Assist. Prof. Špela Ledinek Lozej, Ph.D.

Research fellow at Institute of Slovenian Ethnology ZRC SAZU, Assistant professor for the ethnology
ZRC SAZU, Novi trg 5/II, Ljubljana
+386 5 335 73 22
- B.Sc. Ethnology, Culturale Anthropology and Art History (University of Ljubljana, 1999)
- Ph.D. Ethnology (University of Ljubljana, 2012)
Research interests:
- Heritage and heritage studies
- Material culture
- Dwelling culture
- Mountain pasture and livestock grazing
- Food and foodways
- Pilgrimage
- Collections and collecting
- Alps, Slovenia, Friuli, Istria
Main visiting appointments:
- Visiting researcher – Research grant OP ESF 2014–2020, University of Udine (2016–2017)
- Coordination of research programme Heritage on the margins: New perspectives on heritage and identity within and beyond national (2019–2024)
- Coordination of international projects ZBORZBIRK – Cultural heritage in collections between the Alps and Karst (ERDF, Interreg Iva) (2012–2015); coordination of international projects for ZRC SAZU: THETRIS – Thematic Transnational Church Route Development with Involvement of Local Society (ERDF, Interreg IVb) (2012–2014); AlpFoodway – A cross-disciplinary, transnational and participative approach to Alpine food cultural heritage (ERDF, Interreg Vb), (2016–2019), 100% Local – Boosting the Alpine agri-food value chains with the “100% Local” approach (ARPAF II) (2019–2021)
- Vice President of the Expert Council of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum (2012–2016)
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Department of History and Ethnography at the National Library of Studies in Trieste (2014–)
- Member of the Action Group 6 of the European Union Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP) (2017–)
- Member of editorial boards: Goriški letnik (2008–), Monitor ISH (2001–2003), Izvestja Raziskovalne postaje ZRC SAZU v Novi Gorici (2004–); Digital Encyclopedia of Slovenian Natural and Cultural Heritage – DEDI (2015–)
Selected publications:
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Od hiše do niše: Razvoj kuhinje v Vipavski dolini [From main room to niche: Development of the Kitchen in the Vipava Valley]. (Ethnologica – Dissertationes, 5). Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, ZRC SAZU, 2015.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š., Rogelja, N.: Potepanja po poteh Šavrinke Marije [Roving along the routes of the Šavrinka Marija] (Knjižnica Glasnika Slovenskega etnološkega društva 32). Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, 2000.
- Godina-Golija, M., Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Pomen in cilji projektov ohranjanja dediščine prehrane: Register nesnovne kulturne dediščine, Etnofolk in AlpFoodway [The Importance and Objectives of Projects Aimed at Safeguarding Food Heritage: Register of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, Etnofolk and AlpFoodway]. Etnolog, 28, 2018, pp. 85–103.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š., Rogelja, N., Kanjir, U.: Walks through the multi-layered landscape of Šavrinkas’ Istria: Eggs, books, backpacks and stony paths. Landscape research, 43/5, 2018, pp. 600–612. Doi: 10.1080/01426397.2017.1336207.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Frankfurtska ali švedska kuhinja?: Prispevek k zgodovini migracij in prilaščanj oblik(ovanja) [A Frankfurt or a Swedish kitchen? A contribution to the history of migrations and design appropriation]. Etnolog, 26, 2016, pp. 127–146.
• Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Stanovanjsko-arhitekturne krajine v Vipavski dolini: Družbenozgodovinske okoliščine sprememb mediteranske pokrajine v 50. in 60. letih 20. stoletja [dwelling-architecturescapes in the Vipava valley: Socio-historical Conditions of the changes of the Mediterranean landscape in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century]. Annales: Anali za istrske in mediteranske študije, Series historia et sociologia, 25/1, 2015, pp. 143–154. - Ledinek Lozej, Š., Peče, M., Ivanćič Kutin, B.: Linking local cultural heritage collections from the Slovenian-Italian border region with ICT. Pregled Nacionalnog centra za digitalizaciju, 27, 2015, pp. 52–64.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Šavrinke – preprodajalke med osrednjo Istro in obalnimi mesti ter nosilke simbolnih identifikacij: Družbenozgodovinske okoliščine delovnih migracij in šavrinizacije istrskega podeželja. Dve domovini: Razprave o izseljenstvu, 40, 2014, pp. 47–55.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š., Peče, M.: Povezovanje krajevnih zbirk kulturne dediščine z informacijsko-komunikacijskimi tehnologijami: Primer “ZBORZBIRK” = Connecting Local Cultural Heritage Collections with ICT: The case of ZBORZBIRK. Knjižnica: Revija za področje bibliotekarstva in informacijske znanosti, 58/3, 2014, pp. 41–57.
- Šmid Hribar, M., Ledinek Lozej, Š.: The role of identifying and managing cultural values in rural development. Acta geographica Slovenica, 53/2, 2013, pp. 371–378. Doi: 10.3986/AGS53402.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Planini Sleme in Medrje na Tolminskem [The Sleme and the Medrje alp in the Tolmin area]. Izvestje Raziskovalne postaje ZRC SAZU v Novi Gorici, 10, 2013, pp. 31–35.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Paša in predelava mleka v planinah Triglavskega narodnega parka: Kulturna dediščina in aktualna vprašanja vprašanja [Grazing and dairying in the mountain pastures of Triglav national park: Cultural heritage and current questions]. Traditiones, 42/2, 2013, pp. 49–68. Doi: 10.3986/Traditio2013420203.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š., Rogelja, N.: Šavrinka, Šavrini in Šavrinija v etnografiji in literaturi = The Šavrinka, Šavrin, and Šavrinija in ethnography and literature. In: Perenič, U. (ed.), Prostor v literaturi in literatura v prostoru = Space in literature and literature in space (Slavistična revija, 60/3, 2012). Ljubljana: Slavistično društvo Slovenije. pp. 537–547, 549–560.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Prolegomena etnološkemu raziskovanju kuhinjskega prostora: Oris raziskav in epistemoloških izhodišč s poudarkom na Vipavski dolini [Prolegomena to the ethnological research of the Kitchen’s space: Outline of the Rresearch and the epistemological origins of the kitchen study in the Vipava Valley]. In: Kolenc, P. (ed.), Marušičev zbornik: Zbornik prispevkov v počastitev 70-letnice prof. dr. Branka Marušiča (Goriški letnik, 33-34/2, 2010), Nova Gorica: Goriški muzej, pp. 731–747.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š. Pričevanja o nekdanji ureditvi in življenju v planini Krstenica [Sources on the past of the Krstenica Alpine dairy mountain]. Traditiones, 31/1, 2002, pp. 69–90.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Dairying in the mountain pastures in the Julian Alps: Heritages, utopias and realities. Studia ethnologica Croatica, 28, 2016, pp. 91–111. Doi: 10.17234/SEC.27.1.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Stanovanjska kultura v etnološki vedi [Dwelling culture in ethnology]. Traditiones, 42/1, 2013, pp. 143–163. Doi: 10.3986/Traditio2013420108.
- Ledinek Lozej, Š.: Raziskave stavbarstva in bivalne kulture Vipavske doline: Pregled poglavitnih virov in literature pred drugo svetovno vojno [ Architecture and dwelling culture in the Vipava Valley: Overview of sources and bibliography for the period prior to the second World War]. Traditiones, 35/1, 2006, pp. 219–245.

Ecoculture: Studies of Animals and Nature in Folklore, Literature and Culture
Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,
Folk and Literary: Folklore and Intertextual Aspects
Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,
The Language of Objects: Topics in Slovenian Material Culture
Prof. Maja Godina Golija, Ph.D.,
The Role of Woman in Slovenian Society and Culture
Assoc. Prof. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Ph.D.,