Društvo doktorskih študentov in raziskovalcev na začetku kariere – Mlada akademija letos že dvanajstič zapored podeljuje nagrado, namenjeno najboljšim mentoricam in mentorjem doktorskih študentk in študentov v Sloveniji. Med petimi finalisti za letošnjo nagrado je tudi izr. prof. dr. Peter Klepec, predavatelj na filozofskem modulu doktorskega študija Primerjalni študij idej in kultur. Za nagrado ga je predlagal dr. Aleksandar Matković, ki je 3. septembra 2020 doktoriral z disertacijo Fašistična abstrakcija: o vlogi dela v politični ekonomiji fašizma:
“I nominate Peter Klepec as a form of my gratitude towards an excellent mentorship and an honest relationship we developed. As an international student at PS ZRC SAZU, I felt almost at home since peter provided help when no one else could. Ranging from language, accommodation, topic and literature suggestions, all the way to his humble and deeply humane treatment of others and what I have since known is his trademark – his selfless help his dedication as a mentor truly proved to be exemplary, beyond any reasonable doubt in my mind. Not only in Slovenia, but also in Berlin – where I spent two research stays at Humboldt University during my PhD – the mentorship I received is beyond parallel. That was reflected in an international award (Civil Society Scholar Award) I received for my PhD, as well as a job offer once I returned to Serbia. I cannot say that I have met or had a better mentor. And, while I cannot say with certainty whether the qualities that make a good mentor are recognised outside of our academic setting, I think that Klepec’s qualities definitely merit an award or at least public recognition. First of all, in themselves, but also as a gratitude for all the other students and mentors who could learn from Peter’s great professional devotion and his personal traits (honesty, dignity and diligence). All of this makes Peter both a person and a mentor whose model of work and trust everyone could profit from.”
Iskrene čestitke za nominacijo in nestrpno pričakujemo razglasitev nagrade, ki bo v sredo, 26. 5. 2021.
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