Assoc. Prof. Janka Istenič, Ph.D.
Research Adviser, Museum Adviser, National Museum of Slovenia
B.Sc. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1985)
Ph.D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 1993)
Research interests:
Period 1985-1999:
- Roman pottery (especially local productions) and other small finds, Roman cemeteries
After 1999:
- Roman military equipment and sites (especially from the River Ljubljanica and sites in the Idrija region)
- Archaeometry (metals – especially brass, glass)
- Roman provincial archaeology
Selected exhibitions:
- (with Nestorović, A.), Images of the World engraved in Jewels, Roman gems in Slovenia. The National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 13. 12. 2005-26. 3. 2006, Regional Museum, Celje, 13. 4.-18. 6. 2006, Regional Museum, Ptuj, 23. 6.-27. 8. 2006. Ljubljana; Celje; Ptuj, 2005-2006.
- The Ljubljanica – a River and its Past, The National Museum of Slovenia, Ljubljana 15.2.- 31.10. 2009.
- River and its Past, Armémuseum, Stockholm, 25. 5. 2011 – 8. 1. 2012.
- Roman Stories from the Crossroads, 14. 8. 2014 –.
- Landesmuseum Joannum, Graz (Austria) (1986-1987);
- Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialrömische Archäologie (Germany) (1987-1988)
- Corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute
- Member of Editorial Boards of book series Katalogi in monografije and Situla.
- Istenič, J. 2015. Celtic or Roman? : late La Tène-style scabbards with copper-alloy or silver openwork plates. In: Vagalinski, L. F., Sharankov, N. (eds.). Limes XXII : proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 2012, (Bulletin of the National Archaeological Institute 42). Sofia: National Archaeological Institute with Museum, 755-762.
- Istenič, J. 2015. Traces of Octavian’s military activities at Gradišče in Cerkno and Vrh gradu near Pečine = Sledovi Oktavijanovega vojaškega delovanja na Gradišču v Cerknem in Vrh gradu pri Pečinah. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia = Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem, (Katalogi in monografije 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 43-73.
- Istenič, J. 2015. Mali Njivč above Novaki = Mali Njivč nad Novaki. In: Istenič, J., Laharnar, B., Horvat, J. (eds.). Evidence of the Roman army in Slovenia = Sledovi rimske vojske na Slovenskem (Katalogi in monografije 41). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije, 365-384.
- Istenič, J. 2013. Column grave monument from Emona = Stebrni nagrobni spomenik iz Emone. Arheološki vestnik 64, 149-175.
- Istenič, J. 2012. Daggers of the Dangstetten type. Arheološki vestnik 63, 159-178.
- Istenič, J., Šmit, Ž. 2012. A raw glass chunk from the vicinity of Nauportus (Vrhnika). In: Lazar, I., Županek, B. (eds.). Emona: med Akvilejo in Panonijo = between Aquileia and Pannonia, (Zbirka Annales Mediterranei). Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Znanstveno-raziskovalno središče, Inštitut za dediščino Sredozemlja, Univerzitetna založba Annales, 301-309.
- Istenič, J., Kosec, L., Perovšek, S., Gosar, M., Nagode, A. 2011. Research on a laddered chape from a Late La Tène scabbard with an openwork fitment from the River Ljubljanica = Raziskave lestvičastega okova poznolatenske nožnice s predrtim okrasom iz Ljubljanice pri Bevkah. Arheološki vestnik 62, 317-337.
- Istenič, J. 2010. Late La Tène scabbards with non-ferrous openwork plates = Poznolatenske nožnice s predrtim okrasnim okovom iz bakrove zlitine ali srebra. Arheološki vestnik 61, 121-164.
- Istenič, J. 2009. The early Roman military route along the river Ljubljanica (Slovenia). In: Morillo, Á., Hanel, N., Martín, E. (eds.). Limes XX : estudios sobre la frontiera romana = Roman frontier studies, (Anejos de Gladius, 13). Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: Instituto Histórico Hoffmeyer: Ediciones Polifemo; Merida: Instituto de Arqueologá, 855-865.
- Istenič, J. 2009. Rimsko obdobje. In: Turk, P. et al. (eds.), Ljubljanica : kulturna dediščina reke. Ljubljana, 241-293 (= Roman period. In: Turk, P. et al. (eds.), The Ljubljanica – a river and its past. Ljubljana, 265-317).
- Istenič, J., Šmit, Ž. 2007. The beginning of the use of brass in Europe with particular reference to the southeastern Alpine region. In: La Niece, S., Hook, D. R., Craddock, P. T. (eds.). Metals and mines : studies in archaeometallurgy: selected papers from the conference Metallurgy: A Touchstone for Cross-cultural Interaction held at the British Museum 28 -30 April 2005 to celebrate the career of Paul Craddock during his 40 years at the British Museum. London: Archetype: British Museum, 140-147.
- Istenič, J. 2005. Brooches of the Alesia group in Slovenia. Arheološki vestnik 56, 187-212
- Istenič, J. 2005. Evidence for a very late Republican siege at Grad near Reka in Western Slovenia. In: Cencic, J. (ed.), Archäologie der Schlachtfelder – Militaria aus Zerstörungshorizonten” : Akten der 14. Internationalen Roman Military Equipment Conference (ROMEC), Wien, 27. -31. August 2003, (Carnuntum Jahrbuch 2005). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 77-87.
- Istenič, J. 2003. The early Roman “Hoard of Vrhnika”: a collection finds from the river Ljubljanica. Arheološki vestnik 54, 281-298.
- Istenič, J. 2003. A uniface medallion with a portrait of Augustus from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Germania 81/1, [263]-271, 273-276.
- Istenič, J., Daszkiewicz, M., Schneider, G. 2003. Local production of pottery and clay lamps at Emona (Italia, regio X). Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 38, 83–91.
- Istenič, J. 2002. Bronze statuette of Apollo from the River Ljubljanica. In: A. Giumlia-Mair (ed.). I bronzi antichi : produzione e tecnologia : atti del XV Congresso Internazionale sui Bronzi Antichi, organizzato dall’Università di Udine, sede di Gorizia, Grado-Aquileia, 22-26 maggio 2001, (Monographies Instrumentum 21). Montagnac: M. Mergoil, 450-455.
- Istenič, J. 2002. The western cemetery of Poetovio: burial evidence and cultural identity. Histria antiqua 8, 165-173.
- Istenič, J. 2000. Poetovio, zahodna grobišča II : grobne celote iz Deželnega muzeja Joanneuma v Gradcu : katalog = Poetovio, the western cemeteries II : grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz : catalogue (Katalogi in monografije 33). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije.
- Istenič, J., Schneider, G. 2000. Aegean cooking ware in the Eastern Adriatic. Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautorum acta 36, 341-348.
- Istenič, J. 2000. A Roman late-republican gladius from the River Ljubljanica (Slovenia). Arheološki vestnik 51, 171-182.
- Istenič, J. 1999. Poetovio, zahodna grobišča I : grobne celote iz Deželnega muzeja Joanneuma v Gradcu = Poetovio, the western cemeteries I : grave-groups in the Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz (Katalogi in monografije 32). Ljubljana: Narodni muzej Slovenije.

The Neolithic and Eneolithic Periods in the Northern Adriatic
Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,
The Pile-Dwelling Period in the Southeastern Alpine Region
Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,