Doc. dr. Gorazd Žibret

Višji znanstveni sodelavec na Geološkem zavodu Slovenije, vodja raziskovalnega programa Mineralne surovine, docent za področje geologije na magistrskem in doktorskem študiju na Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU.



  • Diploma: 2002, Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
  • Doktorat: 2007, Univerza v Ljubljani, Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta


Terensko delo:

Republika Južna Afrika, Češka republika, Združeno kraljestvo, Kirgizistan, Nigerija, Srbija, Irska, Bosna in Hercegovina, Finska, Portugalska, Severna Makedonija, Avstrija, Rusija


Raziskovalni interesi:

  • mineralne surovine
  • geokemija
  • obdelava podatkov v geologiji

Gostovanja na tujih univerzah:

  • Univerza v Beogradu, Fakulteta za rudarstvo in geologijo, 3 mesece v letu 2023


  • član Raw Materials Supply Group
  • član Raw Materials Expert Group


Mentorstvo doktorandom:

  1. Klemen Teran, 2020: Household and road dust as indicators of airborne particulate matter elemental composition


Mentorstvo mladim raziskovalcem:

  1. Klemen Teran (2015-2020)
  2. Neža Malenšek-Andolšek (2017 – 2022)
  3. Barbara Čeplak (2021 – 2025)

Izbrane publikacije:

  • Bakker E, Žibret G, Rainbird J (2017) The ¡VAMOS! Sustainable Underwater Mining Solution. European Geologist, 44: 58‐62. Link to the article Cerar S, Mezga K, Žibret G, Urbanc J, Komac M (2018) Comparison of prediction methods for oxygen‐18 isotope composition in shallow groundwater. Sci Total Environ, 631‐ 632:358‐368. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.033
  • Čeplak B, Moser U, Irrgeher J, Šala M, Kralj P, Žibret G (2025) Understanding the geochemical composition of alluvial sediments in a complex environmental system – A case study of the Mura/Mur river. Catena, 249. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2024.108605
  • Cormio C, Alonso M, Cleall P, Heuss-Assbichler S, Guglietta D, Sinnett D, Szabo K, Žibret G, Carvalho T, Kral U, Werner T, Lemiere B (2024) Site-specific dataset of mining and metallurgical residues for resource management. Data in Brief, 110348. DOI 10.1016/j.dib.2024.110348
  • Fidancevski et al (2024) Characterization of Al-Containing Industrial Residues in the ESEE Region Supporting Circular Economy and the EU Green Deal. Materials 17. DOI: 10.3390/ma17246245
  • Gosar M, Žibret G (2011) Mercury contents in the vertical profiles through alluvial sediments as a reflection of mining in Idrija (Slovenia). Journal of geochemical exploration, 110/2, 81‐91.
  • Kriskova L, Ducman V, Loncnar M, Tesovnik A, Žibret G, Skentzou D, Georgopoulos C (2025) Alkali-activated mineral residues in construction : case studies on bauxite residue and steel slag pavement tiles. Materials 18. DOI: 10.3390/ma18020257
  • Lopes L, Bodo B, Rossi C, Henley S, Žibret G, Kot‐Niewiadomska A, Correia V (2020) ROBOMINERS – Developing a bio‐inspired modular robot‐miner for difficult to access mineral deposits. Adv Geosci, 54: 99‐108. DOI 10.5194/adgeo‐54‐99‐2020
  • Lopes L, Zajzon N, Bodo B, Henley S, Žibret G, Dizdarevič T (2017) UNEXMIN. Developing an autonomous underwater explorer for flooded mines. Energy procedia, 125:41‐49. DOI: 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.08.051
  • Pinto MT, Žibret G, Lopes L, Bodo B, Zajzon N (2020) UNEXUP: robot‐based exploration technology for underground flooded mines. Adv Geosci, 54: 109‐117. DOI 10.5194/adgeo‐54‐109‐2020
  • Pučko E, Žibret G, Teran K (2024) Comparison of elemental composition of surface and subsurface soils on national level and identification of potential natural and anthropogenic processes influencing its composition. J of geochemical explor 258, 14 p. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2024.107422
  • Šajn R, Žibret G, Alijagić J. Chemical composition of urban dust in Slovenia. In: WOUTERS, Laurent B., PAUWELS, Michel (Eds.). Dust : sources, environmental concerns, and control, Environmental health ‐ physical, chemical and biological factors, Public health in the 21st century. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2012, 1‐56 pp.
  • Teran K, Žibret G, Fanetti M (2020) Impact of urbanization and steel mill emissions on elemental composition of street dust and corresponding particle characterization. J hazard mater, 2020, 384, 1‐11. DOI 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120963
  • Wittenberg A, De Oliveira D, Bide T, Hollis J, Nirgi S, Žibret G, Gautneb H, Sadhegi M, Navarro Domínguez R, Malyuk B (2023) Europe’s raw materials supply chain: front-end considerations. In: Bányai A Eds.: Supply chain – perspectives and applications. London: IntechOpen, 29 p. DOI 10.5772/intechopen.113793
  • Zajzon N, Topa BA, Papp RZ, Aaltonen J, Almeida JM, Almeida C, Martins A, Bodó B, Henley S, Pinto MT, Žibret G (2023) Underwater measurements with UX robots; a new and available tool developed by UNEXUP. Adv Geosci 62, 1-10. DOI 10.5194/adgeo-62-1-2023
  • Zupančič M, Miler M, Žibret G (2024) The relationship between the inhalation bioaccessibility of potentially toxic elements in road dust from a heavily polluted industrial area and the source of their pollution. Environ pollut, 24 p. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2024.124810
  • Žibret G (2012) Impact of dust filter installation in ironworks and construction on brownfield area on the toxic metal concentration in street and house dust (Celje, Slovenia). Ambio, 41/3, 292‐301. Žibret G (2013) Organic compounds in the urban dusts in Celje area. Geologija, 56/1, 87‐96.
  • Žibret G (2018) Influences of coal mines, metallurgical plants, urbanisation and lithology on the elemental composition of street dust. Environ Geochem Health, 2018, 41: 1489‐1505. DOI 10.1007/s10653‐018‐0228‐3
  • Žibret G (2023) Slovenia: Mineral Policy. In: Tiess G, Majamuder T, Cameron PD Eds. Encyclopedia of mineral and energy policy. Berlin: Springer, 673-680. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-47493-8
  • Žibret G, Gosar M (2006) Calculation of the mercury accumulation in the Idrijca River alluvial plain sediments. Science of the total environment, 2006, 368/1, 291‐297.
  • Žibret G, Gosar M (2017) Multi‐elemental composition of the Sava River sediments (Slovenia, EU). Environmental Earth Sciences, 76:501. DOI 10.1007/s12665‐017‐6835‐y
  • Žibret G, Gosar M, Miler M, Alijagić J (2018) Impacts of mining and smelting activities on environment and landscape degradation – Slovenian case‐studies. Land Degradation and Development, 29: 4457‐4470. DOI 10.1002/ldr.3198.
  • Žibret G, Komac M, Jemec‐Auflič M (2012) PSInSAR displacements related to soil creep and rainfall intensities in the Alpine foreland of western Slovenia. Geomorphology, 175‐176, 107‐114.
  • Žibret G, Kopačkova V (2019) Comparison of two methods for indirect measurement of atmospheric dust deposition: street‐dust composition and vegetation‐health status derived from hyperspectral image data. Ambio, 48: 423‐435. DOI 10.1007/s13280‐ 018‐1093‐0.
  • Žibret G, Lemiere B, Mendez AM, Cormio C, Sinnet D, Cleal P, Szabo K, Carvalho T (2020) National mineral waste databases as an information source for assessing material recovery potential from mine waste, tailings and metallurgical waste. Minerals, 2020, 10, 1‐20. DOI 10.3390/min10050446
  • Žibret G, Teran K, Žibret L, Šter K, Dolenec S (2021) Building of the Al‐Containing Secondary Raw Materials Registry for the Production of Low CO2 Mineral Binders in South‐Eastern European Region. Sustainability, 13: 1535. DOI 10.3390/su13031535
  • Žibret G, Van Tonder D, Žibret L (2013) Metal content in street dust as a reflection of atmospheric dust emissions from coal power plants, metal smelters, and traffic. Environmental science and pollution research, 20/7, 4455‐4468.
  • Žibret G, Žebre M Eds. Use of robotics and automation for mineral prospecting and extraction : conference proceedings. Joint Conference of UNEXMIN, ¡VAMOS! and RTM Projects, 30 January 2018 Bled, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Geological Survey of Slovenia, 2018, 59 pp. DOI 10.5474/9789616498579
  • Žibret G, Žibret L (2017) River gradient anomalies reveal recent tectonic movements when assuming an exponential gradient decrease along a river course. Geomorphology, 281:43‐52. DOI 10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.12.017
  • Žibret L, Žibret G (2023) Neogene block rotation inside the dextral fault zone at the Adriatic-European collision zone: Reexamination of existing results. J Asian Earth Sci 254, 105723. DOI 10.1016/j.jseaes.2023.105723


Geokemija antropocena

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Načela oskrbe z geološkimi viri

Doc. dr. Gorazd Žibret,


Napredna obdelava podatkov v geoznanosti

Doc. dr. Gorazd Žibret,


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