description (recension) of the historical lexicon;
  • Practical classes in lexicography;
  • Knowledge of semantic, word-formational and other characteristics of older Slovene standard lexicon;
  • Understanding and integration of various facts of historical linguistics in the preparation of the seminar paper.



Long written assignments (80 %), Final examination (written/oral) (20 %).


Historical lexicology, historical lexicography and historical grammar

Assist. Prof. Andreja Legan Ravnikar, Ph.D.,

Asst. Prof. Alenka Jelovšek, Ph. D.,


Lexicology, lexicography, contemporary grammar

Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,

Prof. Andreja Žele, Ph. D. ,


Linguistic normativity and the sociolinguistic aspect of dictionaries, grammars and orthographic dictionaries

Assist. Prof. Nataša Gliha Komac, Ph.D.,

Assoc. Prof. Helena Dobrovoljc, Ph. D.,


Phraseology and paremiology

Asst. Prof. Matej Meterc, Ph. D. ,

Assoc. Prof. Nataša Jakop, Ph.D.,


Terminology and terminography

Assist. Prof. Mojca Žagar Karer, Ph. D. ,

Assist. Prof. Mateja Jemec Tomazin, Ph. D. ,