Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.


Research Adviser, Institute of Ethnomusicology, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts

Office: ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 5/II/202
01 4706 266
Office hours: first Wednesday in every month 12-13


  • BA in Slovenian language and comparative literature, 1986
  • Master’s degree in Slovenian Literature, 1989
  • Ph.D. in Literary Science, 1994



  • Institute of Ethnomusicology ZRC SAZU, 1986-,
  • Head of the Institute, 1994-2015
  • Research advisor, 2004- 


Research interests:

  • folklore studies, folk song, ballad, folk heritage, women in folklore and literature
  • literary studies; intertextuality,
  • contemporary poetry, narrative, drama,
  • zoofolkloristics, critical animal studies, ecocritics



  • from 1992 is one of the editors of the extensive corpus “Slovenian Folk Songs” (general editor of Volume 4 and 5 – 1998-2007),
  • editor of the two of series of scientific monographs:
  • Folklore studies (2012- )
  • Volumes in Folklore Studies (2013-).
  • Member of Editorial Board of journal Traditiones.
  • Invited editor of the publication What to do with folklore? BASIS, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2016; Invited editor of, 2016

Glavna gostovanja in pomembnejši mednarodni simpoziji:

  • Researcher, Institut für MusikVorschung and Volksliedwerk, Vienna, 1988
  • Visiting Professor, University of Glasgow (Dumfries) in University of Edinburgh, 2006
  • Visiting Professor, Institut for Albanology, Pristhine, Kosovo, 2014
  • She organized 27th International Ballad Conference (KfV) 1997; international conference What to Do with Folklore? 2009, Ljubljana. Panels of  SIEF conferences 2008 Derry, 2011 Lizbona in Zagreb 2015,  Göttingen 2017,panel at American Folklore Society  Conference Santa Fe, 2014.
  • In summer semester 2016/2017 she was guest professor at the University of Trieste and was teaching the course Slovenian literature I,II.

Work in commissions:

  • Vice president of Kommmision fur Volkdichutng (2002 – ),
  • member of he SIEF (Société Internationale d’ Ethnologie et de Folklore) presidency (2004 – 2011) now member
  • member of the Academic Council of the GNI,
  • member of the Slovene Ethnological Society (SED),
  • member of the editorial board of Traditiones,
  • member of the Association of Slovenian researchers,
  • member of the Association Slovenska matica,
  • member of Commission for European language award 2007-2015
  • she was appointed in 2006 by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science for an external evaluator (from 2008-2015 she evaluated 9 international project and two centres of excellence).


Projects, selection:

  • From 1996 onwards she has been the principal investigator (PI) of 18 scientific projects and of 4 scientific programs.
  • She is PI of the research program: P6-0111 Folklore and Ethnological Research on Slovenian Folk Culture (1999 – 2003; 2004-2008; 2009-2013; 2014-2018),
  • V5―1033 / Click to homeland: multimedia presentation of Slovenian emigrants’ folk cultural heritage on the web, 1.10.2010―30.9.2012,
  •  J6―0145 EthnoCatalogue: creating semantic descriptions of Slovene folk song and music based melodic and metro-rythmic analysis, 1.2.2008―30.1.2011
  • J6―9181 Raziskave žanrskega, tipološkega in strukturnega opredeljevanja folklornega gradiva/ Research of the genre, typological, and structural definition of folklore material, 1.7.2007―30.6.2010,
  • V2―0216 ETNOMUZA: ETHNOMUSE: multimedia digital archive of slovenian folk music and folk dance culture, 1.10.2006―30.9.2008
  • J6―7005 Researching the bearers of folk and cultural phenomena, 1.9.2005―31.8.2008.

Supervisor (mentor) of the following postgraduate students:

Rebeka Kunej, Ph.D. 2007,Mojca Kovačič, Ph.D. 2009,Marjeta Pisk, Ph.D. 2012,Vladka Tucovič, Master’s degree 2009. Jerneja Vrabič, Ph.D., 2016

  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2017. (ur.) What to Do with Folklore. New Perspectives on Folklore Research. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. 
  • Golež Kaučič, Marjetka. 2017. A human is an animal and an animal is a human : transformation from human to animal in Slovenian ballad tradition. V: DUSHI, Arbnora (ur.), KADRIU, Lumnije (ur.). Botët paralele në balada dhe këngë popullore : materialet nga konferenca e 45-të e Komisionit ndërkombëtar të baladës, 31 gusht – 4 shtator, 2015, Prishtinë = Parallel worlds in ballad and folk song : proceedings of the 45th International Ballad Conference of Kommission für Volksdichtung, Prishtina, Kosovo, August 31 – September 4, 2015. Prishtinë: Instituti Albanologjik. str. 91-110.
  • Golež Kaučič, M.  2016. Živali kot etični subjekti v ustvarjalnih opusih Jurija Detele, Miklavža Komelja in Johna Maxwella Coetzeeja ter vprašanje vegetarijanstva in veganstva. Literatura,  letn. 28, št. 303/304, str. 192-212.  
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2016.Transformacije ljudskega kot intertekstualni princip v pesemskem ustvarjanju druge svetovne vojne in refleksije svobode. Studia Historica Slovenica : časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije, letn. 16, št. 1, str. 203-223, 271
  • Golež Kaučič, M.. 2015.  Zoofolkloristics : first insights towards the new discipline. Narodna umjetnost  52/1: 7-30. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2015. “Oh, girl of mine, bring me some water” : water in Slovenian folksong tradition. Traditiones,44/3,  33-52.
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2014. Zoopoetika u poeziji Tomaža Šalamuna. V: KOVAČ, Zvonko (ur.), KOZAK, Krištof Jacek (ur.), PREGELJ, Barbara (ur.). Obzorja jezika – obnebja jezika : poezija Tomaža Šalamuna. Zagreb: FF Press,145-163. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2013. “Fantje se zbirajo —” : vojna in vojaki v slovenski ljudski pesmi, (Zbirka Folkloristični zvezki, 1). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU.  
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2013.”A bunny is a beautiful thing” or Animals as machines (!?) : the perception of the animal world in Slovenian folk songs. Traditiones 42/1: 71-88.
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2012. Pilgrimage, pilgrims and pilgrimage sites in Slovenian folk song and contemporary literature. V: MCKEAN, Thomas A. (ur.). Songs of people on the move, (B.A.S.I.S, vol. 8). Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 57-69. 
  • Golež Kaučič, Marjetka. 2012. “Čovjek je najgora zvijer” : životinjski svijet u slovenskom usmenom pjesništvu i suvremenoj slovenskoj poeziji. V: MARJANIĆ, Suzana (ur.), ZARADIJA KIŠ, Antonija (ur.). Književna životinja. Dio 2, Kulturni bestijarij, (Biblioteka Nova etnografija). Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku, 957-993.
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2011. Thematization of nonhuman subjectivity in folklore, philosophical, and literary texts. Cosmos 27: 121-154. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2009. Slovenian folk culture between national identity and the European integration processes. Narodna umjetnost, vol. 46/1: 33-49. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2008. “The tenth daughter” : from a fairy tale to contemporary literature. V: RIEUWERTS, Sigrid (ur.), BULA, Dace (ur.). Singing the nations : Herder’s legacy, (B.A.S.I.S, vol. 4). Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 317-327.
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2007. Slovene folk song at the crossroads of influences, contacts, and oppositions of East, West, North, and South. Slovene studies, 29,1/2, 3-17 .
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2007. Ljudsko pesemsko izročilo kot kulturni spomin Jančarjevega romana in drame Katarina, pav in jezuit. Traditiones, 36/2, 77-113.
  • Golež Kaučič, M. et. al. (ur.)  2007. Slovenska ljudska pesem V. Slovenska matica in Založba ZRC.
  • Golež Kaučič, M.  2004/2005. The OSPN collection : a basis for modern critical editions of Slovenian folk songs. Jahrbuch des österreichischen Volksliedwerkes,  53/54, 152-161. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2003. Ljudsko in umetno : dva obraza ustvarjalnosti, (Zbirka Folkloristika). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC SAZU. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2002. “Animals bury the hunter” – ethical and sociological elements of the Slovene ballad. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 47, l/2: 163-174. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. 2002. The Slovenian Ballad at the turn of the millennium. Lied und populäre Kultur,  2002, jg. 47, 157-169. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M.  2001. Raziskovalne metode v folkloristiki – med tradicionalnim in inovativnim. Traditiones, 2001, 30/1, 279-291. 
  • Golež Kaučič, M. et. al. 1998. Ur. Slovenske ljudske pesmi IV. Ljubljana: Slovenska matica.


Ecoculture: Studies of Animals and Nature in Folklore, Literature and Culture

Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Folk and Literary: Folklore and Intertextual Aspects

Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Intertextuality and Cultural Memory

Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.,



Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Short folklore forms in culture and society

Asist. prof. Saša Babič, Ph. D.,


Slovenian Emigrants between Tradition and the Present

Prof. Marina Lukšič Hacin, Ph.D.,


The etics of Drama

Prof. Krištof Jacek Kozak, Ph. D.,


The Language of Objects: Topics in Slovenian Material Culture

Prof. Maja Godina Golija, Ph.D.,


The Linguistic Identity of Slovenian Regions

Prof. Jožica Škofic, Ph.D.,


The Role of Woman in Slovenian Society and Culture

Assoc. Prof. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Ph.D.,


Tradition and Ethics

Prof. Edvard Kovač, Ph.D.,


Tragedy in Theater, Culture, and Society

Prof. Krištof Jacek Kozak, Ph. D.,


Word – Music – Ritual

Assist. Prof. Katarina Šter, Ph. D. ,