Assoc. Prof. Benjamin Štular, Ph.D.

Principal Research Associate, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
BA Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2001)
MA Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2005)
Ph.D. Archaeology (University of Ljubljana, 2007)
Research interests:
Digital archaeology with special focus on GIS and LiDAR (ALS) derived data in archaeology; Early and High Medieval (7th-12th c.) archaeology; advanced methods of archaeological documentation and dissemination (digital archives, web-services).
- 2005: Researcher Exchange, Archeologický ústav SAV, Nitra, Slovakia;
- 2005: Researcher Exchange, Lehrstuhl für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, Die Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Germany;
- 2008: Guest-lecturer at the Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas (GWZO), University of Leipzig, Germany;
- 2009: Researchers Exchange Program, Visual and Spatial Technology Centre at the University of Birmingham, UK;
- 2010: Researcher Exchange, Fornleifastofnun Íslands, Reykyavik, Iceland;
- 2011: Post-doctoral education at the MSHE C.N. Ledoux, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France;
- 2014: CENDARI TNA Research Fellow for digital humanities at Trinity College Dublin;
- 2015: Guest-lecturer at the University of Arkansas, USA;
- 2016: Guest-lecturer at the University of Graz, Austria.
- 2007-2008: A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Arheo;
- 2011-2012: Project consultant “Mittelalter- und Neuzeitarchäologie in Österreich – eine Bilanz” (in organisation of: Die Österreichische Gesellschaft für Mittelalterarchäologe: Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Universität Wien: Institut für Archäologien der Universität Innsbruck: Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz: Bundesdenkmalamt, Abteilung für Bodendenkmale: Institut für Realienkunde der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften);
- 2010-2013: Project consultant “HALL-IMPACT: Disentangling climate and culture impact on prehistoric alpine cultures” (gefördert durch ÖAW/Alpenforschung);
- 2013- : A member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Arheološki vestnik (Acta Archaeologica);
- 2016- : Advisory Board Member, SPARC Program at the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies, University of Arkansas, USA.
- Štular, B. and S. Štuhec 2015. 3D archaeology : early Medieval earrings from Kranj. iTunes, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
- Štular, B. (ed.) 2015. Smlednik Castle. – E-Monographiae Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae 8, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
- Štular, B. (ed.) 2013, Grad Smlednik : Izkopavanja 2011-2012. ZVKD, Ljubljana.
- Štular, B., A. Ornik Turk in A. Pleterski 2013. Dotik dediščine. iTunes, ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
- Štular, B., Ž. Kokalj, K. Oštir and L. Nuninger 2012, Visualization of lidar-derived relief models for detection of archaeological features. Journal of archaeological science vol. 39, issue 11, pp. 3354-3360.
- Štular, B. 2011, The use of lidar-derived relief models in archaeological topography : the Kobarid region (Slovenia) case study. Arheološki vestnik 62, pp. 393-432.
- Štular, B. 2009. Mali grad : visokosrednjeveški grad v Kamniku = Mali grad : high medieval castle in Kamnik, (Opera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae, 15). Inštitut za arheologijo ZRC SAZU: ZRC Publishing, Ljubljana.
- for full list see

The Neolithic and Eneolithic Periods in the Northern Adriatic
Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,
The Pile-Dwelling Period in the Southeastern Alpine Region
Assoc. Prof. Anton Velušček, Ph.D.,