The Role of Woman in Slovenian Society and Culture


Comparative Studies of Ideas and Cultures (3rd level)

Slovene Studies – tradition and modernity

Course code: 46 

Year of study: Brez letnika 

Course principal:
Assoc. Prof. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Ph.D.


Workload: lectures 60 hours, seminar 30 hours

Course type: general elective 

Languages: Slovene, English

Learning and teaching methods: lectures, discussion classes 


Course syllabus

Content (Syllabus outline)

Ideological philosophy of scientists and the policy of knowledge selection:

  • Was Marx a Marxist, Darwin a Darwinist, and Virginia Woolf a feminist?
  • How to read and analyse the material read and understand the unwritten
  • Sources and “sources,” and where is experience?
  • What to do with feelings


History: where do we come from?

  • The social status of women today
  • Today originates in yesterday
  • There is no women’s issue
  • Ideological and political premises of the study


Identity or concepts of sex roles:

  • Equality and justifications of differences
  • From private to public and political
  • Battles, retreats, victories, and defeats


We need bread and roses, too!

  • Doctors, instructors, professors, and directors
  • Cleaners, cooks, and housewives
  • Universality of rights and cultural relativism


What do I want to be?

  • Perspectives of observers and perspectives of the observed
  • Sex roles as social roles of performance
  • Which is the right one?


Migration: where are we going?

  • The female migrant as a metaphor for woman
  • Women with two or more homes, without a home, from nowhere, from here and there, and from neither here nor there
  • Feminization of migrant flows
  • Global women



  • A History of Women in the West I-IV. Cambridge, Massachusetts, London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
  • Vode, Angela. 1998. Spol in upor, (Zbrana dela Angele Vode, knj. 1), (Knjižna zbirka Krt, 109). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Krtina.
  • – – . 1999. Značaj in usoda, (Zbrana dela Angele Vode, knj. 2), (Knjižna zbirka Krt, 110). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Krtina.
  • – – . 2000. Spomin in pozaba, (Zbrana dela Angele Vode, knj. 3), (Knjižna zbirka Krt, 111). 1. izd. Ljubljana: Krtina.
  • Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam. 1995. Šolstvo in učiteljice na Slovenskem (Zbirka Sophia 5). Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
  • Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam, Žagar, Igor Ž. 1996. Nekaj izhodiščnih prizadevanj za odpravo seksistične rabe jezika. V: Spol: Ž. Ljubljana: KUD France Prešeren: Institutum Studiorum Humanitatis – ISH.
  • Žnidaršič, Sabina Ž. 2001. Ora et labora – in molči ženska!, pregled demografije dežele Kranjske in pridobitnosti žensk v desetletjih 1880-1910. Ljubljana: cf.
  • Accati, Luisa. 2001. Pošast in lepotica, Oče in mati v katoliški vzgoji čustev. Ljubljana: Studia Humanitatis.
  • Vidmar, Ksenija H. ur. 2001. Ženski žanri – spol in množično občinstvo v sodobni kulturi. Ljubljana: Zbirka Dokumenta, ISH.
  • Woolf, Virginia. 2001. Tri gvineje. Ljubljana: Lila zbirka, cf.
  • – – . 1999. Lastna soba. Ljubljana: Lila zbirka, cf.
  • De Beauvoir, Simone. 2000. Drugi spol, 1. in 2. del. Ljubljana: Delta.
  • Muser, Erna, Zavrl, Vida ur. 1971. FKL Žensko koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbruck. Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga.
  • Stanley, Liz. 1995. The Auto/biographical I, The theory and practice of feminist auto/biography. Manchester, New York: Manchester University Press.
  • Irigaray, Luce. 1995. Jaz, ti, me, mi. Ljubljana: Znanstveno in publicistično središče.
  • Bahovec, Eva D. ur. 1992. Vzgoja med gospostvom in analizo. Ljubljana: KRT.
  • – – . 1993. Od ženskih študij k feministični teoriji, Ljubljana: Časopis za kritiko znanosti.
  • Molek, Mary. 1976. Immigrant Woman. Delaware: Dover.
  • Planinsek Odorizzi, Irene M. 1978. The Footsteps Through Time, Washington: Washington Landmark Tours.
  • Drakulić, Slavenka. 2002. Kot da me ni, Ljubljana: Aleph.
  • Pizan, Christine de. 1999. Mesto dam, Ljubljana: Delta.
  • Wollstonecraft, Mary. 1992. Zagovor pravic ženske, Ljubljana: Krt.
  • Zaviršek, Darja ur. 1996. Spolno nasilje. Feministične raziskave za socialno delo, Ljubljana: Visoka šola za socialno delo.


Objectives and competences

To familiarize students with the role of woman in Slovenian society from the historical, theoretical, and analytical perspectives within the comparative context of Europe and beyond. To provide students opportunities for individual research and theoretical projects through the selection of course literature and work methods in lectures and in discussion classes. To assist in enriching the still insufficient corpus of knowledge on the role of woman in Slovenia.


Intended learning outcomes

Students use the knowledge acquired in the course to write a piece of academic writing that can serve as a draft of a dissertation chapter or a research article.



Long written assignment (60 %), presentation (20 %), final examination (written/oral) (20 %).


Ecoculture: Studies of Animals and Nature in Folklore, Literature and Culture

Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Folk and Literary: Folklore and Intertextual Aspects

Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Intertextuality and Cultural Memory

Prof. Marko Juvan, Ph. D.,



Assoc. Prof. Marjetka Golež Kaučič, Ph.D.,


Short folklore forms in culture and society

Asist. prof. Saša Babič, Ph. D.,


Slovenian Emigrants between Tradition and the Present

Prof. Marina Lukšič Hacin, Ph.D.,


The etics of Drama

Prof. Krištof Jacek Kozak, Ph. D.,


The Language of Objects: Topics in Slovenian Material Culture

Prof. Maja Godina Golija, Ph.D.,


The Linguistic Identity of Slovenian Regions

Prof. Jožica Škofic, Ph.D.,


The Role of Woman in Slovenian Society and Culture

Assoc. Prof. Mirjam Milharčič Hladnik, Ph.D.,


Tradition and Ethics

Prof. Edvard Kovač, Ph.D.,


Tragedy in Theater, Culture, and Society

Prof. Krištof Jacek Kozak, Ph. D.,


Word – Music – Ritual

Assist. Prof. Katarina Šter, Ph. D. ,