Izr. prof. dr. Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen

Gostujoča raziskovalka na Inštitutu za antropološke in prostorske študije ZRC SAZU, izredna profesorica za latinsko-ameriške študije.

040 391070


  • Izredna profesorica (habilitacija), Indigenous Studies (Univerza v Helsinkih, 2013)
  • Doktorat znanosti, Latin American Studies (Univerza v Helsinkih, 2007)
  • Magisterij (Univerza v Turkuju, 2000)


Terensko delo:

  • Brazilija: ljudstva Apurinã, Huni Kuin in Manchineri, od 2003.


Raziskovalni interesi:

  • Raziskovalne metode, ki jih razvijajo domačini sami;
  • Socio-filozofije ljudi s porečja reke Amazonke;
  • Učni procesi kot jih vidijo in izvajajo domačini;
  • Odraščanje;
  • Etno-zgodovina in zgodovinskost.

  • Inštitut za antropološke in prostorske študije, Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana (2014, 2015, 2016);
  • Centre d’Enseignement et Recherche en Ethnologie Amérindienne, Université de Paris Ouest – Nanterre la Défense, Paris (2009);
  • Université de Paris Ouest – Nanterre la Défense. Ethnology and Comparative Sociology Research Institute (2008);
  • Universidade de São Paulo, Department of Anthropology, Brazilija (2007).

  • Članica uredniškega odbora Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology;
  • Članica uredniškega odbora El Norte – Finnish Journal of Latin American Studies;
  • Recenzentka pri različnih revijah, e.g. American Ethnologist, Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, International Review of Education–Journal of Lifelong Learning, Amazônica–Revista de Antropologia, Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes Andines, and Revue Brésil(s);
  • Directorica Indigenous studies na Univerzi v Helsinkih;
  • Trenutno mentorica 7 doktorskim študentkam in študentom;
  • Članica Sustainability Science Center–University of Helsinki design group;
  • Številna vabljena uvodna predavanja v različnih državah.

  • V tisku. Visualization and Movement as Configurations of Human-nonhuman Engagements: The Geometric Earthwork landscapes of the Upper Purus, Brazil. American Anthropologist. V soavtorstvu s Sanna Saunaluoma.
  • Creating Dialogues: Indigenous Perceptions and Forms of Leadership in Amazonia. V souredništvu z Hanne Veber. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
  • ”All This Is Part of My Movement”: Amazonian Indigenous Ways of Incorporating Urban Knowledge in State Politics. V: Creating Dialogues: Indigenous Perceptions and Forms of Leadership in Amazonia, P. K. Virtanen and H. Veber (ur.), 259–284. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
  • Introduction. In Creating Dialogues: Indigenous Perceptions and Forms of Leadership in Amazonia, P. K. Virtanen and H. Veber (ur.). Boulder: University Press of Colorado, 3–43. V soavtorstvu z Hanne Veber.
  • Introduction: Enquiries into Contemporary Ritual Landscapes. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics 11(1): 5–17. V soavtorstvu z Eleonora Lundell and Marja-Liisa Honkasalo.
  • The Death of the Chief of Peccaries – the Apurinã and Scarcity of Forest Resources in Brazilian Amazonia. V: Hunter-gatherers in a Changing World, V. Reyes-García and A. Pyhälä (ur.), 91–105. New York: Springer.
  • Relational Centers in the Amazonian Landscape of Moving. In Moving PlacesRelations, Return and Belonging, N. Gregorič Bon and J. Repič (ur.), 126–147. New York: Berghahn.
  • Epistemic Differences in Indigenous Amazonia and Decolonizing Rationality. V: Multidisciplinary Latin American Studies: Festschrift in Honor of Martti Pärssinen, A. Korpisaari & H. Kettunen (ur.), str. 53–68. Renvall Insitute Publications. University of Helsinki.
  • Fatal Substances: Apurinã’s Dangers, Movement, and Kinship. Indiana 32: 85–103.
  • Indigenous Social Media Practices in Southwestern Amazonia – Digital Exchanges. AlterNative. An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples 11(4): 350–362.
  • Umeščenost biti in védenja: oživljene rastline in amazonski staroselski načini védenja. Revija Kula 3(1): 75–88.
  • Variable Models for Social Organization of Monumental Earthworks in Upper Purus, Southwestern Amazonia: Archaeological and Ethnographic Perspectives. Co-authored with S. Saunaluoma. Tipití. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America 13(1): 23–43.
  • ”I Turn into a Pink Dolphin” – Apurinã Youth, Awiri, and Encounters with the Unseen. V: Lost Histories of Youth Culture, C. J. Feldman-Barrett (ur.), 105–122. New York: Peter Lang.
  • Materializing Alliances: Ayahuasca Shamanism in and beyond Western Amazonian Indigenous Communities. V: Amazonian Shamanism in the Amazon and Beyond, B. C. Labate & C. Cavnar (ur.), str. 59–80. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • How to Integrate Socio-cultural Dimensions into Sustainable Development: Amazonian Case Studies. Co-authored with S. Saarinen & M. Kamppinen. International Journal of Sustainable Society 4(3): 226–239.
  • Amazonian Native Youths and Notions of Indigeneity in Urban Areas. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 17(2/3): 154–175.
  • New Interethnic Relations and Native Perceptions of Human-to-Human Relations in Brazilian Amazonia. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 14(2): 332–354.
  • Shamanism and Indigenous Youthhood in the Brazilian Amazon. Amazônica. Revista de Antropologia 1(1): 152–177.
  • Los procesos de modernización en la Amazonia brasileña. Lógicas sociales de los publos indígenas y la interacción entre campos sociales. La Revista Sociológica 67: 51–80.
  • Regional socio-political changes and Amazonian indigenous peoples: New social spaces of the Manchinery youth. Estudios Latinoamericanos 27: 179–192.
  • The Urban Manchinery Youth and Social Capital in Western Amazonian Contemporary Rituals. Anthropos 101(1): 159–167.
  • Constancy in Continuity: Native Oral history, Iconography and the Earthworks of the Upper Purus. V: Ethnicity in Ancient Amazonia: Reconstructing past identities from archaeology, linguistics, and ethnohistory, A. Hornborg & J. D. Hill (ur.), str. 279–298. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
  • Differences between Humans and Non-humans in Amazonia: The Challenge of Reaching a Mutual Understanding in State Politics. V: Perspectives on DifferenceMakings and Workings of Power, A. Kajanus & M. Meincke (ur.), str. 79–100. Renvall Institute Publications 30, Helsinki.
  • Guarding, Feeding, and Transforming. Palm Trees in the Amazonian Past and Present. V: The Archaeological Encounter. Ethnographic Perspectives, P. Fortis & I. Praet (ur.), str. 125–173. St. Andrews: University St Andrews.
  • Shamanic practices and social capital among native youths in the Brazilian Amazon. V: Religion and Youth, S. Collins-Mayo & P. Dandelion (ur.), 96–116. London: Ashgate.
  • New Social Roles of Indigenous Women in Brazilian Amazonia: Gender, Education, and Age in Intersections. V: The Islands of Madness: Normativity and marginalization in Latin America, M. Opas, P. K. Virtanen & S. Vuorisalo-Tiitinen (ur.), str. 88–107. Madrid: Instituto Iberoamericano de Finlandia.
  • Observações sobre as Possíveis Relações entre os Sítios Arqueológicos do Acre e um Povo Aruaque Contemporâneo. V: Arqueologia da Amazônia Ocidental: os Geoglifos do Acre, D. Schaan, A. Ranzi & M. Pärssinen (ur.), str. 120– 133. Belem: EDUFPA.
  • Indigenous Youth in Brazilian Amazonia: Changing Lived Worlds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Alkuperäiskansat tämän päivän maailmassa (Indigenous Peoples Today). Co-edited with L. Kantonen & I. Seurujärvi-Kari. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society.
  • Islas de la locura: normatividad y marginalización en América Latina, Co-edited with M. Opas, P. K. Virtanen and S. Vuorisalo-Tiitinen. Madrid: Instituto Iberoamericano de Finlandia.
  • Local and Global Encounters. Norms, Identities, Representations. Co-edited with T. Veintie. Helsinki: Renvall Institute.


Angažirana antropologija in aktivizem

Izr. prof. dr. Ana Hofman,


Antropologija rodnosti

izr. prof. dr. Duška Kneževič Hočevar,


Antropologija zavesti in zavedanja

Doc. dr. Maja Petrović Šteger,


Kozmologija mezoameriških ljudstev

Red. prof. dr. Ivan Šprajc,


Metodologija raziskav v antropološki lingvistiki

Red. prof. dr. Borut Telban,

Dr. Karmen Kenda-Jež,


Politični smeh: k antropologiji humorja

Red. prof. dr. Tanja Petrović,


Prostor in gibanje: antropologija lokacij in migracij

Doc. dr. Nataša Gregorič Bon,


Skupnosti, odnosi, dogodki: antropološki pristop

Red. prof. dr. Borut Telban,