Red. prof. dr. Aleksander Horvat

Aleksander Horvat

Višji znanstveni sodelavec in predstojnik Paleontološkega inštituta Ivana Rakovca ZRC SAZU, redni profesor za področje geologije na magistrskem in doktorskem študiju na Podiplomski šoli ZRC SAZU.


  • Univerzitetna diploma iz geologije (Univerza v Ljubljani, 1986)
  • Magisterij iz geologije (Univerza v Ljubljani, 1990)
  • Doktorat iz geologije (Univerza v Ljubljani, 2003)


Raziskovalni interesi

  • kredna in terciarna sedimentologija, stratigrafija, paleoekologija in paleogeografija;
  • paleontologija, paleoekologija in biostratigrafija diatomej in silikoflagelatov;
  • kvartarna geologija;
  • geoarheologija.


  • Gostujoči profesor: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Prirodoslovno-matematiki fakultet, Geološki odsjek (2008–2010).


  • Področni urednik Novi Slovenski biografski leksikon
  • Član Paleontological Society
  • Član International Associaton of Sedimentologists
  • Član European Geological Union


Mentorstvo doktorantom:

  • Tomaž Verbič, 2008: Kvartarni sedimenti, stratigrafija in neotektonika vzhodnega dela Krške kotline.
  • Ines Galović, 2009: Sarmatijski apnenčev nanoplankton, silikoflagelati in diatomeje jugozahodnega dela Paratetide.
  • Anja Kocjančič, do 1. 10. 2020, tema doktorata: Sedimentary evolution of Upper Cretaceous basin deposits in the Southern Alps and Dinarides (Sedimentarna evolucija zgornjekrednih bazenskih sedimentov v Južnih Alpah in Dinaridih).



Izbrane publikacije

  • Tulan, E., Sachsenhofer, R. F., Tari, G. C., Witkowski, J., Tǎmaş, D. M., Horvat, A., Tǎmaş, A. 2020: Hydrocarbon source rock potential and paleoenvironment of lower Miocene diatomites in the Eastern Carpathians Bend Zone (Sibiciu de Sus, Romania). – Geologica Carpathica, 71/5, 424-443.
  • Bohinc, T., Horvat, A., Ocvirk, M., Košir, I. J., Rutnik, K., Trdan, S. 2020: The first evidence of the insecticidal potential of plant powders from invasive alien plants against rice weevil under laboratory conditions. – Applied Sciences, 10/21, 7828,
  • Bohinc, T., Horvat, A., Andrić, G., Pražić Golić, M., Kljajić, P., Trdan, S. 2020: Natural versus synthetic zeolites for controlling the maize weevil (Sitophilus zeamais) – like Messi versus Ronaldo? – Journal of Stored Products Research, 88, 1-9.
  • Goričan, Š., Žibret, L., Košir, A, Kukoč, D. & Horvat, A. 2018: Stratigraphic correlation and structural position of Lower Cretaceous flysch-type deposits in the eastern Southern Alps (NW Slovenia). – International journal of earth sciences, 107-8, 2933-2953.
  • Horvat, A. 2018: Petrology and provenance of the raw material of stone artefacts from the Most na Soči Iron Age settlement. In: Dular, J. & Tecco Hvala, S. (Eds.): Železnodobno naselje Most na Soči. The Iron Age settlement at Most na Soči. Treatises. – Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 34, 349-360.
  • Moro, A., Velić, I. Mikuž, V., Horvat, A. 2018: Microfacies characteristics of carbonate cobble from Campanian of Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia) : implications for determining the Fleuryana adriatica De Castro, Drobne and Gušić paleoniche and extending the biostratigraphic range in the Tethyan realm. – Mining-Geological-Petruleum Engineering Bull.,30/42, str. 1-13.
  • Moro, A., Horvat, A., Tomić, V., Sremac, J. & Bermanec, V. 2016: Facies development and paleoecology of rudists and corals: An example of Campanian transgressive sediments from northern Croatia, northeastern Slovenia, and northwestern Bosnia. – Facies,62-19, 18-25.
  • Horvat, A. 2016: Distephanopsis concavusHorvat: a revised silicoflagellate species from the middle miocene of the Central Paratethys. – Geologija, 59/2, 233-241.
  • Moreau, L., Odar, B., Higham, T., Horvat, A., Pirkmajer, D. & Turk P. 2015: Reassessing the Aurignacian of Slovenia. – Journal of Human Evolution, 78, 158-180.
  • Bartol, M., Mikuž, V., Horvat, A. 2014: Palaeontological evidence of communication between the Central Paratethys and the Mediterranean in the late Badenian/early Serravalian. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology; 394; 144-157.
  • Pavšič, J., Horvat, A. 2009: Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene in central and eastern Slovenia. – In: Pleničar, M., Ogorelec, B., Novak, M. (eds.): The Geology of Slovenia, 373-426.
  • Turk, J., Horvat, A. 2009: Sedimentological method for determination of palaeoenvironmental conditions at the Ljubljansko barje, case study Stare gmajne. (In: Velušček, A. (Ed.): The Ljubljansko barje in the 2nd half of the 4th millennium BC) – Opera Instituti archaeologici Sloveniae, 16, 35-48.
  • Horvat, A. 2004: Srednjemiocenske alge Slovenije: paleontologija, stratigrafija, paleontologija, paleobiogeografija. – Middle Miocene siliceous algae of Slovenia: Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Paleoecology, Paleobiogeography. − ZRC Publ., 255 pp., Ljubljana.
  • Horvat, A., Mišič, M. 2004: Mineralogy and sedimentology of diatomaceous sediments in Slovenia. – RMZ – Materials and geoenvironment, 51/4, 2145-2161.
  • Horvat, A. 2003: Upper Badenian diatom paleoecology of the western part of Central Paratethys. – Geologija, 46, 251 – 262.
  • Horvat, A. 2003: Middle Miocene silicoflagellates from the western part of Central Paratethys. – Razpr. 4. razr. SAZU 44, 57 79.


Geoarheologija in bioarheologija

Red. prof. dr. Aleksander Horvat,


Geokemija sedimentnih kamnin

Doc. dr. Špela Goričan,


Geologija kvartarja

Red. prof. dr. Aleksander Horvat,


Geologija sedimentarnih bazenov

Doc. dr. Špela Goričan,


Geostatistika in numerično modeliranje geoloških procesov

Red. prof. dr. Franci Gabrovšek,